December 3 & 4 2015
Amphitheater of ICM
, Hospital Pitié-Salpêtrière, ParisOrganised by the FENS History Committee and the ICM
Language : french
Free entrance, registration compulsory at
Thursday December 3
14:00 Welcome Coffee
I. Introduction - The concepts : from history to innovation (chair : Laura Bossi)
- 14:30 Welcome : Yves Agid (ICM) et Lorenzo Lorusso (FENS)
- 14:40 The philosopher : why the history of sciences ?, Claude Debru
- 15:10 The historian : History of Neuroscience or historical epistemology ?, Jean-Gaël Barbara
- 15:40 The scientist : A history for the future ?, Yves Agid
- 16:10 Discussion
16:30 Coffee Break
II. Emblematic figures of the History of Neuroscience in France (chair : Claude Debru)
- 16:45 Jean-Martin Charcot, past and present, Christopher Goetz
- 17:15 Jules and Augusta Dejerine, the brain explorers, Michel Fardeau
- 17:45 The “torpillage’’ neurologists : electric therapy in World War I, Jacques Poirier
- 18:10 Discussion
18:30 Cocktail
08:30 Welcome Coffee
III. Models per discipline : from history to innovation
a. Neurophysiology (chair : Jean-Claude Dupont)
- 09:00 The neuron, Michel Imbert
- 09:20 The glial cell, Yves Agid
- 09:40 The Alfred Fessard School, Jean-Gaël Barbara
- 10:00 Discussion
10:20 Coffee Break
b. Cognitive sciences (chair : Michel Imbert)
- 10:35 History of cognitive sciences, François Clarac
- 11:05 Biology of reading : 150 years of history, Laurent Cohen
- 11:30 Alan Turing, visionary of the artificial intelligence, Jean-Gabriel
Ganascia - 11:50 Discussion
c. Psychiatry (chair : Anne Fagot-Largeault)
- 12:00 History notes on psychiatry , Jean-Pierre Olié
- 12:30 Schizophrenia, Raphael Gaillard
12:50 Lunch Break
- 13:20 Depression, Philippe Fossati
- 13:40 Research in Psychiatry, Roland Jouvent
- 14:00 Discussion
d. Neurodegeneration (chair : C. Goetz)
- 14:20 History notes on Neurodegeneration, Laura Bossi
- 14:50 Alzheimer’s disease, Bruno Dubois
-* 15:15 Parkinson’s disease, Jean Claude Dupont - 15:40 Discussion
16:00 Coffee Break
e. Examples of neuropsychiatric disorders (chair : Jean-Pierre Olié)
- 16:15 Autism, between neurology and psychiatry, Anne Fagot- Largeault
- 16:40 Tourette syndrome, Céline Chérici
-* 17:00 Unpublished archives of Gilles de la Tourette, Olivier Walusinski - 17:20 Discussion
IV. 17:35 Panel Discussion - Conclusion and perspectives : Yves Agid)
Claude Debru, Anne Fagot-Largeault, Christopher Goetz, Jean-Claude Dupont, Jean-Pierre Olié
18:30 End of Seminar
Organising Committee :
Yves Agid (ICM, CHU Pitié-Salpêtrière), Jean-Gaël Barbara (CNRS, SPHERE), Laura Bossi (SPHERE), Céline Chérici et Jean-Claude Dupont, (Université de Picardie)
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle (ICM), Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière,
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS),
Société des Neurosciences,
Laboratoire SPHERE (UMR7219, CNRS et Universités Paris Diderot et Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne),
Club d’Histoire des Neurosciences