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Axis History of philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age

History of Logic 2014–2015

Organisation : Ahmed Hasnaoui (SPHERE–CHSPAM, CNRS).

Archives : 2012-2013 (History of Arabic Logic), 2013-2014

PROGRAMME 2014-2015
Sessions from 10 :00 to 12 :30 on Mondays, Room Rothko (412B). Building Condorcet, Université Paris Diderot, 4 rue Elsa Morante, 75013 - Paris*. Map.


This seminar is inspired by Graham Priest’s article ‘Can logic be revised?’ in Penelope Rush (ed.), The Metaphysics of Logic (Cambridge University Press 2014).The seminar will study major reforms to the discipline of logic proposed by Avicenna, William Ockham, the Port-Royal logicians, and some of the German thinkers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It will focus on the goals of these reforms, and the reasoning which led to their pursuit. These logics will be treated as theoretical constructions, and accordingly we will consider not only historical questions about how and why they arose, but also systematic questions about how successful they were in advancing the understanding of their subject-matter.
Reading for the seminar will include Priest’s article, and selected historical texts.

Seminar and courses by Pr Paul Thom (The University of Sydney).

November 17
Session I

Avicenna’s break with Aristotle’s logic. The theory of the categories. Propositional forms. Definitions of the syllogism. Modal syllogistic. Hypothetical syllogistic. Averroes’ reaction against Avicenna’s reforms.

December 8 Session 2

Ockham’s critique of his realist predecessors, including Kilwardby, on the categories, propositional forms, the syllogism. Nominalism in logic. Ockham’s programme of ‘exposition’ as a method of extending the reach of Aristotelian logic.Ockham and Buridan. The theological context.

January 12 Session 3

The Logique de Port-Royal and its critique of scholasticism on the categories, propositional forms and the syllogism. Psychologism in logic. Non-formal logic. Methodology.

February 9 Session 4

The critiques and developments of Aristotelian logic proposed by Leibniz, Ploucquet and Hegel: an exposition and examination of some recent interpretations.

*Metro : line 14, RER C, stop: Bibliothèque François Mitterrand. Bus : 62 89 325 64 / Avenue de France.