Organisers: Sébastien Maronne and David Rabouin.
The texts studied and the claims displayed by the authors are discussed in three-hours meetings. Questions occur during the talk in order to support discussion. Attention is paid to read and comment primary sources. Meetings of “bibliographical seminar” will be devoted to the discussion of a book with its author.
The seminar is held in French and in English.
Audience: the seminar is particularly intended for young scholars : Ph.D. and master students.
Current year. Archives : 2016–2017, 2015–2016, 2014 – 2015, 2013 – 2014, 2011 – 2012, 2010 – 2011.
PROGRAMME 2012-2013 : This year, the seminar will focus on Algebra and Philosophy of Algebra at Modern Age
Meetings will be held monthly on Thursday, 10:00 – 13:00 in Paris, Paris Diderot University, site Paris Rive Gauche, building Condorcet, room Rothko, 412B.
Oct. 11 2012, 11:00-16:30, room Rothko (412B) Algebra and Philosophy of Algebra: introduction
11:00-13:00, David Rabouin (CNRS, SPHERE)
Mathesis Universalis et Algèbre
14:30-16:30, Sébastien Maronne (Université de Toulouse, IMT et SPHERE)
Analyse et algèbre
Nov. 22, 10:00-13:00
Marco Panza (CNRS-IHPST)
Algèbre et analyse transconfigurationnelle, à l’Âge classique (et avant)
Dec. 13, 14:00-17:00, room Rothko (412B)
Massimo Galuzzi (Università di Milano)
Descartes, Newton et le rôle de l’algèbre pour résoudre les problèmes géométriques
!! Fri. !! 11 Jan. 2013, 14:30-17:30, room Rothko (412B)
Sara Confalonieri ((Bergische Universität Wuppertal & SPHERE)
Lectures de Cardan
14 Feb., 14:00-17:00, room Rothko (412B)
Erwan Penchêvre et David Rabouin, (SPHERE)
Sur l’Arithmetica Philosophica de Peter Roth
Sébastien Maronne (IMT et SPHERE)
Sur une lettre de Descartes à Stampioen
11 April !!! session cancelled !!!
Jean Dhombres (EHESS), 9:30-12:30, room Rothko (412B)
Comme un éléphant dans un magasin de porcelaine. Tschirnhaus entre Descartes et Leibniz
30 May
Eduardo Noble (SPHERE, UMR 7219)
Leibniz et le retour des suites
lgèbre : introduction générale
11-13h, David Rabouin (CNRS, SPHERE)
Mathesis Universalis et Algèbre
14h30-16h30, Sébastien Maronne (Université de Toulouse, IMT et SPHERE)
Analyse et algèbre
Jeudi 22 novembre, 10h-13H, salle Rothko (412B)
Marco Panza (CNRS-IHPST)
Algèbre et analyse transconfigurationnelle, à l’Âge classique (et avant)
Jeudi 13 décembre, 14h-17h, salle Rothko, 412B
Massimo Galuzzi (Università di Milano)
Descartes, Newton et le rôle de l’algèbre pour résoudre les problèmes géométriques
Vendredi 11 janvier 2013, 14h30-17h30, salle Rothko
Sara Confalonieri (Bergische Universität Wuppertal & SPHERE)
Lectures de Cardan
Jeudi 14 février, 14h00-17h00, salle Rothko
Erwan Penchèvre et David Rabouin, (SPHERE)
Sur l’Arithmetica Philosophica de Peter Roth
Sébastien Maronne (IMT et SPHERE)
Sur une lettre de Descartes à Stampioen
Jeudi 11 avril,9h30-12h30, salle Rothko, 412B !!! séance annulée !!!
Jean Dhombres (EHESS)
Comme un éléphant dans un magasin de porcelaine. Tschirnhaus entre Descartes et Leibniz
Jeudi 30 mai
Eduardo Noble (SPHERE, UMR 7219)
Leibniz et le retour des suites
Also in this section :
- Science and Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age 2012–2013
- Powers of Imagination. Historical Approach. 2012–2013
History and Philosophy of Mathematics 2012–2013 - Reading Mathematical Texts 2012–2013
- "Arabic" Mathematics 2012–2013
- Mathematics in the Renaissance 2012–2013
- Mathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries 2012–2013
- AXIS HISTORY & PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE OF NATURE <BR><BR>History and Philosophy of Physics: The backstages of experiments 2012–2013
- Philosophy and Physics 2012–2013
- Averroes’s Cosmology: The Middle Commentary on the De Caelo of Aristotle 2012–2013
- PHD Students: Working group in History and philosophy of physics 2012–2013
- Models of physical transmission in the Aristotelian tradition 2012–2013
International Seminar of Care Studies 2012–2013 - Environment, Disease, Therapy 2012–2013
- History of Arabic Logic 2012–2013
- The Aristotle Metaphysics of Alexander of Aphrodisias 2012–2013
- Seminar of Translation of the Elements of Theology, Proclus 2012–2013
- AXIS INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH IN HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE<BR><BR>Rethinking Practices and Cultures in the History of Science 2012–2013
- History of Science, History of Text 2012–2013