Université Paris-Diderot
Bâtiment Halle aux farines
vendredi : salle 275 F (2e étage)
samedi : salle 479 F (4e étage)*
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Programme (536 Ko), plan d’accès (1.1 Mo)
Embodiment —having, being in, or being associated with a body— is a feature of the existence of many entities, perhaps even of all entities. Why entities should find themselves in this condition has often been held to be a philosophical problem. This problem is seen as including, but also going beyond, the problem of body —that is, what a body is, and how, if at all, it differs from matter— but includes much else besides. On some understandings there may exist bodies, such as stones or asteroids, that are not the bodies of any particular subjects. To speak of embodiment by contrast is always to speak of a subject that finds itself variously inhabiting, or captaining, or being coextensive with, or even being imprisoned in, a body. The reasons, nature, and consequences of the embodiment of subjects as conceived in the long history of Western philosophy, both alone and in contact with theology, art, medicine, and other domains of culture, will be the focus of this meeting, which brings together the contributors to an anticipated volume on embodiment for the Oxford Philosophical Concepts series.
Sarah Byers (Boston College), Lesley-Anne Dyer (Baylor University ),
Brooke Holmes (Princeton University), Geoffrey Gorham (Macalester College),
Philippe Huneman (IHPST, Paris), Helen Lang (Villanova University),
Ohad Nachtomy (Bar Ilan University), Rafael Nájera (Brown University),
Alison Peterman (Rochester University),
Justin E. H. Smith (Université Paris Diderot, SPHERE),
Charles Wolfe (Ghent University)
Organisation du colloque
Justin E. H. Smith
Avec le soutien
du Département Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences de l’Université Paris Diderot,
de l’Institut des Humanités de Paris
et du Laboratoire SPHERE (UMR7219, CNRS–Universités Paris Diderot et Paris 1) .
salle 275 F, bâtiment Halle aux farines, 10, rue Françoise Dolto, 75013 Paris
Mot de bienvenue :
Justin Erik Halldór Smith (Université Paris Diderot, SPHERE)
Session I Présidence : David Rabouin (CNRS, SPHERE)
Brooke Holmes (Princeton University)
The Body of Western Embodiment : Classical Antiquity and the Early History of a Problem
Rafael Nájera (Brown University)
God, Angels, and Humans : Scholastic Philosophers on the Role of the Body in Knowledge
Session II
Ohad Nachtomy (Bar Ilan University)
Embodiment, Nestedness, and Individuality in Leibniz’s view of Living Beings
Geoffrey Gorham (Macalester College)
’God Embodied’ : Hobbes’s Corporeal Deity
Discussion of the ’Reflections’ Section in the OPC Series
salle 479F, bâtiment Halle aux farines, 10, rue Françoise Dolto, 75013 Paris
Session III
Présidence : Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz (Université Paris Diderot, SPHERE)
Alison Peterman (University of Rochester)
Spinoza on Feeling Embodied
Lesley-Anne Dyer (Baylor University)
Paradoxes of Embodiment in the Plotinus’ Enneads
Sarah Byers (Boston College)
Philosophical Puzzles about Embodiment : Life, Death, Flesh, Body and Soul in Augustine
Session IV
Philippe Huneman (IHPST, Paris) and Charles T. Wolfe (Ghent University)
Man-Machines and Embodiment from La Mettrie to Bernard
Helen Lang (Villanova University)
Embodied or Ensouled ? Aristotle on the Relation of Soul and Body
Planning meeting for the Oxford Philosophical Concepts volume
For more information on the OPC series, please visit :
Université Paris Diderot,
bâtiment Halle aux farines, 10, rue Françoise Dolto, 75013 Paris
plan d’accès.
Métro : ligne 14 et RER C, stop : Bibliothèque François Mitterrand ou ligne 6, arrêt : Quai de la gare.
Bus : 62 et 89 (arrêt : Bibliothèque François Mitterrand), 325 (arrêt : Watt), 64 (arrêt : Tolbiac-Bibliothèque François Mitterrand)
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