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Thesis defended in 2019 (supervisor: Christine Proust) at Université de Paris:
"Otto Neugebauer, François Thureau-Dangin et l’édition des textes mathématiques cunéiformes dans les années 1930"

Member of the ERC project SAW (mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World)


  • M2 Lophiss-Sc2 Logic, Philosophy, Histoiry and Sociology of sciences - Sciences of cognition and complex systems. Université Paris 7 Diderot (2011)
  • M1 mathematics and applications, université François Rabelais, Tours (2010)

Research interests

  • History and philosophy of mathematics
  • cuneiform mathematics
  • historiography of mathematics, especially of cuneiform mathematics

    My dissertation is focused on the editions of collections of cuneiforms tablets with mathematical contents published by O. Neugebauer and F. Thureau-Dangin in the first half of the 20th century. The aim is to draw a history of the making of these books usually seen as primary sources by historians of mathematics. I pay a special attention to the exchanges between philological and mathematical methods involved in the process of editing, more generally, to the professional and intelectual contexts of the periods and milieus considered. The material dimension is also taken into account.

This work is connected with the historiographical part of the research conducted in the frame of the ERC project SAW (mathematical Science in the Ancient World)


« Les éditions critiques dans l’historiographie des sciences anciennes : le cas de l’histoire des mathématiques en Mésopotamie », in Circé. Histoires, Cultures & Sociétés, 4, 2014. Available online on Circé’s website.

Contrôle et structure dans les systèmes complexes (abstract in english), dissertation for obtention of my master’s degree, (unpublished). Available online here

Other activities

Member of the editorial board of the online journal Circé, histoires, cultures & sociétés.