Accueil > Publications > Ouvrages parus > Ouvrages des membres de SPHERE : 2015–... > The Oxford Handbook of Generality in Mathematics and the Sciences
The Oxford Handbook of Generality in Mathematics and the Sciences
Karine Chemla, Renaud Chorlay, David Rabouin
Contributeurs :
Jean-Gaël Barbara, Evelyne Barbin, Jacqueline Boniface, Frédéric Brechenmacher, Yves Cambefort, Karine Chemla, Renaud Chorlay, Olivier Darrigol, Emily Grosholz, Frédéric Jaëck, Evelyn Fox Keller, Eberhard Knobloch, Igor Ly, Anne Robadey, Tatiana Roque, Stéphane Schmitt
"Generality is a key value in scientific discourses and practices. Throughout history, it has received a variety of meanings and of uses. This collection of original essays aims to inquire into this diversity. Through case studies taken from the history of mathematics, physics and the life sciences, the book provides evidence of different ways of understanding the general in various contexts. It aims at showing how collectives have valued generality and how they have worked with specific types of "general" entities, procedures, and arguments.
Range of scientific disciplines and historical periods represented
Clear introduction spelling out the key features and the main connections between the chapters
Many excerpts of significant texts translated into English for the first time
Contributions from an outstanding international team"
: : Oxford University Press
: : 528 p.
: : Juin 2016
: : 9780198777267
Table des matières
1 : Prologue : Generality as a Component of an Epistemological Culture, Karine Chemla, Renaud Chorlay, David Rabouin
Part I : The Meaning of Value of Generality
2 : The Value of Generality in Michel Chasles’s Historiography of Geometry, Karine Chemla
3 : Generality in Leibniz’s Mathematics, Eberhard Knobloch
4 : The Problem of a "General" Theory in Mathematics : Aristotle and Euclid, David Rabouin
5 : Generality and Generalization in Poincaré’s Philosophy, Igor Ly
Part II : Statements and Concepts : The Formulation of the General
6 : Elaboration of a Statement on the Degree of Generality of a Property : Poincaré’s Work on Recurrence Theorem, Anne Robadey
7 : Structures in Functional Analysis and Generality in Banach’s Ph.D. Dissertation, Frédéric Jaëck
8 : How General are Genera ? The Genus in Systematic Zoology, Yves Cambefort
9 : Homology : An Expression of Generality in the Life Sciences, Stéphane Schmitt
10 : Different Notions of Genericity in the Classification Problem of Dynamical Systems, Tatiana Roque
Part III : Practices of Generality
11 : Leibnizian Analysis, Canonical Objects, and Generlization, Emily Grosholz
12 : Models, Structure and the Generality in Clerk Maxwell’s Theory of Electromagnetism, Olivier Darrigol
13 : Biological Generality : General Anatomy from Xavier Bichat to Louis Ranvier, Jean-Gaël Barbara
14 : Questions of Generality as Probes into Nineteenth Century Analysis, Renaud Chorlay
15 : Universality versus Generality : An Interpretation of the Dispute over Tangents between Descartes and Fermat, Evelyne Barbin
16 : Algebraic Generality versus Arithmetic Generality in the Controversy between C. Jordan and L. Kronecker (1874), Frédéric Brechenmacher
17 : Practices of Generalization in Mathematical Physics, in Biology, and in Evolution, Evelyn Fox Keller
18 : Kummer’s Generalization of Arithmetical Properties as Applied to Certain Complex Numbers, Jacqueline Boniface
Dans la même rubrique :
- Averroès, Dieu et la connaissance du monde
- Écrits d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences
- Demain, la veille
- Epicureanism and Scientific Debates. Antiquity and Late Reception
- Géométrie et philosophie des mathématiques au Xe siècle - Œuvre mathématique d’al-Sijzī. Volume II
- Infini et Disproportion Chez Pascal
- L’Éclectisme dans la pensée philosophique et médicale des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles
- Savoirs profanes dans les ordres mendiants en Italie (XIIIe-XVe siècles)
- Le monde mathématique. Marco Trevisano et la philosophie dans la Venise du Trecento
- Indigenous Knowledge and Ethnomathematics
- Cultures of Computation and Quantification in the Ancient World.
- The Place of Archimedes in World History : Arguments and Counterarguments.
- Éthique et économie dans les philosophies anciennes
- Un regard sur les élites françaises : l’institut Auguste-Comte
- Concrete Numbers versus Abstract Numbers
- Companion to the Reception of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance
- De sex inconvenientibus. Traité anonyme de philosophie naturelle du XIVe siècle
- La (Re)construction française de l’analyse infinitésimale de Leibniz 1690-1706
- L’intellect. Compendium du livre De l’âme