Ph.D Candidate, SPHERE
- About
- Members
- Axes of research
- Centre CHSPAM
- Centre CHPSAA
- Current Funded Research Projects
- Axiomatic Definitions ANR PRC PROJECT (2024-2028)
- adg ERC Project PHILIUMM
- Demiourgos project. Figures of the Demiurge, Investigation into the creative modalities between theory, art and praxis
- GDR Philosophy of Mathematics
- COVID-19: How does it affect you? A comparative and longitudinal qualitative study
- Past Research Projects
- Seminars
- Workshops, Conferences & Talks
- Events
- Publications
- Informations: PhD candidates
- Training
- Resources
- Experts
- Contacts
- Pratique
- Archives
- Programs of previous events
- Ouvrages
- Bilan et Evaluation
- Previous years: Workshops and Colloquie
- Journées et colloques 2022 - 2023
- Conferences & Workshops2020-2021
- Journées et colloques 2019-2020
- Journées et colloques 2018-2019
- Conferences & Workshops 2017-2018
- Conferences and Workshops 2016–2017
- Workshops and Conferences 2015–2016
- Conferences and Workshops 2014–2015
- Conferences and Workshops 2013–2014
- Workshops and colloquii 2012–2013
- Workshops and colloquii 2011–2012
- Workshops and colloquii 2010–2011
- Conferences and Workshops 2009–2010
- Previous years: Seminars
- Séminaire 2022 - 2023 : Archives
- Seminars 2021-2022: archives
- Seminars 2020-2021: archives
- Seminars 2019-2020: archives
- Seminars 2018-2019: archives
- Séminaires 2017-2018 : archives
- Seminars 2016-2017: archives
- Séminaires 2015-2016 : archives
- Seminars 2014–2015: archives
- Seminars 2013–2014: archives
- Seminars 2012–2013: archives
- Seminars 2011–2012: archives
- Seminars 2010-2011: archives
- Seminars 2009-2010: archives
- Past sponsored research projects
- History of Numerical Tables
- La société du spectacle
- ERC Project SAW
- Les jeux de ficelle : aspects culturels et cognitifs d’une pratique à caractère mathématique
- The techniques of the show
- ERC Project Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity
- ANR Project ETKnoS
- Project Normavi
- ETHE (Epistemology, Ethics and Therapeutic Education)
- Memorials and remains of medical research in Africa
- Axes de recherche : 2012–2017
- Axis 2012–2017: History of Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age
- Axis 2012-2017: History and philosophy of mathematics
- Axis 2012–2017: History and Philosophy of Science of Nature
- Axis 2012–2017: History and Philosophy of Medecine
- Axis 2012–2017: History of the World and Anthropology of Science
- Axis 2012–2017: Interdisciplinary Research in History and Philosophy of Science
- Press review: Covid-19