- Degrees
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- Doctorate in Philosophy (Savoirs Scientifiques : Epistemologie, Histoire des Sciences)
Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7
December 2009 – June 2015 (5 years 7 months)
PhD, Supervised by Prof. Alain Leplege, Paris 7 and Dr Iain Hamilton Grant, UWE,
Philosophy of Sience, Contemporary French Philosophy, French Epistemology,
German Idealism, Mention très honnorable avec félicitations du jury
2009 – 2015
Across the natural and human sciences the term noise designates disturbance, perturbation and error. It pertains not only to aesthetic judgement, for instance acoustic or even visual noise, but also to domains as varied as communication technology, physics and biology. The question is : what is the common ground for the transdisciplinary use of the term noise ? The difficulty that emerges is first of all an epistemological one : any theory of knowledge must factor in the transfer of concepts with noise. Shannon and Weaver’s notion of ‘information entropy’ serves to problematize the common idea whereby noise, like entropy, would be the source only of disorganisation, disorder or error. This thesis raises both the question of the grounds upon which we judge and thus sever information from noise.
KEY WORDS : Noise, information, entropy, negentropy, information potential, epistemology, normativity, judgement.
- Qualified for Maître de conférences en épistémologie, histoire des sciences et des techniques, Ministère de l’éducation nationale, 2016 – 2020

- An Epistemology of Noise, Bloomsbury, 2018
- Translation of Gilbert Simondon, Du mode d’existence des objets techniques, Aubier
- 17 May 2017, ‘Da Ta rush’, Angewandte Innovation Laboratory, Vienna, in conjunction with the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) funded project ‘Transpositions : Artistic Data Explorations’ (Gerhard Eckel, Michael Schwab, David Pirro). https://www.facebook.com/events/826197190818274/?active_tab=highlights 2016, 09.12. ;
- 08.03.2017, Séminaire mensuel de la chaire Ethique et Finance : Entre bruit et information, organised by Prof Emanuel Picavet and Prof Christian Walter, FMSH Fondation maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris.
- 30.03-01.04 2016, Nominee for the Ludwig von Bertalanffy Young Scientist Award ‘Noise : from the epistemological question to the problem of normativity’, European Meeting for Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR), Vienna. (http://www.emcsr.net/)
- 23-24.01.16 ‘Noise, aesthetic and epistemological considerations’, Orpheus Institute, Leuven University, Ghent, Belgium, part of the MusicExperiment21 Cluster Project, Michael Schwab, Tiziano Manca, Lucia D’Errico.
- 09.12.2016 ; ‘Le transfert horizontal et l’accélération de l’information’ guest lecture, as part of the guest lecture series ‘Information et connaissances’ for masters students of the ETHIRES program, Maison internationale de l’université, Panthéon Sorbonne, invitation Pr. Picavet
- 2015, March ; ‘The plurality of languages : On Hannah Arendt’, Royal College of Art, as part of the ‘Plurality of Languages, (Un)translatability’ project ; org. A. Mourgue d’Algue.
- 2015, 3-6 December ; ‘Translation and transduction of concepts : Gilbert Simondon’, Gilbert Simondon : Life, Information, Technology ; Interdisciplinary Laboratory : Image, Knowledge, Gestaltung ; Excellence Cluster ; Humboldt Universität, Berlin. Organisation Anne Lefebvre, Samo Tomšič, and Moritz Gansen.
- Member of the Editorial Board, COPY PRESS, December 2015 – Present (2 years 5 months)
- Ernst Bloch Association
- Member of the Institute for Design Science, Munich http://www.designscience.de/impressum.html
- QuantumBioNet http://www.quantumbionet.org/eng/index.php