Archives |
2018-2019, 2017-2018, 2016-2017, 2015-2016, 2014-2015, 2013-2014, 2012-2013, 2012-1996 |
Coordination : Silvia Di Donato
IMPORTANT : actually, the Studies Days are on Zoom-University of Paris. To get the link of connexion, please read the instructions below for each program |
Date | Organisation | ||
2020 | |||
December 10
Webconference |
Prophecy and Revelation in Arab-Islamic and Jewish Philosophical Traditions | S. Di Donato | |
2021 | |||
February 18 Webconférence |
Philosophy & Medicine in Classical Islam | C. Cerami, J. Chandelier | |
April 15 Webconference |
New research on intentionality in the Middle Ages (1) | V. Decaix | |
May 6 Webconference |
The term ma’nâ (intention) in the Arabic tradition - between kalâm, falsafa and grammar | M. Rogasch, L. Tardy | |
June 17 Webconference |
The Principles of Demonstration in the Aristotelian Tradition. Greek, Arabic and Latin Interpretations of the Posterior Analytics |
V. De Risi |
Prophecy and Revelation in Arab-Islamic and Jewish Philosophical Traditions
Organisation : S. Di Donato
- 10 am Silvia Di DONATO (CNRS, UMR 7219)
Introduction. La Scène du mont Sinaï dans le discours sur la prophétie d’après les autographes
du Guide des égarés.
- 10:40 am David LEMLER (Sorbonne University)
Tradition et philosophie dans l’établissement du sens des textes prophétiques
chez Maïmonide et Albalag
- 11:20 am Olga LIZZINI (Université Aix-Marseille, Iremam)
Prophecy according to the falsafa : some remarks on imagination, truth (and politics)
- 2:30 pm Cecilia MARTINI (University of Padua)
Revelation and Prophecy in al-Fārābī : models and aporias
- 3:10 pm Meryem SEBTI (CNRS, UMR 8230)
L’angélologie comme fondement de l’expérience prophétique chez Avicenne
- 3:50 pm Peter ADAMSON (University of Munich)
Averroes’ Decisive Treatise (Faṣl al-maqāl) and Exposition (Kashf) as Dialectical Works
Philosophy & Medecine in Classical Islam
Organisation : C. Cerami & J. Chandelier
- 10am Cristina CERAMI (CNRS, SPHere), Joël CHANDELIER (University Paris 8)
- 10:15am Julien DEVINANT (Centre Léon Robin)
Idées noires ? Raison et émotions dans la mélancolie selon Galien
- 11am Jawdath JABBOUR (Centre Paul-Albert Février)
Les différentes formes de l’argumentation en faveur du cardiocentrisme dans le Contre Galien de Farabi
- 11:45am Tommaso ALPINA (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Are plants and animals a matter of complexion ? Preliminary remarks on botany and zoology in Avicenna
- 2:30pm Pauline KOETSCHET (IFPO Beirut)
Quels logiciens sont les médecins ? Médecine et logique dans les Doutes sur Galien
et la Solution aux Doutes
- 15:15pm – 4pm Joël CHANDELIER (University PARIS 8)
Médecine et politique, médecins et pouvoirs (al-Andalus, XIIe s.
Friday September 29, University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
New research on intentionality in the Middle Ages
Organisation :
V. Decaix (University Paris 1, Gramata, UMR 7219),
with the support of the Institut Universitaire de France
Influenced by the Brentanian Tradition (and later by Phenomenology), medievalists have mainly focused on the noetic dimension of “intentional acts”, sustained by a reading of the commentaries of De anima, thereby giving a slightly too unilateral perspective on the concept of “Intentionality”.
By replacing the concept of intentio in the various contexts in which it emerges (ethics, politics, grammar, logic, physics, etc.) and by exploring diverse sources (juridical, theological, etc.), our purpose will be to get a broader, maybe less univocal, understanding of the medieval concept of intentionality, better mirroring the richness and complexity of its diverse uses during the Middle Ages.
Thursday April 15, 2021, 1:45pm–5:30pm, webconference
New research on intentionality in the Middle Ages (1)
To attend the session, please request the link to the session before April 13, 2021 at the following address : |
- 1:45pm Presentation
Chair : Aurélien Robert (CNRS, CHSPAM, SPHere, UMR 7219)
- 2pm–2:30pm Laurent CESALLI (Université de Genève)
Intentionnalité et similitude -– quelques éléments austro-médiévaux
- 2:30pm–3pm José Filipe SILVA (University of Helsinki)
Intentionality of acts vs intentionality of content in Late Medieval theories of Perception
- 3pm–3:30pm Discussion
- 3:30pm–3:45pm Break
- 3:45pm–4:15 pm Valérie CORDONIER (CNRS, SPHere)
Au carrefour de la physique et de l’éthique : le praeter intentionem chez les lecteurs latins d’Aristote (c. 1250-1550)
- 4:15 pm–4:45pm Martin PICKAVÉ (University of Toronto)
The Intentionality of Appetitive Acts
Chair : Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM, SPHere, UMR 7219)
- 4:45pm–5:15pm Discussion
- 5:15pm–5:30pm Conclusion
Friday September 29, 2021, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (provisional)
New research on intentionality in the Middle Ages (2)
Morning (10am–1am)
Why we need maʿānī : anticipating intentio in the Arabic tradition
- Elena BALTUTA (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)
From Physical to Cognitive : Types of Intentionality in the Middle Ages
- Ana Maria MORA MARQUEZ (Göteborg Universitet)
Science et dialectique chez Raoul Le Breton
Afternoon (2:30pm–5:30pm)
- Charles EHRET (University Paris 1)
Presentation of his book : Agir en vertu d’un autre. Thomas d’Aquin et l’ontologie de l’instrument, Paris, Vrin, 2021
- Martin KLEIN (Universität Wüzburg)
Actus vitalis and Erlebnis : Pre-reflexive self-awareness in the late middle ages
- Anna TROPIA (Charles University Prague)
On the side of Duns Scotus. How to conceive of assimilation ?
The term ma‘na (intention) in the Arabic tradition – between kalâm, falsafa, and grammar
Organisation :
Miriam Rogasch & Lucie Tardy, (University Paris 1, Gramata, UMR 7219)
Given the richness and importance of the concept of ma’nā, the aim of this workshop is twofold : firstly, our objective is to elucidate the meaning of the term in specific contexts in which this concept is central. Secondly, by bringing together specialists from different fields, we hope to further the interdisciplinary exchange on the subject, thereby laying the foundation for a more encompassing history of the concept of ma’nā.
The conference will be divided in two parts. The first part will take place on May 6th 2021. The second part will take place in December 2021. The exact date for the second part will be communicated soon.
May 6 2021, 9:45am – 5:30pm (webconference, Zoom)
Please send an email to to register for the event to until May 2nd 2021. Once confirmed, a Zoom link will be emailed to all participants in advance of the workshop |
- 9:45am
- 10am
Marwan RASHED (Sorbonne University)
σημαινόμενον / ma’nā
- 11am
La matérialité de la langue et le ma’nā entre nahw et balāgha : quelques éléments d’analyse
- 12am – 2pm Lunchbreak
- 2pm
Le ma’nā dans le premier kalām sunnite
- 3pm
"Plonge dans l’océan des maʿānī !" Notes sur l’emploi de maʿnā dans la littérature mystique en islam
- 4pm – 5:30pm
final discussion
June 17, 2021 (webconference, Zoom)
The Principles of Demonstration in the Aristotelian Tradition
Greek, Arabic and Latin Interpretations of the Posterior Analytic
Organisation :
Vincenzo De Risi
(CNRS, SPHere & Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Department I, Visiting Fellow)
Workshop together with the seminar Mathematics from Ancient to Modern Age
- 2:30pm – 2:40pm (CET)
- 2:40pm – 3:40pm
Orna HARARI (Tel Aviv University)
Epistemologizing Aristotle’s Account of the Principles of Demonstration. The Greek Commentary Tradition
- 3:40pm – 3:50pm
- 3:50pm – 4:50pm
Riccardo STROBINO (Tufts University)
Avicenna on Immediate Principles, between Logic and Metaphysics
- 4:50pm – 5pm
- 5pm – 6pm
Amos CORBINI (Università di Torino)
Principes de la démonstration et modèle déductif euclidien. Tensions chez Jean Buridan et dans la tradition latine médiévale
for the connexion link, thanks to write to : |
* University of Paris, Campus Diderot, Building Condorcet, 10 rue Alice Domon et Léonie Duquet, 75013 Paris. Campus Map.
Plan your itinerary with the Parisian Public Transport
Metro : Line 14 and RER C, stop : Bibliothèque François Mitterrand or line 6, stop : Quai de la gare. Buses : 62 and 89 (stop : Bibliothèque rue Mann), 325 (stop : Watt), 64 (stop : Tolbiac-Bibliothèque François Mitterrand)
Dans la même rubrique :
- 11ème colloque international de la S.I.H.S.P.A.I. ((Société Internationale d’Histoire des Sciences et de la Philosophie Arabes et Islamiques)
- Sciences et philosophie de l’Antiquité à l’Age classique 2023 - 2024
- Sciences et philosophie de l’Antiquité à l’Age classique 2022-23
- Séminaire de philosophie aristotélicienne de la biologie
- Séminaire de philosophie hellénistique et romaine : "Dire et penser le futur"
- Séminaire de philosophie médiévale : Le temps
- Jean de Jandun et son temps.
- Colloque "Science, Epistemology and Ethics"
- Colloque "Raoul le Breton, les artiens et les théologiens :
formes de savoir à Paris à la fin du 13e siècle"
Archives [séminaires, conférences, colloques] 2013—
CHSPAM, événements 2020-2021- CHSPAM, événements 2019-2020
- CHSPAM, événements 2018-2019
- CHSPAM, événements 2017-2018
- CHSPAM, événements 2016-2017
- CHSPAM, événements 2015-2016
- CHSPAM, événements 2014-2015
- CHSPAM, événements 2013–2014
- CHSPAM, événements 2012–2013