Professor of Philosophy, The Pennsylvania State University
Ph.D., Philosophy, Yale University, December 1978
Dissertation Title : “Unification and Growth of Mathematical Knowledge”
B.A., Ideas and Methods, University of Chicago, June 1972
Professor, Department of Philosophy, Pennsylvania State University, 1993-Present ; Associate Professor with tenure, 1987-1993 ; Assistant Professor, l979‑1987
Affiliate, Department of African and African American Studies, Pennsylvania State University, 1996-Present
Affiliate, Department of English, Pennsylvania State University, 2006-Present
Fellow, Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Pennsylvania State University, 1995-Present
Membre Correspondante Etrangère de REHSEIS (Equipe Recherches Epistémologiques et Historiques sur les Sciences Exactes et les Institutions Scientifiques), Université Paris 7 et CNRS, 2005-Present
Life Member, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, 1998-Present
Associate, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh, July 1992-Present
Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Yale University, Sept. 1978‑June 1979
Collaborations – séjours à l’étranger
Visiting Scholar, REHSEIS / Université Paris 7 / CNRS (2004-2005)
Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, England, 1997-1998
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of History and Philosophy of Science, 1997-1998 and Dept. of Philosophy, 1998, University of Cambridge, England
Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A., Jan.-May 1992
Senior Research Fellow, Institute for History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto, Canada 1988-89
Fellow, National Humanities Center, North Carolina, U.S.A., 1985‑86
Institute for the Arts and Humanities, Pennsylvania State University and NEH Challenge Grant, Team Teaching Across the Humanities, for a lecture series and course on African American philosophy ($9,500)
NEH Fellowship, for work on a book on the philosophy of mathematics, 2004-2005 ($24,000)
Visiting Fellowship, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, 1997-1998 (non-stipendiary)
American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship, for work on Leibniz and the philosophy of mathematics, 1997 ($20,000)
Alexander von Humboldt Transatlantic Cooperation Research Grant, with Herbert Breger, for work on Leibniz and the history and philosophy of mathematics, 1994-1997 ($32,000)
Institute for the Arts and Humanistic Studies, Pennsylvania State University, grants for two conferences on the philosophy and history of mathematics, 1995, 1996 ($7500)
Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship, September 1988‑August 1989 ($20,000)
Ingram Merrill Foundation Grant, 1988 ($10,000)
NEH Fellowship, National Humanities Center ( Research Triangle Park, North Carolina), September 1985-June 1986, for work on a book on seventeenth century philosophy ($20,000)
Thèmes de recherche
Histoire et philosophie des mathématiques
Philosophie des sciences
Quelques publications (2004-2007)
Productive Ambiguity and Representation in Mathematics . ( Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007).
The Legacy of Simone de Beauvoir, ( Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004).
Articles dans des publications à comité de lecture
“How to Say Truth Things in Algebraic Topology,” Demonstrative and Non-demonstrative Reasoning in Mathematics and Natural Science,” eds. P. Pecere and C. Cellucci, Edizioni dell’ Università degli Studi di Cassino, 2006, 27-54.
“Constructive Ambiguity in Mathematical Reasoning,” Mathematical Reasoning and Heuristics, eds. D. Gillies and C. Cellucci, King’s College Publications, 2005, pp. 1-23.
“Jules Vuillemin’s La Philosophie de l’algèbre : The Philosophical Uses of Mathematics,” Philosophie des mathématiques et théorie de la connaissance : L’Oeuvre de Jules Vuillemin, R. Rashed and P. Pellegrin, eds. Paris : Albert Blanchard, 2005, pp. 253-270.
Textes divers
Review essay of Matthew L. Jones, The Good Life in the Scientific Revolution : Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz and the Cultivation of Virtue, University of Chicago Press, 2006, Early Science and Medicine.
Review essay of Patricia Hill Collins, Black Sexual Politics : African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism, Routledge, 2005, Hypatia, forthcoming.
Review essay of Joseph Mazur, Euclid in the Rainforest, Pi Press, 2005, The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 28, No. 2 (2006), pp. 84-88.
Review essay of Karine Chemla et Guo Shuchun, eds., Les Neuf Chapitres : Le Classique mathématique de la Chine ancienne et ses commentaires, Dunod, 2004, Gazette des Mathématiciens, No. 105 (July 2005), pp. 49-56.
Review of Chikara Sasaki, Descartes’s Mathematical Thought, Kluwer, 2003, Philosophia Mathematica (III) 13 (2005)
Review essay of Ursula Klein, Experiments, Models, Paper Tools : Cultures of Organic Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century, Stanford University Press, 2003, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 36 (2005), pp. 411-417.
Review essay on Jean Starobinski, Action and Reaction : The Life and Adventures of a Couple, Zone Books, 2003, The Hudson Review, Vol. LVI, No. 4 (Winter 2004), pp. 726-732.
Quelques communications
“Sidney, Marlowe, Shakespeare : The Poet in his Poem,” Conference ‘Autour de Stanley Cavell,’ University of Paris X ( Nanterre), November 2007.
“Frederick Morgan, Poetry, and Classical Music,” Conference on The Hudson Review, Princeton University, November 2007.
“Translating Yves Bonnefoy,” Hudson Review Symposium on Translation, New York, May 2007.
“Literary Form and Periodicity,” Panel on “Mirror Neurons, Mathematics, Metaphor and Mind : Where Science and Poetic Craft Meet,” AWP 2007 Conference, Atlanta, February 2007.
“Leibniz on Ambiguity in Mathematical Notation : Universal Method and the Study of Curves,” VII. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress, Hannover, Germany, July 2006.
“ Leibniz’s Calculus : Ambiguous Notation and Metaphysics,” Metaphysical and Mathematical Discussion of the Status of Infinitesimals in Leibniz’s Time, Emory University, March 2006.
“The Method of Analysis in Descartes’ Geometry : Combining the Geometrical, Mechanical and Cossist Traditions”, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, January 2006.
“Leibniz, Locke and Hume on Experience : The Lessons of Mathematics and the Law,” Conference on “Leibniz : What Kind of Rationalist ?,” Hebrew University / Tel Aviv University, May 2005.
“Locke and Leibniz on the Adjustment of Judgment,” Conference on “Locke and Leibniz,” Nanterre, October 2004.
“The Uses of Controlled Ambiguity in Mathematics : Galileo’s Discorsi” Conference on “Mathematical Reasoning, Heuristics and the Development of Mathematics,” University of Rome “ La Sapienza,” September, 2004.
“The Problem of Character in Shakespeare’s Tempest and The Winter’s Tale,” University of Paris X ( Nanterre), May 2007.
“Diagrams and Notation in Topology and Differential Geometry Textbooks,” Séminaire, Histoire des Sciences, Histoire du Texte, REHSEIS / University of Paris 7 / CNRS, May 2005 ; University of Rome “ La Sapienza,” June 2005.
“Symbolic Icons and Iconic Symbols in Descartes’ Classification of Curves,” Séminaire, Histoire et Epistémologie des Mathématiques, REHSEIS / University of Paris 7 / CNRS, April 2005.
“How Icons Help Bridge the Gap between the Infinite and the Finite,” Séminaire, Histoire et Epistémologie des Mathématiques, REHSEIS / University of Paris 7 / CNRS, March 2005.
“Topology in the Era of Jean Cavaillès,” Séminaire, Les Années Cavaillès, Ecole Normale Supérieure / Centre Cavaillès / Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, January 2005.
“Leibniz’s Mathematical Invention 1674-1684 : Combining the Abstract and the Concrete in Mathematics,” Séminaire, Recherches sur la Généralité, Philosophie des sciences et problèmes méthodologiques, REHSEIS / University of Paris 7 / CNRS, January 2005.
Les Usages de l’Ambiguité : Descartes’ Géométrie”, Séminaire, REHSEIS / University of Paris 7 / CNRS, Dec. 2004.
Gestion de la recherche
Activités éditoriales
Member, Board of Directors and Editorial Board, Journal of the History of Ideas , 1998-Present
Member, Editorial Board, Studia Leibnitiana, 2002-Present
Comités scientifiques
Referee or Advisor for The MacArthur Foundation ; the National Humanities Center ; National Science Foundation ; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
Comité scientifique international, Les Langages Scientifiques (séminaires et colloques), Université Université de Grenoble, 1998.
Tagungskomitee, VII Internationale Leibniz-Kongress, Berlin, September 2001.
Enseignements et directions de thèse
Enseignements (The Pennsylvania State University)
Fall 2005.
Phil 197H Philosophy and Poetic Form
Phil 221 Philosophy of Science
Spring 2006.
Phil 103 H Introduction to Ethics
Phil 589 French Translation Graduate Seminar
Fall 2006.
Phil 003.1 Introduction to Ethics
Phil 202 Early Modern Philosophy
Spring 2007
Phil 413H Philosophy of Literature
Phil 410 Philosophy of Science
Directions de thèse
Co-director, Daniel Campos, “The Discovery of Mathematical Probability Theory : A Case Study in the Logic of Mathematical Inquiry,” 2005, Penn State University.
Co-director, Diana Rhodes, “A Mathematical Translation of Apollonius of Perga’s Conics, IV,” 2005, Penn State University.