Thematics of research / Members / 2018–2022
Several members of the History and Philosophy of Medicine axis expressed the wish to see their research federate in a particular theme: "medicine and government", which questions the way in which medicine can be described as a set of techniques and practices of government (self-government and government of others), inscribed in particular rationalities of government, and occupying a sometimes considerable political role; and how, on the other hand, it provides and has provided a whole body of knowledge aimed at knowing and governing individuals and populations. In this context, several themes will be addressed:
1 ° Concepts and medical practices in a neoliberal rationality.
2 ° Race and Medicine.
3 ° The role of alienist knowledge in the analysis of moral and civil capacities in the nineteenth century.
4 ° Decide in uncertainty: ethical, epistemological and social issues of genomic medicine
1 ° Concepts and medical practices in a neoliberal rationality.
2 ° Race and Medicine.
3 ° The role of alienist knowledge in the analysis of moral and civil capacities in the nineteenth century.
4 ° Decide in uncertainty: ethical, epistemological and social issues of genomic medicine
- 1 Concepts and medical practices in a neoliberal rationality. In the continuity of his previous research, G. Lachenal will open a project on the history and anthropology of global health as a neoliberal and transnational form of biopolitics, by developing collective projects in collaboration with researchers from the South. (Africa in particular). CO Doron wishes to deepen his studies on the history of the concept of "mental health" as part of a psychopolitical, carried by various international organizations such as WHO, from the 1940s. 1950. E. D’Hombres will explore, finally, the scope and the meaning of the self-medicinal theme in its old and modern declensions (self-medication), and will test the permeability of the latter to neoliberal forms of economic and political governance. (self-government, self-entrepreneurship).
- 2 Race and Medicine. CO Doron will extend the historical and current studies he has carried out on the way in which medicine has re-elaborated and mobilized the notion of "race" since 1945. The objective is to strengthen international cooperation (notably with the UFMG and the Fundação O. Cruz) and national (especially with CERMES-3) and to organize seminars and study days on this theme.
- 3 The role of alienist knowledge in the analysis of moral and civil capacities in the 19th century. CO Doron wants to open a site on the history of forensic expertise in civil matters, about capabilities, in French alienism in the nineteenth century and more broadly around the notion of "capacity", so essential to practices of government in the first part of the nineteenth. This research is also related to Theme 4 of the History and Philosophy of Medicine axis.
- 4 Deciding in uncertainty: ethical, epistemological and social issues of genomic medicine. M. Gaille wishes to resume the questions, resulting from previous work on the desire for a child, the prenatal diagnosis leading to a diagnosis of genetic disease and therapeutic termination of pregnancy, to develop research on medical information issued in the context of uncertain knowing, starting from the prenatal diagnosis and its contemporary evolutions, in particular through the trivialized use of genetic tests. Doron will extend in the same direction the collaborations he initiated with the Imagine Institute on the problem of uncertainty in genomic medicine.
Members / Thematics /
Organizer |
DORON Olivier |
Researchers - Phd Students - Post-docs |
D’HOMBRES Emmanuel |
GAILLE Marie |