Professeur, Université de Sevilla - Departamento de Filosofía y Lógica Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de Sevilla C/ Camilo J. Cela, s/n E – 41013 Sevilla, Espagne
Maître de conférences en Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences à l’Université de Sevilla depuis 1995. Obtien l’»Habilitación» comme directeur de recherches et professeur («catedrático») en may 2006.
De avril àjuin 2004, il participe comme chercheur invité à un projet organisé par la Maison des Sciences de l´Homme (MSH, Paris) sur le théme "T he foundations of mathematics in the XIXth century: Between history, philosophy, epistemology and cognition", dans la cadre du International Programme for Advanced Studies MSH–Columbia University.
De août 2006 jusqu’à la fin de janvier 2007, Visiting Scholar au Department de Philosophie de la Univeristy of California at Berkeley.
Il a eté nommé membre correspondant étranger du REHSEIS en 2005.
Thèmes de recherche
Histoire des mathématiques et de la logique au XIXème et XXème siècles
Philosophie des mathématiques: théorie de la pratique mathématique et de son rôle dans la constitution de la connaisance mathématique
Quelques publications (2004-2007)
Georg Cantor, ed. J. Ferreirós: Fundamentos para una teoría general de conjuntos. Editorial Crítica, Barcelona, 2005
J. Ferreirós & J. J. Gray, eds.: The Architecture of Modern Mathematics: Essays in history and philosophy . Oxford University Press, 2006
Nouvelle edition (2007) de Labyrinth of Thought. A history of set theory and its role in modern mathematics Birkhäuser, Basel/Boston, (prémiere edn. dans la colection Science Networks, nº 23).
Articles dans des publications à comité de lecture
The Motives Behind Cantor’s Set Theory: Physical, biological and philosophical questions Science in Context 17, nº 1/2 (2004), 1–35.
Dogmas and the Changing Images of Foundations, Philosophia Scientiae5 (2005), 27–42. (Cahier special Fonder autrement les mathématiques, eds. G. Heinzmann, P. Nabonnand )
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Space Problem between Riemann and Einstein. Oberwolfach Reports ( EMS ) : 2 , no. 4 (2005), 3192–3195
The Early Development of Set Theory. In: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2007Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), forthcoming. URL =
Certezas e hipótesis: perspectivas históricas y naturalistas sobre la matemática. In : Filosofía de las ciencias matemáticas, naturales y sociales, ed. A. Estany ( Trotta, Madrid, 2005 ), pp. 45–73 (Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofía)
Dedekind’s Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? (1888) & Peano’s Arithmetices principia, nova methoda exposita (1889), in : Landmark Writings in Western Mathematics 1640–1940 , ed. I. Grattan-Guinness (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005), chapter 47.
O q e o V a r i q m h t i z e i : The rise of pure mathematics as arithmetic with Gauss. In: The Shaping of Arithmetic: Number theory after Carl Friedrich Gauss’s Disquisitiones Arithmeticae , eds. C. Goldstein, N. Schappacher, J. Schwermer (Springer, Berlin, 2006), pp. 206–240.
Riemann’s Habilitationsvortrag at the Crossroads of Mathematics, Physics and Philosophy. In: The Architecture of Modern Mathematics: Essays in history and philosophy, eds. J. Ferreirós & J. J. Gray (Oxford University Press, 2006),
The Crisis in the Foundations of Mathematics. In: Princeton Companion to Mathematics , ed. T. Gowers (with J. Barrow-Green & I. Leader; Princeton University Press, 2007)
Quelques communications
The history of science in Spain: some notes and reflections. 9 th International Summer School in History of Science: Current approaches to the history of science (sept. 2004). International Centre for History of Universities and Science (CIS), Universitá di Bologna.
The early days of point-set topology, and Poincaré. Henri Poincaré 1854—1912. A meeting to celebrate the 150 th anniversary (may 2004). The Open University and Kent’s Hill Conference Centre, Milton Keynes, GB.
Modern methods and purity: the case of Dedekind. Round table on “purity of method” with M. Hallett and M. Detlefsen (may 2005) . Proof in mathematics: logical, historical and philosophical approaches , Universidad de Lille III.
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Space Problem between Riemann and Einstein . Workshop “Mathematics in the Physical Sciences, 1650–2000” (dec. 2005). Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.
“Continuous and discontinuous measured by a common measure”: Reflections on the emergence of set-theoretical thinking. Journée d’études “Pensée geométrique / pensée ensembliste” (jan. 2006). Univ. Paris 7, REHSEIS.
Paradise Recovered? Thoughts on Mengenlehre and Modernism . Modernism in the Sciences, ca. 1900-1940 ( mar. 2006). Univ. Frankfurt .
‘In and with the rest of knowledge:’ Reflections on mathematics, science and philosophy in the 19th century. Philosophy and Historiography (avril 2006). Robinson College, Univ. Cambridge.
‘Hilbert, Logicism, and Mathematical Existence’, Working Group in Hist. & Phil. of Logic Math. and Science , UC Berkeley ( sept. 2006 ) .
Is the Concept of Set Intuitive?’, Logic Colloquium, Univ. California at Berkeley (dec. 2006).
Gestion de la recherche
Membre du comité scientifique du congrès Proof in mathematics: logical, historical and philosophical approaches, Universidad de Lille III, may 2005.
Organisateur principal du congrès International History and Philosophy of Mathematics Meeting , Univ. Sevilla, sept. 2003.
Chercheur principal du projet "Especiación en la ciencia: estudios histórico-filosóficos sobre la formación y consolidación de disciplinas científicas", financié par le Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia , cod. BFF2003–09579–C03, pendant les années 2004-2007.
Président de la Comission d’Histoire dans la Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME) et chargé éditorial de la Section d’Histoire dans la Gaceta de la RSME.
Membre du Comité éditorial du journal Theoria, chargé d’Histoire et Philosophie des Math.