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Conferences, Workshops, Study Days


New Theoretical Approaches to the Sources
and Socio-Political Issues of the Present Day

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Workshop on Zhangjiashan tomb 247, 2015

November 25 2015, Université Paris Diderot. Organised jointly by the ERC project SAW and the Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie orientale (CRCAO), D. P. Morgan (ERC project SAW, SPHERE), K. Chemla (ERC project SAW, SPHERE), A. Thote (EPHE-CRCAO), O. Venture (EPHE-CRCAO).

Conference on History of Ancient Mathematics and Astronomy: 2015

August 23 to 29, 2015, X’ian, China. Organisation: the Northwest University and the ERC Project SAW (SPHERE, CNRS & University Paris Diderot).

Workshop "Mathematical practices in various sectors of Mesopotamian society": 2015

June 26, 2015, Bern, Switzerland. Organised by Cécile Michel (Arscan) and Christine Proust (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW Project), with the support of the SAW Project, in the context of the Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale.

Conference "Gnomons and Sundials through the Ages": 2015

June 16, 2015, Académie des sciences, Paris. Organisation: K. Chemla (CNFHPS), R. Halleux (AIBL), J.-P. Poirier (AS & CHSE) and D. Savoie (Universcience & Syrte).

Conference "Mathematical Practices in relation to the Astral Sciences": 2015

March 26-27-28 & 30-31, 2015, University Paris Diderot. Organisation: K. Chemla (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW Project), M. Husson (CNRS, SYRTE & SAW Project), A. Keller (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW Project), C. Proust (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW Project) and the SAW group.

Conference "Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk": 2015

March 23-24, 2015, University Paris Diderot. Co-organisation: Christine Proust and John Steele and supported by the European project SAW (CNRS & University Paris Diderot) and the Department of Egyptology and Assyriology at Brown University.

Exploratory Workshop "Astral sciences, Mathematics and Rituals": 2015

March 19-20 2015. Organisation: K. Chemla (CNRS, SPHERE & ERC Project SAW), S. Hirose (University Paris Diderot, SPHERE & SAW Project), A. Keller (CNRS, SPHERE & ERC Project SAW) and Daniel P. Morgan (CNRS, SPHERE & ERC Project SAW).

Three-Month Workshop "Mathematical Practices in relation to the Astral Sciences": 2015

January 5 to March 13, 2015, University Paris Diderot. Organisation: K. Chemla (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW Project) , M. Husson (CNRS, SYRTE & SAW Project), A. Keller (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW Project), C. Proust (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW Project) and the SAW group.

Workshop on the treatises of the Book of Sui

November 22-23, 2013, University Paris Diderot. Organisation:
D. Chaussende (CNRS & SAW), K. Chemla (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW), Zhu Y. (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW).

Workshop "Parts and Pieces: an Exploration of the Textuality of Scientific Writings"

3rd and 4th July, 2013, University Paris Diderot. Organisation: Florence Bretelle-Establet and Stéphane Schmitt, (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW).

Conference "Shaping the sciences of the ancient world"

Text criticism, critical editions and translations of ancient and medieval scholarly texts (18th -20th centuries)

June 17 to June 21, 2013, University Paris Diderot.

A talk by Professor Reviel Netz

“Towards a Geographical History of Ancient Greek Culture”

June 14, 2013. University Paris Diderot.

Three-month Workshop Cultures of Computation and Quantification

January 11 to March 20, 2013, University Paris Diderot.

Special Session on Cuneiform Sources

June 25, 2012, University Paris Diderot.

ERC SAW Project Inauguration

June 12, 2012, Amphitheater Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, Building Condorcet, University Paris Diderot.

Using Calendars and Almanacs in Asia (India, China, Japan)

December 9, 2011, University Paris Diderot. Organisation: Matthias Hayek (CRCAO), Agathe Keller (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW)
