Home > Axes of research > History and Philosophy of Mathematics 2018-2022
History and Philosophy of Mathematics 2018-2022
Thematics of research / RG Philmath / Seminar / Groupe de travail / Members / 2018–2022
- Mathematical Practices: Writings and Instruments, Calculations and Diagrams ... - Historical, Anthropological and Philosophical Approaches 2018–2022
The research developed in this theme aims, in part, to reconstruct and analyze the various mathematical practices that we can observe by relying on our sources and, on the other hand, to develop a philosophical and anthropological reflection. about these practices as such. We propose a study of the practices which breaks them up in a systematic way, before examining the modalities of the recomposition of their elements in various contexts. [...]
- Mathematics and Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age 2018–2022
Mathematics and philosophy have maintained rich and consistent relationships throughout history. From Plato and Aristotle, one finds closely mixed mathematical and philosophical considerations, according to a tradition which is perpetuated via the commentators until the classical period at least. Theory of science, status of demonstrations, axioms and postulates, classification of propositions, analysis and synthesis, treatment of infinity, later place and role of algebra, differential calculus, etc., continually nourish the reflections of mathematicians and philosophers in a fruitful interaction. This interaction is not only interesting at a historical level: it still allows the present a mutual enrichment. [...]
- History and Philosophy of Mathematics, 19th – 21st Centuries
This theme brings together a body of research on the history and philosophy of mathematics in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, according to two distinct and complementary orientations:
– on the one hand, research on the history of mathematics which focuses more specifically on the study of mathematics in the 19th and 20th centuries in the context of various unifying projects or research groups.
– on the other hand, research in the philosophy of mathematics covering a broad spectrum from the history of the philosophy of mathematics of the 19th and 20th centuries to contemporary issues related to 20th and 21st century mathematics (foundations and theory categories, topoi, theories of abstraction, philosophy of mathematical practices, logic and formalization).
Although relatively independent in their own methods and forms of questioning, these two research orientations [...]- GDR Philosophy of Mathematics
The GDR 3719 was formed in March 2015 for a four year term. it brings together members of 17 laboratories. Its mission is to unite and develop works in Philosophy of Mathematics.
Seminar of the axis
History and Philosophy of Mathematics- Working group on a collective translation of "Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in älterer und neueuer Zeit", A. Brill & M. Noether,1894, Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, vol.3 (1892-1893), 107-566. Organisers: Nicolas Michel (University of Utrecht, Dpt of Mathematics, & SPHere), Sara Confalonieri (HPS, University of Paris, SPHere) & Karine Chemla (SPHere, CNRS-University of Paris & Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University). Sessions once a month.
Members / Thematics1 Mathematical practices: writings and instruments, calculations and diagrams
—Historical, Anthropological and Philosophical Approaches
Research Group “Axioms & definitions”
Organization: Vincenzo de Risi (CNRS, SPHERE), Paola Cantù (Centre G.-G. Granger)
- GDR Philosophy of Mathematics