9:30 – 13:00, University Paris Diderot, Room Kandinsky, 631B*
in the context of the program
Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (BOHRREC FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IEF Grant Agreement N° 624339)
attributed to Roberto Angeloni
Organisation : R. Angeloni (MCiEF et SPHERE), O. Darrigol (CNRS, SPHERE)
Professor Thomas Ryckman (University Stanford) will listen to presentations of research projects of Phs Students and researchers of SPHERE,. A general discussion will follow.
- 9:30 Roberto Angeloni (Marie Curie IEF, CNRS, SPHERE)
Quantum postulates and functional concepts: setting the stage for a Cassirerean interpretation of Quantum Theory.
- 10:00 Open debate
- 10:45 Coffee Break
- 11:05 Philippe Stamenkovic (Université Paris Diderot, SPHERE)
A Cassirer-based alternative to Friedman’s relativized a priori for interpreting Quantum Mechanics.
- 11:35 Open debate
- 12:00 Federico Zalamea (Université Paris Diderot, SPHERE)
Characterizing the difference between Classical and Quantum Kinematics.
- 12:30–13:00 Open debate