University Paris Diderot, SPHERE (UMR 7219), Room Mondrian, 646A*
10:00 – 18:00
This study day is part of the Normastim ANR project : "Neuroscience from experimentation to the clinic - Legal, philosophical and sociological issues of deep brain stimulation" (ANR 14 CE30-0016-01).
We propose to retrace the historical developments of the techniques of exploration, recording and stimulation of the cerebral space. How has the electrical brain model been constructed during the history of neuroscience ? To what extent have we gone from the measurement of cerebral electricity to cerebral stimulation ? We will analyze the different stages of the construction of the links between electricity and normal brain and pathological. From the discovery of animal electricity in the time of Galvani to the electrical neurostimulation of today, what metaphorical, scientific and technical paths have been borrowed ? With the correlation of electrical phenomena with cognitive phenomena such as thought, sensation and attention, the cerebral subject has been built on experimental foundations well before functional neuroimaging techniques. The techniques of neurostimulation raise the question of free will, the new dependence of the man to the machine, the reality of the mental health generated by the technical devices.
Chair :
Sonia DESMOULIN-CANSELIER (Droit et Changement Social, UMR 6297, CNRS-University of Nantes)
Respundants :
Marie GAILLE(CNRS, SPHERE, UMR 7219, CNRS-University Paris Diderot) ; Jerome YELNIK (ICM)
- 10:00 Karine LEJEUNE (MSH Ange Guépin & Centre François Viète, University of Nantes)
Mise en perspective historique des liens entre épilepsie, neurologie et psychiatrie" période XIXe-XXe siècles.
- 10:45 coffee break
- 11:00 Céline CHERICI (UPJV, SPHERE)
L’institut neurologique de Montréal : les travaux de Wilder Penfield.
- 11:45 Jean-Claude DUPONT (UPJV, SPHERE)
Quelques obstacles historiques à la construction du cerveau électrique.
12:30-14:00 lunch break
- 14:00 Cornelius BORCK (Institute for History of Medicine and Science Studies, University of Lübeck, Germany)
Looking at the history of brain stimulation from the history of electrical recording.
- 14:45 Jean-Gael BARBARA (SPHERE)
La stéréotaxie au XXe siècle et le mouvement de la neuroscience.
- 15:30 coffee break
- 16:00 Baptiste MOUTAUD (CNRS, LESC, Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative)
Promouvoir la connaissance par l’erreur. Stimulation cérébrale, neurociences et depression.
- 16:45 Luc FAUCHER (UQAM, Centre de Recherche en Éthique & Centre de recherche Interuniversitaire en science et technologie)
Réflexions sur les variations de la responsabilité morale induites par la stimulation transcrânienne.
- 17:30 Discussions & conclusion
Organizers :
Jean-Claude DUPONT ; Céline CHERICI
Institutionnal Supports : SPHERE (UMR 7219), Normastim (ANR Project)
University Paris Diderot, Building Condorcet,
4, rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris –
Metro line 14 / Stop : Bibliothèque François Mitterrand
Metro line 6 / Stop : Quai de la Gare
RER C / Stop : Bibliothèque François Mitterrand
Bus 64 / Stop : Tolbiac-Bibliothèque François Mitterrand
Bus 62 & 89 / Stop : Bibliothèque Rue Mann
Bus 325 / Stop : Watt.