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Home > Archives > Axes de recherche : 2012–2017 > Axis 2012–2017: History and Philosophy of Medecine > 1 Medicine, Care and Government / 2012–2017

Axis History and philosophy of medicine 2012–2017

1 Medicine, Care and Government / 2012–2017

- Thematics
- Members


This project articulates, around original theoretical and empirical crossings, the philosophical and ethical study of care and the study of medicine as a technique and knowledge of government (defined in the broad sense of the "conduct" of individuals and populations).
The analyzes on care, based on the International Seminar on Care Studies (associating notably the ENS, the University of Lausanne, the Institute of Sociology of Brussels, the Institut Curie) will deepen the questions of moral philosophy And medical epistemology.

At the same time, a political and global problematic of care inscribes the relationships, practices and care choices in the historical, institutional and social contexts of medicine. Care is considered from its "outside" and its reverse: studying in particular the operations and norms that distinguish careful and non-careful subjects. An international colloquium (Nov. 2012) and a seminar, in collaboration with the Institute of Humanities of Paris, will focus on the concept of triage. This concept, derived from military medicine, is the foundation of emergency medicine and humanitarian action in disaster situations and today represents - and this is our hypothesis - a constitutive dimension of medical practice, as well as public health policies Nationally and globally.

This survey is itself part of a broader reflection on public health policies, historical and contemporary, and on the place of biomedical knowledge and techniques in various forms of "governmentality" (in the Foudaldian sense of political rationalities, Work in the management and management of individuals, populations and territories). These questions will be considered from examples of the history of medical administration (in particular hospital administration); The history of psychiatry in its relation to medico-legal expertise, criminal policies and precarious management policies; The history of the management of infectious risks, from colonial and post-colonial public health to the contemporary mobilization against pandemics in the context of globalization. The team will conduct a cross-cutting project on the history and philosophy of medical education, from the perspective of training in ethics and the ethics of training.


Researchers – Phds students – Post-Docs
D’HOMBRES Emmanuel
DORON Claude-Olivier
LACHENAL Guillaume
MOULIN Anne-Marie

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