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Axis History & Philosophy of Medecine

Knowledge and field in health : ethical and epistemological issues 2020–2021

CONCEPTION & ORGANISATION : Marie Gaille, Research Director at SPHERE (University of Paris, UMR 7219, CNRS-University of Paris) & Marta Spranzi, Lecturer HDR at « Printemps » (University of Saclay, UMR 8085, CNRS-University of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines).

Concerned Doctoral Schools
ED 623 « Savoirs scientifiques » pour l’Université de Paris et l’ED 578, « Sciences de l’homme et de la société » pour l’Université de Saint-Quentin en Yvelines.

To current year and archives 2019–


The seminar will consist of three Study Days. Each of these three days will include presentations of students’ work in progress followed by a collective discussion, presentations of works relevant to the field, either on a methodological level or on a theme of collective interest, points of bibliographic monitoring, a reflection by the organizing teachers and / or an external speaker, and information points on calls for publications, projects, symposia and academic life (open sciences, HAL, etc.).
The transition between the empirical level and the normative level will be the subject of particular attention.
One of the three days of seminar will be co-organized with colleagues from the University of Lyon 3 and ENS Lyon who work from the same ethical and epistemological perspective.

— 1. Allow students to broaden their knowledge of empirical approaches in the humanities and social sciences and to develop a critical and reflexive attitude towards empirical research in humanities and social sciences with a normative dimension
- 2. Refine their theoretical knowledge in research in epistemology and ethics of health and medicine
- 3. To benefit from regular thesis monitoring within a research group in their area of specialization.
- 4. To be accompanied in the proposal of articles or communication in English

Students must be engaged in thesis work, possibly M2 or post-doctorate. Their work must relate to ethical, epistemological or methodological questions relating to the field of health or medical practice in contemporary society and use in a privileged but not exclusive way an empirical approach to answer the normative and conceptual questions posed. Students must have a background in philosophy (ethics, epistemology, etc.). However, students with prior training in other humanities and social sciences or in medicine, and who would be engaged in a thesis project that falls within the identified field, may be authorized to follow the seminar after an interview with the organizers.

PROGRAM 2020-2021

Date Theme & Speakers
Day 1
October 12, 2020
University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté
Room Chevrier (319)
Building "Lettres",
2 bd Gabriel,
21000 Dijon
Org. : Catherine Dekeuwer, Marie Gaille, Jean-Philippe Pierron, Marta Spranzi

– 10am–10:30am : Introduction
– 10:30am–11:30am
Jean Philippe Pierron : Un philosophe au conseil scientifique de la Société française d’accompagnement et de soins palliatifs
– 11:30-12:30
Research in clinical ethics : what place for philosophy ?
. Milena Maglio : Maastricht III : interrogations à partir d’un protocole d’éthique clinique
. Marta Spranzi et César Meuris : Difficultés relationnelles entre les proches et les AS en USLD

– 2pm–3pm
Catherine Dekeuwer, presentation of work on field philosophy
– 3pm–5pm
Presentations of PhDs Students
. Giulia Lelli : Penser l’existence des morts : quel rôle pour le terrain ?
. Margaux Dubard : Homo addictus : dépendance et chute. Pascal et Malebranche sur le terrain

Workshop 2
January 18, 2021
University of Paris,
or by webconference
[ !! tbc !! ]
salle Laplanche,
Building Olympe de Gouges
8 rue Albert Einstein / Place Paul Ricoeur, 75013 Paris
Org. : Marie Gaille, Marta Spranzi

– 9:30am–10:00am : welcome coffee
– 10am–10:30am : Introduction and tour de table
– 10:30am–11:30am
Presentation by Emanuele Clarizio (lecturer at the Catholic University of Lille) of the book ed. in 2020 Milieu, mi-lieu, milieux, with Roberto Poma et Michela Spanzo
– 11:30-12:30
Presentation by Marie Gaille of the translation and presentation of La nature humaine à la lumière de la psychopathologie, by Kurt Goldstein

– 2pm–3pm
Presentation by Maud Bénétrau (PhD Student at ENS Lyon)
– 15:00–16:30
Research in ethic and genomic medecine
. Catherine Dekeuwer (lecturer in philosophy at the University Lyon 3)
. Raphaël Pfeiffer (PhD Student at the University of Paris)

Study Day 3
June 14, 2021
Faculté de philosophie,
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3,
1C avenue des Frères Lumière,
69372 Lyon Cedex 08
and Zoom

(link will be sent later)

Org. : Marie Gaille (CNRS, SPHere), Marta Spranzi (University of Saclay, UMR 8085), Catherine Dekeuwer-Carrier (University Jean Moulin Lyon 3)

10am–12:30am Morning

Speakers :

– 10am

Catherine Dekeuwer-Carrier (University Jean Moulin Lyon 3),

– 11am–12:30am

Clémence Guillermain (SPHere) and Marie Sommier

Lunch together

2pm–4:30pm Afternoon

– 2pm–3pm

Brenda Bogaert

– 3pm–4:30pm

Collective reflection on the steps to be taken in field philosophy on the ethical and regulatory level, based on two concrete examples presented by Agathe Camus et Maria Cristina Murano.

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