Averroès, detail of a fresco by Andrea di Bonaiuto, Florence
© Levan Ramishvili / Flickr
In collaboration with the philosopher Jean-Baptiste Brenet (University Paris 1, Gramata, SPHere), the Institut du monde arabe is launching a whole new cycle of meetings, every first Thursday of the month from October 2021: Philosophy Thursdays, to discover and deepen the major questions of Arab thought, still little known apart from a few classics.
If great figures, like that of Averroès, are frequently highlighted in mainstream literature and the media, the other dimensions of this Thought, which has nevertheless brought much to Humanity and to the dialogue of minds, cultures, are little studied and shared. However, they have resolutely contemporary resonances, and shed light on today.
This is why the Institut du Monde Arabe, in collaboration with Jean-Baptiste Brenet, is launching a whole new cycle dedicated to the major questions of Arab philosophy as part of the IMA Thursdays.
Every first Thursday of the month from October 2021, the IMA invites a philosopher specializing in Arab philosophy to come and present a special dimension of this thought, then to dialogue with the public. It is also an opportunity to listen to texts by these Arab thinkers, so little known today, interpreted by actors.
Program 2021-2022
Thursdays, at 7 p.m., Haut Conseil Room (9th floor), Institut du Monde Arabe, 1, rue des Fossés-Saint-Bernard, Place Mohammed-V, 75005 Paris | |
Thursday October 7, 2021 Jean-Baptiste Brenet: Y a-t-il un humanisme arabe ? |
video |
Thursday November 4, 2021 Ali Benmakhlouf, Abdelouahab Rgoud: Démontrer et soigner |
Thursday December 2, 2021 Lucille El Hachimi, Yamina Adouhane: Création ou éternité du monde ? |
Thursday January 6, 2022 Marwan Rashed: L’orientalisme |
Thursday January 3, 2022 Ziad Bou Akl: La morale est-elle naturelle ? |
Thursday March 3, 2022 Makram Abbès: Qu’est-ce que la philosophie politique en islam ? |
Thursday April 7, 2022 Pauline Koetschet: Les routes de la philosophie arabe : une nouvelle géographie des idées |
Thursday May 5, 2022 Farah Cherif Zahar : Penser la modernité arabe avec Averroès |
Thursday June 2, 2022
Cristina Cerami: Penser la nature et le monde en islam |
Institut du Monde Arabe, Room Haut Conseil (9th fl.), 1, rue des Fossés-Saint-Bernard, Place Mohammed-V 75005 Paris
Accès :
Bus : stops "Institut du Monde Arabe" (63, 67, 86, 87, 89), "Saint-Germain Cardinal Lemoine" (24, 63, 86, 87), "Université Paris 6" (24, 63, 89)
Metro : Jussieu (line 7), Cardinal Lemoine, (line 10)
Velib : Stations n° 5020 - 3 rue des Fosses Saint-Bernard, n° 5019 - 8-10 rue de Poissy, n° 5021 - 41 rue Jussieu
Parking : Maubert Collège des Bernardins, 39, bd Saint-Germain 75005
Taxis : Quai de la Tournelle - Tel: 01 43 25 92 99
Also in this section :
- IMA Thursdays, March 2023: Cycle al-Andalus
- Exposition "Pierre Varignon (1654-1722). Pratique et transmission des mathématiques à l’aube des Lumières"
- Philosophy Tuesdays 2022-2023
- Science Festival 2019, workshops SPHERE : program
- Fête de la science 2013, ateliers du laboratoire Sphere : programme et inscriptions
- Fête de la science 2012, ateliers du laboratoire Sphere
- Fête de la science 2011, ateliers du laboratoire Sphere