Senior Researcher (Classe exceptionnelle)- CNRS, Research group SPHERE, UMR 7219
Research interests
Résumé, Collaborations, Awards, and Responsibilities
Bibliography, Organization of meetings and Communications
Research interests
Research on scholarly cultures in the mathematics of ancient and medieval China
- Algorithms and proofs
- Diagrams, calculating tools, theoretical values
- Types of texts: Canons, commentaries and other writings
- Mathematical terminology
Mathematics in China from the outlook of an international history
- History and historiography of mathematical proof
- History of algorithms and their texts
- History of algebra in China and beyond
Geometry in France at the beginning of the 19th century
Theoretical research on history of science
- Epistemological cultures, scientific practices, styles of reasoning, and other concepts
- Generality: values and practices
- History of science, history of text
Historiography of the so-called “non-western sciences”
Advanced Research Grant of European Research Council, with Agathe Keller and Christine Proust: Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World (SAW) . Study of the diversity of mathematical cultures in the ancient worlds and related issues.
Résumé, Collaborations, Awards, and Responsibilities
- Studies in mathematics at the ENSJF (1976-1982), agrégation and DEA (Master degree) in mathematics (1978, 1979). Post-graduate studies on the history of mathematics in China, thanks to a scholarship awarded by the Singer Polignac Foundation, to spend a year overseas (1980-1981). Prize of the best travel report of the Foundation. Ph.D. degree in mathematics, with a thesis on Li Ye’s Sea Mirror of the Circle Measurements (1248) (1982, University of Paris XIII), supervised by C. Houzel, and partially written at the Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Academy of sciences, Beijing, China.
- 1982: Joined CNRS, as Junior Researcher. 1997: Senior Researcher. 2017: Classe exceptionnelle.
- 2005- Guest Professor at Northwest University, Xi’an, China.
Collaborations –Stays abroad
- 2018, 1 August - 31 December. Max Planck Institute fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin, (L. Daston).
- 2017, 1 July-31 August. Max Planck Institute fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin. Project on mathematical commentaries, with Glenn Most, Lorraine Daston and Mark Geller.
- 2017, 28 April-31 May. Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Beijing (Tian Miao).
- 2014, July 10 - August 15. Max Planck Institute für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin (L. Daston).
- 2013, August 11-September 7. Seoul National University, Seoul (Kim Yung Sik, Lim Jongtae).
- 2012, August. Max Planck Institute für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin (L. Daston).
- 2010: “Chinese Academy of Sciences Visiting Professorship for Senior Foreign Scientists 外国专家特聘研究员” Fellowship, Chinese Academy of Science (2009, three month visit in 2010).
- 2007, July-August. Max Planck Institute für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Berlin (H. J. Rheinberger).
- 2006, Spring term. Fellow at Dibner Institute, MIT, USA.
- 2004-1984: Cooperation with Guo Shuchun (CAS, Beijing) on Les neuf chapitres. Le classique mathématique de la Chine ancienne et ses commentaires, 2004, Dunod, in the context of the framework agreement CNRS-CAS.
- 2003: Editor for the terminology in mathematics and related terms, in the international project headed by C. Harbsmeier, Thesaurus Linguae Sericae (TLS).
- 2002: Head of the Project of Advanced Study “History and historiography of mathematical proof”, Columbia University-MSH-REHSEIS.
- 1994 - 1995: Fellow at the Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin
- 2024: Neuenschwander Prize, European Society for the History of Science.
- 2023: Associate Honorary Member of the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon.
- 2023: Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS).
- 2022: Commandino Medal, University Carlo Bo, Urbino.
- 2021: Hirst Prize and Lectureship, London Mathematical Society and British Society for the History of Mathematics.
- 2020-2021 : Matina S. Horner Distinguished Visiting Professor, Radcliffe Institute, Cambridge, Mass.
- 2020 : Elected Fellow of the European Academy of Sciences. Social Sciences and Humanities Division.
- 2020 : Otto Neugebauer Prize, European Mathematical Society.
- 2019: Elected Member of the American Philosophical Society.
- 2019 (2 April): Doctor Honoris Causa, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
- 2014: Chevalière, Legion of Honor.
- 2013: Elected Member Academia Europaea. Section History and Archeology.
- 2013—2014: George Sarton chair holder, Ghent.
- 2010—: Invited professor, Shanghai Jiaotong University 上海交通大學, China.
- 2010—2013: Invited professor, Hebei Normal University, 河北師範大學兼職教授, China.
- 2010— : Senior Fellow, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World (New York University).
- 2008: CNRS silver medal.
- 2006: Binoux, Henri de Parville, Jean-Jacques Berger, Remlinger Prize, awarded by the Academy of sciences.
- 2006 : Ikuo Hirayama Prize, with Guo Shuchun. Prize awarded by the Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, for Les Neuf chapitres. Le classique mathématique de la Chine ancienne et ses commentaires.
- 2005—: Member of the Leopoldina Academy (Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina), in the section on the history of science and medicine.
- 2005—: Effective member, International Academy of History of Sciences. Correspondent member since 1997.
Responsibilities, a sample
- Director of the UMR REHSEIS (2001-2008)
- Director of the Interdisciplinary Program “History of Knowledge,” funded by CNRS and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (2003-2007). Synthesis of the Results of the Program available here.
- Member of the Conseil d’Orientation Scientifique et Pédagogique (COSP) of the PRES "Sorbonne Paris Cité" (2010—2012).
- Member of the National Committee of CNRS, section 33 (2008-2012), and section 42 (2008-2010).
- Assistant Secretary General of the Division of History of Science and Technology (DHST) of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS, ICSU) (2009-2013).
- Chair of the French National Committee for the History and Philosophy of Science (CNFHPS, 2011-).
- President of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS, 2014-2016).
- Director of the School of Graduate Studies 400 "Scientific knowledge", University Paris Diderot (2014-2018).
- Chair of the European Solidarity Committee, European Mathematical Society (2023-2026).
Editorials Boards
Editor with F. Martin (EPHE) of Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident (1992-2005). Since 2005, member of the editorial board of the journal.
Editorial Board of the Revue d’histoire des mathématiques. Editor With J. Peiffer & B. Belhoste, (1998-2001). Editorial board (1994-98, 2001-04) and Reading committee (2004-).
Editorial board of the book series "Science Networks", Birkhäuser (1995-), “Frontiers in History of Science”, Birkhäuser (Springer) (2015-), "Book Series on Chinese Science and Technology Sources (中国科技典籍选刊)" (2015-), and "Documents mathématiques" (SMF, 2017-).
Editor of the series “Histoire des savoirs,” Editions Omniscience (2009-).
Editor, with Agathe Keller and Christine Proust, of the series "Why the sciences of the ancient world matter", Springer (2017-)
International editorial board of
- Taiwanese Journal for the Studies of Science, Technology and Medicine (1999-);
- Ganita Bharati (2006-);
- EASTS (2006-);
- Journal for the history of science and technology in China 中国科技史杂志 Academia Sinica, Beijing (2007-);
- NTM (2007-);
- Studies in the History of Natural Sciences 自然科学史研究 (2009-).
- Images des mathématiques (2009-2014);
- Computability, The Journal of the Association Computability in Europe (2011-);
- Etudes chinoises, Journal of the French Association of Chinese Studies (2011-);
- Studia Historiae Scientiarum, Journal of the Polska Akademia Umiejetnosci (2014-):
- History of Humanities (2014-);
- Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science (2016-);
- Chinese Annals of the History of Science and Technology (CAHST, 2017-);
- HOPOS, the official journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science (2018-);
- SCIAMVS (2018-);
- Interdisciplinary Science Reviews (2018-).
Bibliography, Organisation of meetings & some Communications (2004-2018)
NB: For a complete bibliography, see here.
K. Chemla & Guo Shuchun, Les neuf chapitres. Le classique mathématique de la Chine ancienne and ses commentaires. Critical edition and translation, presented and annotated by K. Chemla and Guo Shuchun. Glossary of ancient Chinese mathematical terms by Karine Chemla, original calligraphies by Toshiko Yasumoto, preface by Geoffrey Lloyd, Dunod, 2004, 1150 p.
K. Chemla (ed.), History of science, history of text, Springer, Collection “Boston studies in the philosophy of science”, 2004, XXVIII+254 p.
K. Chemla, “Euler’s Work in Spherical Trigonometry : Contributions and Applications”, Opera Omnia, troisième série, volume 10, Commentationes physicae ad theoriam caloris, electricitatis and magnetismi pertinentes. Appendicem addidit Karine Chemla, 2003, pp. CXXV-CLXXXVII.
Florence Bretelle-Establet & K. Chemla (eds.), Qu’était-ce qu’écrire une encyclopédie en Chine? What did it mean to write an encyclopedia in China, Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident, hors-série, 2007. Introduction by the editors, p. 7-18. The book can be downloaded here
K. Chemla (edited by, with the collaboration of Mireille Delbraccio) Action Concertée “Histoire des savoirs” 2003—2007. Recueil de synthèses, 2007, online on the program’s website here htm] , and more precisely here, CNRS, 2007.
K. Chemla (ed.) The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
K. Chemla (ed.), Special Issue, Explorations on the History of Recreational mathematics, Historia mathematica, 41, 4, 2014, p. 367-517.
K. Chemla and J. Virbel (eds.) Texts, Textual Acts and the History of Science, Book series Archimedes, Springer, 2015.
K. Chemla, Renaud Chorlay and David Rabouin (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Generality in Mathematics and the Sciences, Oxford University Press, 2016.
K. Chemla & Evelyn Fox Keller (eds.), Cultures without culturalism in the making of scientific knowledge, Duke University Press, 2017.
Peer-Reviewed Articles —a sample
K. Chemla, “The interplay between proof and algorithm in 3rd century China : The operation as prescription of computation and the operation as argument”, in Paolo Mancosu, Klaus F. Jorgensen & Stig Andur Pedersen (eds.), Visualization, Explanation and Reasoning styles in mathematics, Synthese Library Series, volume 327, Springer, 2005, p. 123-145.
K. Chemla, “Geometrical figures and generality in ancient China and beyond. Liu Hui and Zhao Shuang, Plato and Thabit ibn Qurra”, Science in context, 18, 2005, p. 123-166. “Geometrical figures and generality in ancient China and beyond. Liu Hui and Zhao Shuang, Plato and Thabit ibn Qurra—CORRIGENDUM”, Science in context, 22 (4), 2009, p. 647—650.
K. Chemla, “Artificial languages in the mathematics of ancient China”, Journal of Indian Philosophy, 34, 1-2, 2006, p. 31-56.
K. Chemla, “Documenting a process of abstraction in the mathematics of ancient China”, in Anderl, Christoph & Halvor Eifring (eds.), Studies in Chinese Language and Culture - Festschrift in Honor of Christoph Harbsmeier on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. Oslo, Hermes Academic Publishing and Bookshop A/S 2006, p. 169-194. Paper online here.
K. Chemla, “Classic and commentary : An outlook based on mathematical sources”. Online Preprint of the Max Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2008, 46 p. Accepted for publication by the British Journal for the History of Science.
K. Chemla, “Antiquity in the shape of a Canon. Views on antiquity from the outlook of mathematics”, in Dieter Kuhn & Helga Stahl (eds.), Perceptions of Antiquity in Chinese Civilization, Collection “Würzburger Sinologische Schriften”, 2008, p. 191-208. See the version submitted for publication.
K. Chemla, “La généralité, valeur épistémologique fondamentale des mathématiques de la Chine ancienne”, Workshop Jean Filliozat, Comptes rendus de l’Académie, Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Institut, 2006 (2008), 10 bis, fascicule IV, p. 113—146.
K. Chemla, “On mathematical problems as historically determined artifacts. Reflections inspired by sources from ancient China”, Historia Mathematica, 36, 3, 2009, p. 213-246. The article can be downloaded from this page.
K. Chemla, “Apprendre à lire : La démonstration comme élément de pratique mathématique.” Communications 84 (2009) : 85-101.
K. Chemla, “從古代中國數學的觀點探討知識論文化 (cong gudai Zhongguo shuxue de guandian tantao zhishilun wenhua) An approach to epistemological cultures from the vantage point of some mathematics of ancient China)”, 祝平一 Chu Pingyi (ed.), New views on Chinese history. Volume on the History of Science and Technology : Science, technology and Chinese society 中國史新論科技史分冊:科技與中國社會 (in Chinese), Volume for the anniversary of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 台北:聯經出版社, 2010, p. 181-270.
K. Chemla, “A Chinese Canon in Mathematics and its two Layers of Commentaries : Reading a collection of texts as shaped by actors”, in F. Bretelle-Establet (ed.), Looking at it from Asia : the processes that shaped the sources of history of science, Springer, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 265, 2010, p. 169—210.
K. Chemla, “Proof in the Wording : Two modalities from Ancient Chinese”, in G. Hanna, H. N. Jahnke & H. Pulte (eds.), Explanation and Proof in Mathematics : Philosophical and Educational Perspectives, Springer, 2010, pp. 253—285.
K. Chemla, “Mathematics, Nature and Cosmological Inquiry in Traditional China”, in G. Dux & H.-U. Vogel (eds), Concepts of Nature in Traditional China : Comparative Approaches, Brill, 2010, p. 255—284.
K. Chemla, “Changes and continuities in the use of diagrams tu in Chinese mathematical writings (3rd century-14th century) [I]”, East Asian Science, Technology, and Society, An International Journal, 4, 2010, p. 303–326. This is the first part of the revision of an article handed down at the conference “From Image to Action : The Dynamics of Visual Representation in Chinese Intellectual and Religious Culture”, Paris, September 3-5, 2001, under the title “Variété des modes d’utilisation des tu dans les textes mathématiques des Song et des Yuan.” The preprint handed out is online
K. Chemla, “Usage of the terms “likewise” and “like” in texts for algorithms. Algorithmic analogies in ancient China”, in Klaus Hentschel (ed.), Analogien in Naturwissenschaft und Medizin, Halle : Leopoldina, 2010 (Acta Historica Leopoldina), p. 329-357. Here, one can find a version online.
K. Chemla and Ma Biao, “Interpreting a newly discovered mathematical document written at the beginning of Han dynasty in China (before 157 B.C.E.) and excavated from tomb M77 at Shuihudi.” Sciamvs, 12 (2011) : 159—91.
K. Chemla, “Reading proofs in Chinese commentaries : Algebraic proofs in an algorithmic context,” in Karine Chemla (ed.), The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions, 423-86. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
K. Chemla, “Prologue : Historiography and history of mathematical proof : A research program,” in Karine Chemla (ed.), The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions, 1-68. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.
K. Chemla, “Constructing value with instruments versus constructing equivalence with mathematics. Measuring grains according to early Chinese mathematical sources,” in John Papadopoulos, and Gary Urton (eds.), The Construction of Value in the Ancient World, 411-426 (references, p. 488-547). Los Angeles : Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, 2012.
K. Chemla, “Using documents from ancient China to teach mathematical proof,” in Gila Hanna & Michael de Villiers (eds.), Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education, 423-429. Dordrecht : Springer, 2012.
K. Chemla, « Ancient writings, modern conceptions of authorship. Reflections on some historical processes that shaped the oldest extant mathematical sources from ancient China. » In Writing Science. Medical and Mathematical Authorship in Ancient Greece, dir. Markus Asper, 63-82. De Gruyter, 2013.
K. Chemla, « Ecrire les raisons de la correction d’algorithmes : perspectives depuis la Chine ancienne », in La démonstration de l’antiquité à l’âge classique, dir. Ahmad Hasnawi, Pierre Pellegrin et Roshdi Rashed, Paris : Blanchard, 2013, Forthcoming text.
K. Chemla, « Problèmes et démonstration de la correction d’algorithmes en Chine ancienne », in 10e Journée d’études de l’école doctorale de l’Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7 « Savoirs Scientifiques », 10 mars 2010, Moyens de validation et de preuve dans les différentes disciplines, dir. Claude-Olivier Doron et Bernard Parzysz, 33-50. 2013 (Proofs not read by the author). See online at hal-shs.
K. Chemla, “Shedding some light on a possible origin of the concept of fraction in China. Division as a link between the newly discovered manuscripts and The Gnomon of the Zhou [dynasty]”, Sudhoffs Archiv, 97 (2) (2013) : 174-198. Text online.
K. Chemla, « Observing mathematical practices as a key to mining our sources and conducting conceptual history. Division in ancient China as a Case study », in Science after the Practice Turn in Philosophy, History, and the Social Studies of Science, dir. Léna Soler, Sjoerd Zwart, Michael Lynch & Vincent Israël-Jost, 238-268. Routledge, 2014. See Preprint.
K. Chemla, “The Dangers and Promises of Comparative History of Science”, Sartoniana, 27, 2014 : 13-44, Sarton Chair of the History of Sciences, University of Ghent, Belgium.
K. Chemla, “On the sources of the historian of science from the perspective of a history of education”, in Scientific Sources and Teaching Contexts throughout History : Problems and Perspectives, dir. Alain Bernard & Christine Proust, 305-324, Book series Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science vol. 301. Springer, 2014.
K. Chemla et Ma Biao, “How do the earliest known mathematical writings highlight the state’s management of grains in early imperial China ?”, Archive for history of exact sciences, 69 (1), 2015 (2014) : 1-53.
K. Chemla, “Reading The History Manifesto as a historian of mathematics in ancient China, Isis, 107 (2), 2016 : 324-333. See online.
D. Morgan et K. Chemla, "也有輪著寫的:張家山漢簡《筭數書》寫手與篇序初探 (There is Also Writing in Turns : Initial Investigation of the Hands and Compilational Order of the Han Bamboo Manuscript Suan shu shu (Writings on mathematical procedures) from Zhangjiashan)”, Jianbo 簡帛 12, 2016 : 235-252.
K. Chemla, “Proof, Generality and the Prescription of Mathematical Action :
a Nanohistorical Approach to Communication”, European Society for the History of Science, Presidential address, Centaurus, 57, 2015 (2016), p. 278–300. Online.
Miscellaneous texts
K. Chemla, “Postface. Ecritures pratiques et histoire des sciences”, in N. Coquery, F. Menant & F. Weber (eds.), Ecrire, compter, mesurer. Vers une histoire des rationalités pratiques, Editions Rue d’Ulm/Presses de l’ENS, Paris, 2006, pp. 265—277.
K. Chemla, “Penser sur la science avec les mathématiques de la Chine ancienne”, in Anne Cheng (ed.), La pensée en Chine aujourd’hui. Text published as epilogue of the volume “Dépasser l’altérité”, Gallimard, Folio, 2007, p. 353-386, 432-438. A Preprint can be downloaded here.
K. Chemla, “Matematica e cultura nella Cina antica”, in Claudio Bartocci and Piergiorgio Odifreddi (eds.), La matematica.I. : I luoghi e i tempi, Einaudi, 2007, pp. 91-137. A French translation by D. Vernerey, of a revised version of this text was published under the title : “Mathématiques et culture. Une approche appuyée sur les sources chinoises les plus anciennes”, in La mathématique. 1. Les lieux et les temps, Editions du CNRS, 2009, p. 103—152.
K. Chemla. Preface to Jens Hoyrup, L’algèbre au temps de Babylone, Vuibert, 2010.
K. Chemla. “Une figure peut en cacher une autre. Reconstituer une pratique des figures géométriques dans la Chine du XIIIe siècle”Images des mathématiques, online journal, May 2011.
K. Chemla. “Sciences en texte, ou Des rapports entre écriture et pensée”, A3 CNRS Magazine, 68, 2016 : 45-49. Online version of the journal.
Organisation of meetings—A sample for 1996-2016
For the subsequent period, see here
K. Chemla, with the whole team HSHT, workshop Histoire des Sciences, Histoire du Texte (1996—)
K. Chemla & Agathe Keller, “When nations shape history of science”,
"Lorsque les nations façonnent l’histoire des sciences”, REHSEIS, June 22, 2006.
K. Chemla & Evelyn Fox Keller (MIT, Chaire Blaise Pascal & Institute for Advanced Study—Paris). Project “Cultures épistémologiques”. Study day “Styles and cultures”, REHSEIS, November 10, 2006. International conference “Styles and cultures of scientific practice”, Les Treilles, June 15-21, 2008, and June 20-25, 2011. Workshop, “Simplicity as an Epistemological Value in Scientific Practice”, January 8—9, 2010, Maison Suger.
K. Chemla & Jens Hoyrup, Special Session on "Algorithms in the history of mathematics", Colloquium 2008 "Computability in Europe" : "CiE 2008 : Logic and Theory of Algorithms", 15-20 June 2008, University of Athens, Greece.
K. Chemla & Martina Siebert (Max Planck Institute, Berlin) Symposium “‘Origin/Source’ : Concepts and Their Uses in the history of knowledge”, 12th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Baltimore, US, July 14-18, Monday-Friday, 2008.
K. Chemla & Alexander Jones, Workshop “The history of ancient mathematical sciences” (REHSEIS—ISAW (NYU)), November 24—25, 2008, New-York.
K. Chemla, ITO Kenji & Richard Yeo, Symposium “Working with pages and texts”, ICHST, Budapest, July 27 - August 2, 2009.
K. Chemla, A. Malet (Barcelona) and E. Knobloch (Berlin), “History and philosophy of mathematical notations and symbolism”, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, October 25-31, 2009.
K. Chemla & Qu Anjing, Colloquium “Cultures and elements of practices in mathematics, 1800-1930”, Northwest University, Xi’an, August 11—17, 2010.
K. Chemla, with the Korean Society for History of Mathematics, Organisation of a conference on the "History of Algebraic Equations", International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul, August 2014.
K. Chemla & Qu Anjing, Conference "Algorithms in the mathematical sciences in the ancient world" (International Conference on History of ancient mathematics and astronomy. In Memory of Professor Li Jimin), (SAW & Northwest University), Xi’an, August 24-27, 2015.
K. Chemla, Lorraine Daston, Mark Geller & Glenn Most, Workshop "Commentaries for Teaching and Research in Medicine and Mathematical Sciences", Max Planck Institute, Berlin, August 25— 2,7 2016.
K. Chemla, Organizer as President of the Society, with Petr Svobodny & Milada Sekyrkova, of the Biannual Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, "Science and Power. Science as Power", Prague, September 22-24, 2016.
Some communications (2004-2012)
For the subsequent period, see here
Conferences (2004-2012)
K. Chemla. "Contextualizing and Historicizing Generality as an Epistemological Value." International colloquium History of modern mathematics II”, in honor of Prof. Li Wenlin, Xibei daxue, Xi’an, May 16—20, 2012.
K. Chemla. “Tables as texts and objects.” International colloquium History of numerical tables, CIRM, Luminy, March 25-30, 2012.
K. Chemla. “Tables in ancient Chinese mathematical writings. From textual tables to diagrammatic tables.” International colloquium History of Numerical Tables, MPIWG (L. Daston), Berlin, March 12-13, 2012.
K. Chemla. “How tacit is tacit knowledge ? Or : Looking for sources to approach tacit knowledge." International colloquium Explicit versus tacit knowledge in mathematics, MFO, Oberwolfach, January 8—14, 2012.
K. Chemla. “The divide between proof and computation : historiographic and historical remarks.” International colloquium How to make the peripheral ‘mainstream’ : recent developments in the historiography of science, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, December 12—14, 2011, Paris.
K. Chemla. “Démontrer la correction d’algorithmes par le biais d’algorithmes en Chine ancienne.” International colloquium Pratiques déductives algorithmiques dans les mathématiques pré-algébriques, University of Lille, Lille, October 12—14, 2011.
K. Chemla. “Cultures in change." International colloquium Styles and cultures of scientific practice, Fondation Les Treilles, June 20-25, 2011.
K. Chemla, "L’enseignement des nouveaux manuscrits excavés sur notre compréhension de l’histoire de la règle de trois en Chine", Workshop on the history of the rule of three, organized by Paul Benoit and Stéphane Lamassé, May 21, 2011.
K. Chemla, "Pratique de l’histoire et réflexion sur les mathématiques chez les praticiens de la géométrie projective (France, 1800—1840)/Practice of history and reflection on mathematics among practitioners of projective geometry (France, 1800—1840)", Colloquium “Biographie d’espaces”, organized by Philippe Nabonnand, January 27—28, 2011.
K. Chemla, "Restoring Mathematical Practices of the Past and Reshaping the History of Ancient Mathematics : Views From Afar. Practices of mathematics in ancient China & concepts of/approaches to algebraic equations", The Notion of Scientific Modernity : Non Eurocentric Perspectives”, organized by R. Rashed, G. Freudenthal, M. Hagner, Zuerich, November 25—26, 2010.
K. Chemla, “Proving the correctness of algorithms by means of diagrams. Liu Yi and the solution of algebraic equations”, Colloquium “From practice to results in logic and mathematics,” Nancy, June 21— 23, 2010, organized by the team PratiScienS led by Léna Soler.
K. Chemla, “The hidden face of the history of mathematical proof in the ancient world”, Qinghua University, Beijing, Colloquium in honor of Bob Cohen, for the inauguration of the library Bob Cohen of the University of Qinghua, April 26—27, 2010.
K. Chemla “Contextualizing and Historicizing Generality as an Epistemological Value”, Conference on ‘historical epistemology’, Ursula Klein & Koen Vermeir, Leuven, 11-12 December 2009.
K. Chemla, “Constructing value with instruments versus constructing value with mathematics. Assessing grains according to early Chinese mathematical sources.” Workshop “The Construction of Value in the Ancient World” John Papadopoulos & Gary Urton, Cotsen Institute, UCLA (US), November 2009.
K. Chemla, “Does a symbolism require a permanent support of inscription ? Reflections based on medieval sources”, K. Chemla, A. Malet (Barcelona) and E. Knobloch (Berlin), “History and philosophy of mathematical notations and symbolism”, Oberwolfach, October 25-31, 2009.
K. Chemla, “Describing an epistemological culture : the impact on the interpretation of texts. An outlook based on ancient Chinese mathematical sources”, Les Treilles, Juin 2008.
K. Chemla, “ Why the “source” matters. Practices of looking for the “source” in the mathematics of ancient China”, Symposium K. Chemla & Martina Siebert, “‘Origin/Source’ : Concepts and Their Uses in the history of knowledge”, 12th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia (Baltimore, US, July 14-18, Monday-Friday, 2008.
K. Chemla, “Diagrams for algorithms. Reflexions based on Chinese, Arabic, and other sources”. Stanford U.-REHSEIS Workshop, 9-11 ,October 2008, S. Feferman, M. Panza, R. Netz.
K. Chemla, “Remarks on the polynomial algebra of the Song-Yuan dynasties and its continuation in Edo Japan”, “International Conference on History of Mathematics in Memory of Seki Takakazu”, Tokyo, Août 2008, Graduate School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Tokyo.
K. Chemla, “Understanding while proving the correctness of algorithms. Reflexions based on ancient Chinese sources”, Colloquium “Mathematical Understanding”, Ivahn Smadja, Université Paris Diderot, 9—13 juin 2008.
K. Chemla, “Working out analogies within the framework of a given scholarly culture. Analogies and algorithms in the mathematical writings from ancient China”, “Analogien in Naturwissenschaften, Medizin und Technik”, Klaus Hentschel, Stuttgart, 17-20 March 2008.
K. Chemla, “Writings down algorithms. Reflections based on ancient Chinese sources and beyond”, workshop organized by Liba Taub (Department of History and Philosophy of Science, at the University of Cambridge) and Paul Cartledge (Classics Faculty), 17 March 2008, Department of history and philosophy of science, in honor of Geoffrey Lloyd, Cambridge (UK).
K. Chemla, “Algorithm and proof in ancient China”, conference in honor of Jean-Yves Girard, Keio University, February 2008, Japan.
K. Chemla, “Mathematics and culture. An outlook from ancient China”, Colloquium in honor of Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, August 2007.
K. Chemla, “Connaître and comprendre nos sociétés : universalisme scientifique et diversité culturelle”, UNESCO, 21-22 June 2007. Session “Les expressions scientifiques de la diversité culturelle”.
K. Chemla, “Cosmologie, calcul and histoire conceptuelle. Une approche anthropologique des mathématiques de la Chine ancienne”, Anthropologie historique de la raison scientifique, Cerisy-la-Salle, 12-19 July 2006, organizers : Philippe Descola and Bruno Latour.
K. Chemla, “Abstraction in the mathematics of ancient China”, Colloquium on the Suanshushu, Taipei, 23-25 August 2006.
K. Chemla, “How does the Suanshushu contribute to our understanding of The nine chapters on mathematical procedures and their commentaries”, Symposium J. Dauben, Guo S., A. Volkov, International Congress for the History of Science, Beijing, 24-30 July 2005, Pékin.
K. Chemla, “Mathematical commentary and mathematical theory”, The Göran Malmqvist symposium on Chinese texts and commentaries in historical and comparative perspective, Uppsala, May 1-3, 2005. Arranged by the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in the Social Sciences, Uppsala. Convenor : Christoph Harbsmeier.
K. Chemla, “Chinese language and science : Historiographical reflections inspired by Science and civilisation in China, 7.”, January 13-16, 2005, Cambridge, UK.
K. Chemla, “Editing the first extant mathematical figures from China”, Workshop on the criticism of diagrams in mathematical texts, Pise, November 26-27, 2004.
K. Chemla, “La démonstration algébrique dans un contexte algorithmique : un des éléments constituants de la démonstration de la correction d’algorithme en Chine ancienne”, Colloquium on history of algebra, organized by Pascal Crozet and Alain Michel, CIRM, Luminy, October 25-29 2004.
K. Chemla, “Réflexions sur la transmission des savoirs. Modalités & supports” Ecole thématique “Constitution, transmission et circulation des savoirs relatifs au langage”, ENS Lyon, August 29— September 3, 2004.
Seminars (2004-2012)
K. Chemla, “Translating texts from elsewhere : Reflections inspired by the 1607 translation of “Euclid”’s Elements into Chinese”, Program Kultrans, University of Oslo, April 1st , 2011.
K. Chemla, “中国古代算法文本的一些特点 (Quelques traits caractéristiques du texte des algorithmes de la Chine ancienne)”, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, October 22, 2010, Beijing, Academy of Sciences (in Chinese).
K. Chemla, “Michel Chasles:19世纪上半叶的几何学家和数学史家 (Michel Chasles : mathématicien et historien des mathématiques de la première moitié du XIXe siècle)”, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, October 15, 2010, Beijing, Academy of Sciences, (in Chinese).
K. Chemla, “20世纪法国科学史研究的回顾及未来研究趋向的展望 (Réflexions sur l’histoire des sciences en France au 20e siècle et perspectives d’avenir)”, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, October 8, 2010, Beijing, Academy of Sciences, (in Chinese).
K. Chemla, “Textes de tables and de tableaux. Vues inspirées par les sources mathématiques de la Chine ancienne”, Seminar History of Science, History of Text, REHSEIS—SPHERE, December 9, 2010. In relation with the project “History of Numerical Tables”.
K. Chemla, “Simplicity in parts of mathematics. The dissolution of proof”, Seminar of Philosophy of Mathematics, Jamie Tappenden, July 5, 2010.
K. Chemla, “Editions critiques-Observations basées sur une pratique”, Ggeneral Seminar, SPHERE, January 22, 2010.
K. Chemla & Bruno Belhoste (Université Paris 1) “Poncelet’s ideal elements in geometry : between Carnot and Chasles”, Workshop on ideal elements, Seminar on History and Philosophy of mathematics, REHSEIS, March 5, 2009.
K. Chemla, “What can the historian gain from putting scholarly writings back into their cultural contexts ?”, Institute of humanities, Seoul University, May 19, 2009.
K. Chemla, “La généralité en géométrie selon Michel Chasles”, november 6, 2008, Milan.
K. Chemla, “La généralité dans les mathématiques de la Chine ancienne”, November 5, 2008, Milan.
K. Chemla, “Über die Allgemeinheit als den grundsätzlichen epistemologischen Wert der Mathematik im alten China (Generality, fundamental epistemological value of mathematics from ancient China)”, Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Halle, May 6, 2008.
K. Chemla, “Mathematik und Kultur : Das Beispiel China (Mathematics and culture : China’s example)” Wilhelmspalais, Frankreich Schwerpunkt des IZKT & University of Stuttgart (Klaus Hentschel), November 20, 2007 (in German).
K. Chemla,“Distinguishing between technical and ordinary language in ancient Chinese mathematical texts”, Séminar “History of Science, History of Text”, REHSEIS, May 10, 2007.
K. Chemla, “La culture des problèmes en Chine ancienne”, Seminar “Generality”, REHSEIS, April 23, 2007.
K. Chemla, “Histoire de la démonstration mathématique en Chine ancienne”, Department of mathematics, University of Palermo, 10-20-2006.
K. Chemla, “An approach to epistemological cultures based on the mathematics of ancient China”, Princeton University, East Asian studies & Program in history of science, May 3, 2006.
K. Chemla, “Reflections on generality in mathematics from the perspective of ancient Chinese mathematical sources”, Rutgers University, Department of mathematics, March 24, 2006.
K. Chemla, “Mathematics in ancient China : the choice of generality as the main theoretical value and its consequences”, Los Angeles History of science group, February 23, 2004.
K. Chemla, “Mutations in the materiality and use of mathematical diagrams between the 3rd and the 13th century”, Seminar of Department of Classics, Stanford University, February 17, 2004.
Press, radio and TV (2004-2012)—A sample
Radio program “About the question : why go back to the sources of mathematics”, RFI, April 11, 2013, on the ERC project SAW (Mathematical Sciences in the ancient world).
Lecture « Mathématiques de la Chine ancienne », Entretiens d’Issy, Hôtel de ville d’Issy, May 29 2012.
Radio program on Mathematics, in relation to the Exhibition organized by the Cartier Foundation, France Inter, Stéphane Paoli, France Inter, « 3D », November 11, 2011.
“K. Chemla”, in P. Pajot, Parcours de mathématiciens, Collection Comment je suis devenu …, “Le Cavalier Bleu” ed., 2010, p. 77—94
Organization with Thomas Coudreau and Giuseppe Leo of the Université Européenne d’Eté sur l’observation, Université Paris Diderot (september 2009).
Interview by Jean-François Mondot, in Chine. Les Inventions qui ont changé le monde, Les Cahiers de Sciences & Vie, n° 113, October—November 2009, p. 22—25.
Radio program on le Livre d’algèbre et d’al-muqabala, d’al-Khwarizmi, critical edition and translation by R. Rashed, in the Cultures d’islam series by Abdelwahab Meddeb, France-Culture, September 14, 2008.
Organization, with Annick Audoir and Alain Peyraube, of a cycle of Conferences de la Cité des sciences “Sciences en Chine”, January 5, 2006—février 2, 2006. Videos available online on the website of the Cité des sciences. First lecture, K. Chemla, January 5, “Histoire des sciences en Chine : Une première approche”. Second Lecture, K. Chemla, January 12, “Mathématiques de la Chine ancienne”.