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Quelques publications des membres du CHPSAA. Vous pouvez retrouver tous les ouvrages parus ici.

Cultures of Computation and Quantification in the Ancient World. Numbers, Measurements, and Operations in Documents from Mesopotamia, China and South Asia
K. Chemla, A. Keller, C. Proust, (dir.), Springer, Series Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter, 2023

The Place of Archimedes in World History : Arguments and Counterarguments
K. Chemla, R. Netz, (dir.), Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Volume 47, n° 3-4, 2022

Concrete Numbers versus Abstract Numbers, Historia Mathematica 59, numéro spécial
C. Proust, E. Vandendriessche, (dir.), Elsevier Science Direct, 2022

Mathematical Commentaries in the Ancient World. A Global Perspective, K. Chemla,
G. W. Most, (dir.), Cambridge University Press, 2022

Mathematics, Administrative and Economic Activities in Ancient Worlds
C. Michel (CNRS, ArScAn-HAROC), K. Chemla (CNRS, SPHere & Université de Paris (Diderot)), (dir.), Springer, Serie Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter, 2020

Making Sense of Health, Disease, and the Environment in Cross-Cultural History : The Arabic-Islamic World, China, Europe, and North America
F. Bretelle-Establet, M. Gaille, M. Katouzian-Safadi, (CNRS, SPHere), (dir.), Springer, collection "Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science", décembre 2019

Scholars and Scholarship in Late Babylonian Uruk
C. Proust, J. Steele, (dir.), Springer, Serie Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter, 2019

Pieces and Parts in Scientific Texts
F. Bretelle-Establet, S. Schmitt, (dir.), Springer, Serie Why the Sciences of the Ancient World Matter, 2018

Astral Sciences in Early Imperial China : Observation, Sagehood and the Individual
Daniel Patrick Morgan, Cambridge University Press, 2017

A Mathematician’s Journeys. Otto Neugebauer and Modern Transformations of Ancient Science
Alexander Jones, C. Proust, J. Steele, (dir.), Springer, coll. Archimedes, vol. 45, 2016

The Philosopher. A History in Six Types
Justin E. H. Smith, Princeton University Press, 2016

Tablettes mathématiques de Nippur
Christine Proust, Varia Anatolica, vol. XVIII, Istanbul : IFEA, De Boccard, 2007

Expounding the Mathematical Seed : The Supplements, A translation of Bhâskara I on the Mathematical Chapter of the Aryabhatiya [Vol. 1 : The Translation & Vol. 2 : The Supplements]
Agathe Keller, Springer, Birkhauser, 2006

Les neuf chapitres : Le classique mathématique de la Chine ancienne et ses commentaires
Karine Chemla, Guo, Shuchun, Dunod, 2006

La santé en Chine du Sud, 1898-1928
F. Bretelle-Establet, M. Bastid-Bruguière, CNRS Editions Alpha, collection Asie orientale, 2002
