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PhD student, laboratories SPHÈRE (UMR 7219) & ArScAn-HAROC (UMR 7041)
ATER at University Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis

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Research focus

• Cuneiform mathematics, especially Old Babylonian mathematics

• Characteristics and uses of mathematical diagrams, roles played by diagrams in mathematical practice and mathematical reasoning

• Material properties of mathematical documents

• Organisation of information about mathematical diagrams in databases

• Mesopotamian field plans

PhD in preparation

Topic: Old Babylonian mathematical diagrams : catalogue, material properties, roles in reasoning

Supervision: Christine Proust (SPHÈRE, UMR 7219) and Brigitte Lion (ArScAn-HAROC, UMR 7041)


Since 2020
ATER position at University Paris 8.
Teaching in mathematics and history of science.

PhD student at University Paris 7 under the co-supervision of Christine Proust (SPHÈRE, UMR 7219) and Brigitte Lion (ArScAn-HAROC, UMR 7041).
Tutorial classes in mathematics.

Master 1 in ancient history, specialized in assyriology, at University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Master’s thesis entitled Catalogue raisonné of Neo Babylonian, Achaemenid and Hellenistic metrological tablets from Babylonia under the supervision of Francis Joannès (ArScAn-HAROC, UMR 7041).

Master 2 in history and philosophy of science (LOPHISS) at University Paris 7.
Master’s thesis entitled Interactions between texts and diagrams in Old Babylonian mathematical reasoning under the supervision of Christine Proust (SPHÈRE, UMR 7219).

Bachelor and Master in mathematics at University Paris-Sud XI.
Agrégation in mathematics.


Papers delivered at international conferences or research schools

Mathematical cuneiform texts (set of six classes). Research School of University of Edinburgh, "Current research on the history of mathematics in the ancient world : new questions and new approaches". Edinburgh, July 15th-26th 2024.

• With Valeria Giardino : Symbols and diagrams. Thematic Research School of the research group Histoire des Mathématiques, "Expressions de l’activité mathématique : traces et histoires", session "Symboles, diagrammes, notations". Luminy, March 27th-31st 2023.

A homogeneous culture of drawing diagrams in relation to mathematical procedures in Old Babylonian southern Mesopotamia? Ninth conference of the European Society for the History of Science, symposium "Visual and Material Cultures in the Mathematics of the Ancient World". Bologna, August 31st - September 3rd 2020.

Distinguishing between mathematical and administrative diagrams : some examples from Old Babylonian Sippar. 65ème Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, "Gods, Kings and Capitals in the Ancient Near East", workshop "Mathematics in various institutional settings: palaces, temples, schools, households". Paris, July 8th-12th 2019.

An insight into the variety of interactions between texts and diagrams in Old Babylonian mathematics. Conference Broadening Horizons 6, "Bridging the Gap: Disciplines, Times and Spaces in Dialogue", session "Visual and Textual Forms of Communication". Berlin, June 24th-28th 2019.

Studying Old Babylonian mathematical diagrams, a project at the crossroads of assyriology and history of mathematics. Seventh annual Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology, session "Education and Learning". Oxford, April 13th-14th 2018.

Talks given in research seminars

Problèmes de roseaux brisés. Groupe de lecture de textes mathématiques cunéiformes of the laboratory SPHÈRE. Paris, April 26th 2024.

Des raisonnements de fausse position en Mésopotamie ? Séminaire Histoire des Mathématiques of University of Lille. Lille, February 16th 2024.

Les diagrammes mathématiques paléo-babyloniens : techniques de tracé, propriétés visuelles et rôles dans les raisonnements. Séminaire Sciences, Légitimités, Médiations of University Paris 8. Saint-Denis, May 19th 2022.

"Clous" et "têtes de bœufs" : quelques réflexions sur les triangles et les trapèzes dans les mathématiques paléo-babyloniennes. Séminaire Histoire et Philosophie des Mathématiques of the laboratory SPHÈRE, session "Figures Fondamentales". Paris, February 7th 2022.

La figure de la tablette YBC 4675 : un quadrilatère irrégulier ou un trapèze impossible ? Groupe de lecture de textes mathématiques cunéiformes of the laboratory SPHÈRE. Paris, November 26th 2021.

Variations entre les procédures, entres les formulations et entre les diagrammes dans la collection de problèmes paléo-babylonienne MS 3052. Séminaire Lecture de textes mathématiques anciens of the laboratory SPHÈRE. Paris, May 3rd 2021.

• With Arilès Remaki : Les brouillons mathématiques, approches croisées à partir des corpus leibnizien et paléo-babylonien. Séminaire des doctorants of the laboratory SPHÈRE. Paris, March 3rd 2020.

An air of professional education, but in what sense ? Some reflections on a small group of lenticular "educational field plans" from Old Babylonian Sippar. Séminaire Histoire et Philosophie des Mathématiques of the laboratory SPHÈRE, session "À propos de figure fondamentale : Christine Proust". Paris, December 9th 2019.

Une série de problèmes mathématiques illustrés de la tablette MS 3052, suite. Groupe de lecture de textes mathématiques cunéiformes of the laboratory SPHÈRE. Paris, October 17th and November 21st 2019.

Different types of erasures revealing different types of mathematical intentions on diagrams from the Old Babylonian period. Séminaire Histoire de Sciences, Histoire du Texte of the laboratory SPHÈRE, session "Actors’ operations with texts". Paris, May 23rd 2019.

A trapezium with impossible dimensions, or an irregular quadrilateral treated as a trapezium ? Reading the Old Babylonian procedure-text YBC 4675. Séminaire Lecture de textes mathématiques anciens of the laboratory SPHÈRE. Paris, March 13th and April 1st 2019.

• With Sarah Hijmans and Justin Gabriel : Opérations sur le papier. Séminaire des doctorants of the laboratory SPHÈRE. Paris, January 8th 2019.

Une série de problèmes mathématiques illustrés de la tablette MS 3052. Groupe de lecture de textes mathématiques cunéiformes of the laboratory SPHÈRE. Paris, October 18th 2018, November 8th 2018 & February 14th 2019.

• With Christine Proust : Reasoning with diagrams and layouts, examples from Mesopotamia. PhilMath Intersem 9, "Non-deductive methods in mathematics". Paris, June 5th-26th 2018.

Autour de quelques difficultés soulevées par la traduction des textes mathématiques cunéiformes. Séminaire des doctorants of the laboratory SPHÈRE. Paris, February 6th 2018.

What diagrams tell us about practices of mathematical reasoning in Old Babylonian Mesopotamia : the example of the approximation procedure in tablet YBC 8633. Conference «Practices of reasoning in the mathematical sciences». Paris, December 4th-7th 2017.

Les tablettes mathématiques et leurs diagrammes. Séminaire d’Histoire et Archéologie des Mondes Orientaux (SHAMO) 2017 of the laboratory ArScAn, "La matérialité des textes et des images dans l’Orient ancien". Nanterre, January 12th 2017.

Talks given for the Ecole doctorale

Mesurer, communiquer et gérer le degré d’incertitude des résultats, un enjeu crucial en histoire des mathématiques cunéiformes. ED 400 Annual Workshop, "Comment faire ’preuve’ en sciences humaines et sociales ?". Paris, March 13th 2019.

La mémoire de l’argile : ce que nous apprennent les caractéristiques matérielles des diagrammes mathématiques du corpus cunéiforme. ED 400 PhD workshop. Paris, May 16th 2018.

What can we learn from Old Babylonian mathematical diagrams ? ED 400 training in academic English. Paris, February 14th 2018.


• Matthieu Husson, Shaping an astronomical computation: determining syzygies in Paris 1320-1340. Conference "On cultures of scientific practice in ancient mathematical sciences". Paris, April 10th-13th 2019.

• Zhou Xiaohan, Methods using duan ( 段 segment [of diagram]) in Yang Hui’s 楊輝 (fl. 13th century) works. Conference "Practices of reasoning in the mathematical sciences". Paris, December 4th-7th 2017.

• Zhou Xiaohan, Diverse scholars’ ways of dealing with the “Method duoji” (Duoji shu) in 19th and 20th century China. Conference "Writing histories of ancient mathematics – Reflecting on past practices and opening the future, 18th – 21st centuries". Paris, October 24th-28th 2016.


Scientific and practical coordination of research seminars

• Monthly international working group Lecture de textes mathématiques cunéiformes (Reading of mathematical cuneiform texts) of the laboratory SPHÈRE : creator, and co-organiser since 2018, with Pierre Chaigneau and then with Carlos Gonçalves.

• Monthly seminar Histoire et philosophie des mathématiques (History and Philosophy of Mathematics) of the laboratory SPHÈRE : co-organiser from 2018 to 2020, with Eleonora Sammarchi and Emmylou Haffner, and then with Charlotte de Varent and Arilès Remaki.

Scientific organisation of workshops and symposia

• Symposium "Visual and Material Cultures in the Mathematics of the Ancient World" for the Ninth Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (Bologna, August 31st - September 3rd 2020) : co-organiser with Karine Chemla.

• Homage conference "À propos de figure fondamentale : Christine Proust" in the framework of the seminar Histoire et Philosophie des Mathématiques of the laboratory SPHÈRE (Paris, December 9th 2019) : co-organiser with Karine Chemla, Agathe Keller and Christine Mousset.


Teaching in mathematics

• Course "Théorie Élémentaire des Groupes" (Basic Group Theory), L1, University Paris 8, 2020-2024, 4x30h.
• Course "Structures Discrètes - Théorie" (Discrete Structures - Theoretical part), L1, University Paris 8, 2020-2024, 4x30h.
• Tutorial classes "Structures Discrètes - Pratique" (Discrete Structures - Practical part), L1, University Paris 8, 2020-2024, 4x15h.
• Tutorial classes "Algèbre Linéaire 1 - Pratique" (Linear Algebra 1 - Practical part), L1, Univeristy Paris 8, 2020-2024, 4x15h.
• Tutorial classes "Algèbre et Analyse Élémentaires II" (Basic Algebra and Analysis II), L1, University Paris 7, 2017-2019, 2x54h.

Teaching in history of science

• Course "Introduction à l’Histoire des Sciences" (Introduction to the History of Science), L1, University Paris 8, 2020-2024, 4x30h.
• Course "Histoire des Mathématiques 1" (History of Mathematics 1), L2, University Paris 8, 2020-2024, 4x30h.
• Lecture "Sciences en Mésopotamie" (Science in Mesopotamia) for the course "Sciences vues d’Asie", M1&M2, University Paris Cité, 2019-2022, 4x3h.
• Tutorial class "Analyser un texte mathématique cunéiforme" (Analysing a cuneiform mathematical text) for the course "Introduction à l’Histoire des Sciences", M1, University Paris Cité, 2020, 2h.


Workshops for school pupils

Mesurer et calculer il y a 4000 ans en Mésopotamie. Co-organisation of workshops on sexagesimal place value notation for high school pupils in the framework of the Fête de la Science 2019. University Paris 7, October 10th-11st 2019.

À l’école des scribes de Mésopotamie. Organisation of a presentation and workshops on cuneiform script for elementary school pupils. Ecole du Plissay, Olivet (Loiret), February 25th 2019.

Comment apprenait-on les maths en Mésopotamie il y a 4000 ans ?. Organisation of a working session about mathematical teaching in Mesopotamia for high school pupils. University Paris 7, February 22nd 2019.

À l’école des scribes de Babylone. Co-organisation of workshops for high school pupils in the framework of the ’Journées Européennes du Patrimoine 2018’. Ministère de la Culture, Paris, September 14th-16th 2018.

Workshops for teachers

À l’école de scribes de Babylone. Co-organisation of workshops on the cuneiform script for teachers in the framework of the 80 ans du CNRS. Maison d’Initiation et de Sensibilisation aux Sciences (MISS) of Université Paris-Saclay, Orsay, September 21st 2019.

Radio broadcasts

La tablette Plimpton 322. Participation in a report for the radio program « Pythagore, j’adore ! », N. Martin, La méthode scientifique (France Culture), April 29th 2021.