Organizers : Nadine de Courtenay,
Olivier Darrigol, Sara Franceschelli, Jan Lacki
The seminar is designed as a place of exchange between historians of physics, philosophers of physics, physicists and students in relevant disciplines. Although the program this year has no specific theme, it reflects the interest of the organizers for the questions that drive us to cross disciplinary boundaries : between physics and philosophy, history and philosophy, between theoretical construction and experience, between physics and other sciences.
previous to 2008-2009, 2008-2009,
2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012,
2012-2013, 2013-2014, 2014-2015,
2015-2016, 2016-2017
PROGRAM 2017-2018
The seminar is held from 5pm to 7pm in room 483A-Malevitch, Condorcet building,
4, rue Elsa Morante, University Paris Diderot (previously Paris 7). Map.
October 10
Chuang Liu (University of Florida, University Fudan in Shanghaï)
Case studies for abstraction vs. idealization.
October 24
Brigitte Falkenburg (Technics University of Dormund)
From Heisenberg to Mittelstaedt and Scheibe : Kant’s impact on the “German Copenhagen school” of quantum mechanics.
October 31
Charlotte Bigg (Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris)
4686, ou comment lire l’image en physique.
November 14
Niccolò Guicciardini (University of Bergamo)
Open issues on the history of the early application of calculus to dynamics (1690-1720).
November 28
Scott Walter (University of Nantes)
Le destin cosmique d’après Poincaré et Jeans.
December 5
Alexei Khojevnikov (University of Vancouver)
Universe in upheaval : Relativistic cosmology in the context of the Russian revolution.
January 9 2018
Henk de Regt (Free University of Amsterdam)
Models and mechanisms : Physical understanding in the nineteenth century.
January 16
Christophe Schmit (SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris)
La postérité de la philosophie naturelle de Malebranche au XVIIIe siècle.
May 29
Shaul Katzir (University of Tel Aviv)
The shaping of interwar physics by technology - the case of piezoelectricity..