Organization : Pascal Crozet, Vincenzo de Risi, Sabine Rommevaux-Tani, (CNRS, SPHERE)
SCHEDULE 2019-2020
October 18 | November 22 | December 13 | January 17, 2020
!!postponed !! |
February 14 | March 13 | April 24 | May 29 | June 19 |
The sessions take place once a month, on Thursdays, from 9.30 am to 12.30 am, Room 646A
University Paris Diderot, Building Condorcet, 4 rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris –Map of the campus with access
Details will be displayed on this page from October on
All sessions of SPHERE seminars are suspended from March 15 due to covid-19. We hope to be able to provide further updates and to see you soon. |
- Pierre Agéron (University of Caen)
Le traité d’arithmétique d’Ibrāhīm al-Balīshṭār (v. 1575) : élaboration d’un hybride euro-islamique
- Arilès Remaki (Univ. Paris Diderot, SPHERE)
Combinatoire et calcul différentiel chez Leibniz - analogie et approximation
December 13, !! 9:30am – 6pm, Room 366A !!
Euclid on the road transcultural, Workshop III : On Clavius’ Edition of Euclid
Study Day organised by V. de Risi (CNRS, SPHERE, & MPIWG), with the support of SPHERE and Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin
9:30am | Welcome |
9:45am–11:00am | Eberhard Knobloch (Berlin–Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Berlin) On Clavius’s contributions to the mathematical sciences |
11:00am–11:15am Break | |
11:15am–12:30am | Ugo Baldini (Università di Padova)
The Jesuits’ thrust into Slavic Europe, and the diffusion of the western Euclid |
12:30am–1:45pm Lunch | |
1:45pm–3:00pm | Shin Higashi (Tokai University, Tokyo)
Clavius vu de la philosophie des mathématiques au XVIe siècle |
3:00pm–3:15pm Break | |
3:15pm–4:30pm | Shuyan Pan (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing)
Understanding and Reinterpreting : A textual-contextual analysis of the Translation of Clavius’ Elements into China in the Early 17th Century |
4:30pm–4:45pm Break | |
4:45pm–6:00pm | Sabine Rommevaux (CNRS, SPHERE)
Les ajoûts à la seconde édition de Clavius des Eléments d’Euclide |
January 17, 2020 !!! session postponed !!!
- Mattia Brancato (ANR Mathesis, SPHERE)
Mathematical achievements in Leibniz’s binary arithmetic
February 14 !!! session cancelled !!!
- Vincenzo de Risi (CNRS, SPHERE)
The discovery of non-euclidean geometry. Johann Lambert and modern axiomatics
- Guillaume Loizelet (Univ. paris Diderot, SPHERE)
Al-Bīrūnī et un possible obstacle mathématique à la prise en compte du volume des planètes dans la détermination de leur distance à la Terre
- Zeinab Karimian (Univ. paris Diderot, SPHERE)
Le Résumé des Coniques d’al-Isfahani (XIe siècle)
- Pietro Daniel Omodeo (University of Venice)
Late-Scholastic Celestial Physics : The Problem of Heavenly Motion in the Age of Copernicus and Kepler
10:45am–11:00am break
- David Marshall Miller (Iowa State University)
Reconciling Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in the Quaestio de Certitude
- Sara Confalonieri (HPS, Univ. Paris Diderot, & SPHERE)
La "voie royale" au soutien de l’algèbre : argumentations géométriques dans les démonstrations de Cardano
Building Condorcet, University Paris Diderot, 4 rue Elsa Morante, 75013 - Paris*.Map
Calculate your itinerary with the public transport website RATP
Metro : lines 14 and RER C, stop : Bibliothèque François Mitterrand or line 6, stop : Quai de la gare. Bus : 62 and 89 (stop : Bibliothèque rue Mann), 325 (stop : Watt), 64 (stop : Tolbiac-Bibliothèque François Mitterrand)