Karine Chemla, Reviel Netz, (dir.)
Home > Publications > Published books > Published Books of researchers of SPHERE: 2015-... > The Place of Archimedes in World History: Arguments and Counterarguments.
The Place of Archimedes in World History: Arguments and Counterarguments.
:: Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Volume 47, Issue 3-4
:: 2022, p. 295–p. 533
:: Hardcover ISBN978-3-030-98360-4, Softcover ISBN978-3-030-98363-5, eBook
:: ISBN978-3-030-98361-1 ; Series ISSN 2662-9933, Series E-ISSN 2662-9941
- Introduction : Thirteen scholars reply to Reviel Netz’s ‘The Place of Archimedes in World History’,
Karine Chemla, p. 295-300
- The place of Archimedes in world history,
Reviel Netz, p. 301-330
- Forward … to the nineteenth century: Historiographic concerns about Reviel Netz’s ‘The Place of Archimedes in World History’,
Karine Chemla, p. 331-350
- Winning the modernity lottery: Commentary on Reviel Netz, ‘The place of Archimedes in world history’,
Lorraine Daston, p. 351-359
- Archimedes’ legacy for early modern science: Historical-philosophical reflections,
Rivka Feldhay, p. 360-375
- The variety of readings of Archimedes in the scientific revolution: Leibniz vs. Newton,
Niccolò Guicciardini, p. 376-390
- Where and how did Archimedes get in? Oblique and labyrinthine reflections,
Jens Høyrup, p. 391-403
- Navigating the sea of histories of mathematics,
Agathe Keller, p. 404-425
- The problems of exceptionality: The case of Archimedes and the Greeks,
G.E.R. Lloyd, p. 426-439
- Absent Archimedes – what?,
Ian Morris, p. 440-448
- History and mythography: On the role of Archimedean mathematics in the Renaissance,
Pier Daniele Napolitani, p. 449-463
- Mathematics, the mathematical sciences, and historical contingency: Some thoughts on reading Netz,
F. Jamil Ragep, p. 464-477
- One or many? Genealogies of the mathematical sciences,
Dhruv Raina, p. 478-490
- Archimedes for the rest of us: Thinking commentary with Guidobaldo dal Monte,
Courtney Roby, p. 491-519
- Non-Archimedean modernities,
Walter Scheidel, p. 520-529
- Envoi
Reviel Netz, p. 530-533
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- Indigenous Knowledge and Ethnomathematics
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- Le plaisir et la nécessité
- Measurement at the Crossroads