PROGRAM 2022-2023
The program will be displayed during the year.
Friday, 12th May 2023, 9.00 am to 5 pm in Room 201 Institut Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie 75231 Paris Cedex 05
Seminar "Research on the mathematics of Leibniz : what’s new ?"
To find out more about the seminar, click this link
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Wednesday April 18, Building Olympe de Gouges, Room 870, hybrid
- 110am - 12am WG with Siegmund Probst (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, Hanovre)
L’édition numérique des diagrammes
- 2pm - 4pm Jeffrey Elawani (PhD, Mc Master/SPHere) and Filippo Constantini (Marie Curie Fellow, Ca’ Foscari, Venise/ Mc Master Univ)
ESTIMATING QUANTITY. On the Method for Knowing how much of a Thing there is
Wednesday March 15, 10am - 12am, Room Valentin, 454A, hybrid
- Richard Arthur (Prof. emeritus, Université Mc Master)
Leibniz and Zeno’s paradoxes
- 9:30am, Room 870
Working session : training to transcription software TRANSCRIPT and EMAN plateform with Richard Walter
- 2pm, Room Mondrian, 646A, hybrid
Jimmy Degroote (ERC Philiumm)
Les êtres mathématiques sont-ils concrets ? Éléments de réponse dans un texte des années 1700
Friday January 20, 2023, 2pm, Room Malevitch, 483A, hybrid
- Working session on the edition of Leibniz’s symbols
With Siegmund Probst (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, Hanovre), Andreas Stötzner, Simon Gentil (CNRS, ERC Philiumm, SPHere)
Thursday December 8, 10am - 12:30am, Room Kandinsky, 631B, hybrid
- David Rabouin (CNRS, SPHere, and Erc Philliumm) and Vincenzo de Risi (CNRS, SPHere, and MPIG)
Eléments pour la datation du Specimen Geometriae Luciferae
- discussant : Siegmund Probst (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, Hanovre)
Wednesday November 9, 2pm, Room Mondrian, 646A, hybrid
- Sandra Bella (ERC Philiumm)
Presentation of her works on the unpublished manuscripts of Leibniz on the contact angle.
Wednesday October 5, 1:30pm, Room Mondrian, 646A, hybrid
- Working session with Marwan Rashed (Sorbonne Université) on his translation
of Pacidius Philalethi