University Professor - University Paris Diderot Paris 7
Summary of career
Scientific activity
Coaching and facilitation research
Educational activities
International exchanges
Collective Responsabilites
Read the interview of J.-J. Szczeciniarz on the website of the University Paris-Diderot
To the video of the sitting of the Grand Prix Georges Charpak of the French Academy of Science (starting at 1’02’)
- ENS Ulm, 1971-1976
- License History L1, L2
*License of classical Literature (Latin, Greek) - License of Philosophy
- License of Mathematics
- Master Philosophy
- Master Mathematics, Certificate of positional astronomy
- DEA Logic Epistemology, 1979
- DEA Pure Mathematics, 1988 (Algebraic Geometry, real and complex)
- CAPES, Aggregation Philosophy
- 1975 Award Winner of the City of Paris
- Foundation Award Romieu (in ENS Ulm)
- Thesis (new system) concept theory, theory of observation, 1989
Thesis for doctorate State of Arts (Philosophy), 1995
Secondary teacher, 1978-81
Assistant Researcher, University of Paris X, DGRST, 1981-89
Lecturer, University Paris 7 Denis Diderot, 1990-98
Professor, (full) University of Bordeaux, 1998-2003
Professor, (full) University of Paris 7 Denis Diderot (2004 - ?)
Professor, exceptional class, University of Paris 7 Denis Diderot (2004 - ?)
Visiting Professor, University of Sao Paolo, August 1997, July-August 2003 (Taught Course : Cosmology in twentieth Century , Einstein 1916)
Visiting Professor, University of Salvador, in August 2012 (Taught course : The passage of time and space to space-time)
Discipline : Philosophy, History of Science, Epistemology, Mathematics, Logic History of Modern Cosmology.
Teaching career researcher and Stories Philosophy of Science and Philosophy of Science, coupled with a scientific clean as Assistant, Lecturer, Professor (1980-2010) in French Universities : Picardie, Bordeaux, Paris-Diderot.
My first thesis was the result of work carried out in the Artificial Intelligence Lab at the University of Montpellier, especially with Jean Sallantin Dr. CNRS in Computer Science. It is the starting point of a collaboration with the CRIM and LIRMM Montpellier. These works were numerous and are described below
My lessons from mathematical logic led me to develop an activity also in Artificial Intelligence from two aspects that have been disconnected and connected, the formalization of the argument and the philosophy of argumentation
My work in history of science focused primarily on the history of cosmology that I developed for itself, but I was brought along to work on assumptions of contemporary cosmology. I had this effect perfect my training in astronomy and mathematics. The conclusion part of this work was my doctoral thesis on Copernicus, then work on ancient mathematical astronomy of Ptolemy and Aristotle.
Finally, in this area, recent work has been shaped contemporary assumptions, especially in collaboration with researchers from the APC, Astroparticle and Cosmology, the Department of Physics. This has resulted in several publications, some are in progress.
Finally, I developed according to aimed objectives in cosmology and logic and AI own mathematical activity which focused on mathematics essential and necessary for cosmology, particularly in complex geometry on several variables and related topics integral geometry. This work resulted in the mathematics seminar in which I participated since 1990.
My career as a mathematician has always been linked to previous targets although it has also developed independently. An important step has been my participation in organizing a satellite symposium in complex geometry for the part mainly history, the history of contemporary complex geometry, at the Global Symposium for Mathematics in 1994, then work on transformations integrals. And especially in the organization of the International Conference Geometry in the Twentieth Century in 2001.
In Cosmology and History and Philosophy of Cosmology, I continued the work of Jacques Merleau-Ponty. Philosophically, I opened questions about cosmology and philosophy of cosmology that are problematized in purely philosophical about time and space. I picked transforming the open issue by Immanuel Kant on cosmology. My question is logically reach the ontological questions related to cosmology and thus the nature of physical reality. Historical work first and then philosophy has also focused on different analyzes of cosmology as a science, in particular on the specific nature of this science and the nature of its assumptions.
Work to test possible formalizations based on theories from category theory are in progress. The development of current work builds on theories developed by mathematical physicist Roger Penrose who are developing a program from twistor theory and the role of complex geometry.
Work to test possible formalizations based on theories from category theory are in progress. The development of current work builds on theories developed by mathematical physicist Roger Penrose who are developing a program from twistor theory and the role of complex geometry.
In mathematics, I worked under the direction of the seminar Norguet-Ofman on integral transformations in geometry several complex variables. Part of the activity is also focused on issues desingularization with goals in sight.
Independently but in parallel, I developed a research program on the role of geometry in physics which resulted in a ANR - cf. below, « Geometry and Physics at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries ».
In Artificial Intelligence, in addition to the philosophical work, specific work on the artificial and formal submissions has developed around a group of researchers from LIRMM Montpellier, which are associated researchers of the Faculty of Mathematics. The result was an extension of AI program that incorporate in their constitutions formalizations objections made to them, and thus are formed of arguments from programs making use of many ingredients (various non-classical logics, geometry, measure theory), category theory.
A text that I wrote preprint « On the Reasoned Assumptions by Jon Doyle » (50 p.) It was one of the texts that I defended in my thesis.
Several versions of a concept that we call "semi-empirical theory" have been implemented. Objects on which are recorded the work classifications were in art history, educational programs and learning of elementary geometry and, most recently, the legal argument. Publications went with, especially in the French Journal of Artificial Intelligence (RFIA). I worked at that time on « fixed point theorems ».
And questions that opens is « the production of reciprocity ». I take part in a new ANR proposed by the Montpellier group on debate and argument.
Direction of theses 15
Participation in thesis committees 50
Member companies
Research Networks ‘(European : geometry, World :Philosophy of maths)
Management and development of collections
Development of research
Organization of seminars, conferences and workshops
Conferences, congresses, symposiums communication
Members of the editorial boards (French, Brasil)
Riemann Seminar : ENS Ulm and Laboratory Sphere, since 2001 (co-directed with I. Merker and J. Smadja) : the work of Riemann (once a month).
This led to the creation of an ANR (2006-2011) : Geometry and Physics at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (direction Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz).
The seminar became part of the activities in the framework of an ANR program. The aim was to establish a descriptive and conceptual understanding of the types of relationships that are established and stabilized between geometry and physics and made possible the emergence and development of mathematical physics of the twentieth century. It was also to understand the reasons for the separation, which was the basic physics of the twentieth century between General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.
Scientific activity has led specific seminars :
- a) Riemann seminar (above), seminar Lie (sessions led by Joël Merker), joint sessions with the History of Physics seminar led by Olivier Darrigol
- b) Working Group, a group of around Nancy 2 : Philippe Nabonnand physicists, mathematicians, Germanist, studying the Riemann Essay « On assumptions that are Basis of Geometry » (two to three annual meetings alternately in Nancy or Paris). A website is built with the subject of Riemann physics and the history of physics in the nineteenth century.
The objective of this ANR was to build a scalable source of reflection on the geometry and history both philosophical and mathematical. Two kinds of publications have been completed and are still ongoing.
– A series of monographs press, an annotated translation and modernized large parts of the work by Sophus Lie (Hermann) by Joël Merker, Von Staudt projective geometry by Philippe Nabonnand. Five others are planned in the year : Moebius Weyl, Lobachevsky, Gauss. This series will continue for several years published by Hermann.
– A Source Book with classic texts in the History of Geometry, introduced and discussed.
Management Program at the College International de Philosophie with Dominique Flament : Complex numbers, history and epistemology. 1999-2004
Categories and IA working group LIRMM Montpellier and Paris 7
A working group of Montpellier I, Paris-Diderot was formed. Courses were given in this context : Introduction to the theory of categories (Daniel Guin, Dominique Luzeaux, Sallantin Jean, Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz), 2007-2008. And several study days were organized under the HPS Department. An international convention doctoral schools is underway.
Animation of the seminar "Philosophy of mathematics" related to the Department of History and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Animation with Marco Panza of the Chair of Excellence Senior Philosophy of mathematics whose winner is a professor at the University of Notre Dame USA), Michael Detlefsen co-managed with the University of Nancy 2 (Gerhard Heinzmann) and partly College France (Jacques Bouveresse).
This chair, with the subject : « Evidence Ideal, Ideal of Proof », cf. site, has developed many national and international activities (seminars, workshops) and gave our University Paris Diderot international recognition.
For a foreign university : Montreal
For France :
Member of the AERES twice as President, University of Lille and the University of Bordeaux.
As a member,
- for IHPST : Paris 1, Nancy 2, CREA (Polytechnic), Pau, ENS Ulm,
– Expert for Masters (5). - projects for the City of Paris
- for ANR
[Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz has directed 42 theses, a few overview :] I run four theses at the University of Bordeaux 3, which were supported in 1999, 2000, sustained authorizations to supervise research Bordeaux 3, 2002, a thesis was defended at the Graduate School of the University of Paris 10 Nanterre 2002, a PhD Mathematics and History of Mathematics (Nice), 2009.
I led two authorizations at Paris Diderot Paris7 university, to supervise research : Etienne Klein defended in 2003, and co-director (Pierre Louis Curien), Jean-Baptiste Joinet, defended in 2005.
I run 10 theses in progress, at the University Paris Diderot, three end this year, two are co-directed (with LUTH and Australian university). Many master’s theses of DEA, then turned into M2 (20).
Theses at 100% :
- the dynamics of Newton, 100%, 2010
- the spiritual function in the mind of Newton and Lemaître, 100%, 2010
- on the philosophy of mathematics at work in Sophus Lie, toward a philosophy of computing, supported in 2011
- on algebra in the sixteenth century, supported in 2011
- the birth of the concept of effectiveness, Borel, Lebesgue, Lusin, 2011
- French philosophers and relativity (Bachelard, Meyerson, Brunschwig), co-supervision with Michel Paty, co-supervision Salavador of Bahia (Bresil), 2012
Theses to 25% :
- Artificial Intelligence, 3
Among current PhD framed to 100%
- on Cosmology of Poincaré 1
- Philosophy of Science, 4
co-direction :
- the calculation in the work by Genzen co-directed with Australia, Sydney
- on contemporary Cosmology
- Philosophy of Mathematics
- on contemporary Cosmology
- Philosophy of Mathematics,
- on electromagnetism in the nineteenth century, co-supervision with M. Paty, co-supervision Sao Paulo
- co-directed with Canada, University of Montreal , philosophy of mathematics
In addition to the HDR why I was guarantor, I secured a co-director in two other authorisation to supervise research : - Canada, Université de Montréal
- Australie, Sydney
In addition to the HDR why I was guarantor, I secured a co-director in two other authorizations :
– 1 at 100%, 2 to 50%.
– Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence 50%. Co-supervision, 2 (SaoPaulo).
Participation, apart from the directions I provided or that I provide, 50 panels thesis and HDR.
Member of the Society of Friends Cavaillès (Presidencies Henri Cartan, Georges Canguilhem and Jacques Bouveresse and Bertrand Saint-Cernin). I shall chair since 2011.
Member of the Association Diderot (President Dominique Lecourt)
Participation in a European network geometry (direction Salomon Ofman maths searcher), 2005-2008
Exchange Network, philosophy and history of science in Latin America (Brazil), CAFES
EDP Sciences : Management with M. Paty, Think with science, published 3 volumes + 1 special collection.
Hermann : Perspectives on Science (Editorial Board Bennequin with Daniel, Joseph Kouneiher, Giuseppe Longo, John Stachel), 4 volumes published.
Review (editorship : Pablo Mariconda, Sao Paulo Michel Paty, CNRS, Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz, Université Paris Diderot) Epistemological (EDP Science), 3 published volumes, special issues (Cosmology, Philosophy of Nature, Langevin)
Outreach Committee with academic reading. Participation in special numbers (nonstandard) Science et Avenir, articles on physics and cosmology, mathematics and history, (Interview on the number, appeared in Le Pommier collection and interviews, as well as Science and life, mathematics, physics and history, interview.
Broadcast on France Culture 1996-97-98, particularly on complex numbers and astronomy and cosmology, with Marc Lachièze-Rey, or radio devices.
Astronomy Festival : Saint Michel Observatory, Lens Le Bourg, (2001).
Articles extension : (1996) Descartes, a mathematician philosopher (Literary Magazine), The life and death of stars (Biotechnology, March 2000), Science and parascience in The Book of the Year, Cambridge, 1996.
Presentation public : Librairie Mollat, 2002, Copernicus. Centre Beaubourg in 2003 (?) On the issue of homogeneity in cosmology. Centre for the History of Science Poitiers, On the history of cosmology. Maison de la culture de Lyon, on cosmology with Marc Lachièze-Rey, 2007. Grand Théâtre de la Ville Troyes with Marc Lachièze-Rey, on the history of cosmology, 2008. Science and belief : Bayonne, 2006. University third age : On Copernicus and Tycho Brahe, 1998. Exposed Palais de la Découverte, 1999. Futuroscope, workshop cosmology and history with Marc Lachièze-Rey, 2003.
Science and citizens, CNRS Colloquium towards students.
Presentations mathematics MAFPEN : Why do they become more conceptual, Amiens, 2002. On the history of the theory of residues, Annecy, 2002.
Cerisy "On logic and cognition," 2002.
"Serendipity", Proceedings in progress, 2009.
International Conferences
- Complex geometry, satellite symposium at the World Congress of Mathematics. Co-organizer, 1994.
- Geometry in the twentieth century, international conference, Paris, co-organizer (Steering Commitee and Committee of Program), 2001.
- workshop (with I. Smadja, MCF Paris Diderot) in the Seminar Riemann.
- D’Alembert study day and Mathematics, University Nanterre and Bordeaux. 3 Article published in the Journal of Corpus, 2002.
- Herrmann Weyl Day, June 2006.
- workshop in the Philosophy of Mathematics, Department HPS (with Marco Panza, DR CNRS), On the concept of object.
- Study Day Philosophy of Mathematics (with Ivahn Smadja) : On intuitionism, Université Paris Diderot, 2008.
- International Congress of Philosophy of Mathematics, Paris-Nancy-Notre Dame, Organizing Committee, Nancy 2009.
- Next Congress Paris 2011
- FFFP Frontier Physics, Université Paris-Diderot, Scientific Committee Session : History and Philosophy of Physics, July 2010.
- Study Day, University Paris Diderot, with K. Chemla DR CNRS, The Observation Mathematics, February 2010.
- Summer School in conjunction with the University of Notre Dame, under the chair of excellence and a satellite symposium is organized for May-June 2010, June 2011 and 2012.
Pure Mathematics *
"Philosophy and artificial arguments," World Congress of AI, organized by CRIM, Montpellier, 1986.
"The geometry of the evidence, the algorithm WU" IHP Symposium, K. Chemla, 1992.
"The cosmology of Copernicus", Centre for Philosophy and medieval Arabic, 1993.
"The mathematical astronomy of Copernicus", Université Paris 10 Nanterre, 1993.
"On the sign by Hilbert," Symposium on the number, International College of Philosophy, 1993.
"Measuring mathematics" Day in honor of GG Granger, ENS Ulm, 1994.
"The mathematical philosophy of Jean-Toussaint Desanti," "Symposium Desanti" Bastia, 1997.
"Integral transformations on the complex projective some open *." Symposium complex geometry, Banach Center, Warsaw, 1997.
"The Penrose transform *." Conference at the School of Mathematical Physics Houches, 1998.
"The problem of the integral transformation *" School of Mathematical Physics Cargese, 2000.
"The theoretical framework of twistor theory" * Cargese 2001.
"Maxwell’s equations and twistor theory" * Cargese 2004.
"The Aristotelian theory of homocentric spheres", Cargese, 2002.
Montpellier Colloquium of Mathematics, 2000. "A property founder of geometry in several variables, Hartogs phenomenon."
"Crisis, Conflict, and transaction logic contradiction," Republic of San Marino, 2001 Proceedings published.
"On the cosmology of the twentieth century," according to J. Merleau-Ponty, Sao Paulo, 2003.
"Maxwell’s equations and twistor theory" * Cargese, 2004.
"The Aristotelian theory of homocentric spheres", Cargese, 2002.
Mathematics Colloquium Montpellier, "A property of the founder geometry in several variables, Hartogs phenomenon," 2000.
"Crisis, Conflict, and transaction logic contradiction," Republic of San Marino, 2001. Acts published.
"On the cosmology of the twentieth century," according to Jacques Merleau-Ponty, Sao Paulo, 2003.
"Copernicus and the phenomenality of new sensitive, if the movement of the Earth. International Symposium, Reason and Experience in the seventeenth century. " Sao Paulo, 2003.
"Descartes algebraist." Evora University, 2002, published in proceedings
The philosophy of science in Europe "Commentary to Professor Clarke’s Paper on Frege," 2002.
The categories, historical and philosophical review, 2005. Presentation on spectral sequence following Jean Leray." Online.
Article Hadamard : "Why I did not invent relativity ? "2005
"On the philosophy of Louis Rougier," Geneva, 2004.
Festschrift in Honour of Jacques Merleau-Ponty, "The philosophy of Jacques Merleau-Ponty", Tunis, 2004.
On the news of John Cavaillès. "On the geometry by Lobatchewky." Clermont-Ferrand, 2004.
Commission on Mathematics Education in Europe, Invited, Bologna, 2004.
Conference "Homage to Henri Cartan" Society Cavaillès, 2008, forthcoming.
Congress of Mathematical Physics, Lecture on the concept of integral transformation *. Bialowieze, Poland, 2007.
ECAP « Computation Congress on space, algebraic topology » , 2008 (June)
Seminar and physical P7 Categories : Background Independent, 2009
Internal seminar SPHERE : On the question of the universe containing the cosmology of Aristotle.
Nice 2011 Workshop On the determinism, philosophy of physics
Seminar ENS Ulm, Cartier, Longo, Petitot, Tessier, « Extremal laws according Jules Vuillemin », March 2011
Plenary, On the strength of the Galois theory, in November 2011,
Conference SPHERE reading on Roger Godement of an Article by Von Neumann on Lie groups, October 2011,
Lecture Koyré Paris 10 On Copernicus Koyré, February 2012
Conference, Seminar MSH Dominique Flament, On the abstract theory of Galois by Marc Krasner, April 2012
Conference, Montpellier, « On the philosophy of mathematics, a Survey », April 2012
International conferences (recent)
Plenary, Bi-centenary Welsh, On the Strength of the Galois Serie *, Campinas, Brazil, in November 2011,
On the Grothendieck descent theory selon *, Ubatuba, Brazil, April 2012.
International Conference, International Congress of History of contemporary mathematics, homology theory is the, Xian, China, May 2012
Workshop in Moscou. On the realism according to Roger Penrose November 2012
Participation to edition of volumes. Member of editing committee : Revue Etudes sur la Science (Sao Paulo).
Presentation of teaching activities
Education Current : Master History and Philosophy of Science at the University Paris Diderot, LOPHISS (Logic Philosophy, History and Sociology of Science)
Master I created with Claude Debru - ENS Ulm, founder - and that was jointly accredited with the University Paris 1 and Paris 4 until 2010.
I assured the co-director with Jean Gayon Paris until 2010.
It is now in a different format master LOPHISS SC2 as our co-empowerment is made with ENS and Ecole Polytechnique, which provides two courses : Complex Systems and Cognitive Sciences (SC2 =). Teaching : History and Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Physics, General Philosophy and History of Philosophy, Mathematics for non-mathematicians. I am responsible for the mention.
All these teachings are recent, they date from the implementation of this master : 2005.
Presentation Levels
My teaching Philosophy of mathematics lectures at M1, as well as Philosophy of Physics and Philosophy and General Introduction to the History of Mathematics and Science General History. I assured courses in History of Mathematics M2.
I assure education in the Master of Medicine in health’s on issues of argumentation construction of disease.
All these formations are original (master), presential. They assume two types of memory duty tutored in M1, and M2 memory. I assure directions memory in both cases. 3 at level M1 (the year, 2010) 2 at level M1.
All of these lessons are now presented in our new model which has been rated A + by AERES expertise.
A partnership is being formed with the University of Geneva for the History and Philosophy of Physics, and also with the University of Notre Dame at M1 and M2 via Michael Detlefsen, winner of the Chair of Excellence in our Department. This partnership will count as a member at the University Nancy 2 and ENS Ulm. I make sure classes in this framework at the Summer School in May-June 2010, 2011, 2012 in Paris 7 Diderot University.
Students sent for research stays : University of Brasilia (1), University of Montreal (1), 2008-9.
Implementation of agreements (pooling of EU masters with mathematical and physical local, European, Bielefeld by agreements by C. Debru).
Visiting professors with whom I worked for lessons as my colleague Ivahn Smadja.
Invitations to the University of Evora (Portugal), April 2001
University Sao Paulo, July-August 1996, Summer School, Brasilia, July-August 2003, August 2006
Rio de Janeiro, August 2009
University of Notre Dame, November 2011
University of Salvador de Bahia, 2012
Direction of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science since its inception in 2005.
The Department provides a teaching that is centered on the master and the master LOPHISS LOPHISSSC2. I shall direct mention at Paris first, with my colleague Jean Gayon (Paris 1), then in the new master with Claude Debru (ENS) and Jean Lassègue (Ecole Polytechnique) and school level .
Within the master, I am particularly responsible for training : Training of science for non-scientists (mathematics), Philosophy of Mathematics, Philosophy of Physics, General Philosophy of Science.
Administrative responsibilities
– Invited member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Life Sciences
– Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the new SPHERE formerly UMR REHSEIS
– Involvement with the Doctoral School Scientific Knowledge as a member of the Scientific Council.
Projects and responsibilities in the collective life of the facility
Member of the board of reflection on the Epistemology and History of Science for the University of Paris 7 Diderot, introduced by President Dedonder with Françoise Balibar, Marie-Noëlle Bourguet, Christiane Vilain.
Participation in national bodies
I participated in the report that Dominique Lecourt was responsible for the Philosophy of Science at the Universities of Bordeaux 1, 2, 3.
Member of the CNU section 17 since 2006,
Member of the National Advisory Committee of the CNRS for the 2000 session,
Jury member of the ENS Ulm BL section from 1987 to 1993, Head of the Philosophy section of the session AL from 1997 to 2004,
Member of the jury of the ENS Fontenay-Saint-Cloud from 1995 to 1997,
Member of the jury of the contest ESSEC 1994 to 1997
Jury member of CAPES of Philosophy, 1994, then Vice-President from 1999 to 2004,
Member of Committees of specialists Paris 7 Denis Diderot, Paris 10 Nanterre, Reims, Bordeaux, ENS,
Member of the NLC 2006 and 2002a expert works presented.
AERES, I chaired three committees AERES visit and I was a member of three committees visit
Expertise five masters,
Member of the « Committee "The Science at school (for the distribution of science and history of science)"
Member of the French National Committee for History and Philosophy of Science, (French Science Academie)
Individual and collective books
Copernic et la révolution copernicienne, 1998, Nouvelle Bibliothèque Scientifique, Flammarion. Une partie est traduite en slovène (2000). Livre qui analyse la transformation révolutionnaire apportée par l’œeuvre de Copernic et ce que peut signifier l’héliocentrisme et l’homogénéité copernicienne. Suite en attente : La double postérité de Copernic
La Terre immobile, 2003, PUF, Préface de Thibault Damour, Académie des Sciences. Livre qui présente une réflexion, sur la cosmologie antique et ses fondements et sur la cosmologie comme telle.
Le concept de preuve à la lumière de l’Intelligence Artificielle, avec Jean Sallantin, ed. et auteurs, 1999, PUF, traduction italienne GIUFFRE, 2003, avec Postface.
F. Norguet, S. Ofman, J. J. Szczeciniarz, Géométrie complexe, Hermann, 1996
D. Flament, J. Kouneiher, P. Nabonnand, J-J. Szczeciniarz, Géométrie au XXe siècle, Hermann, 2005
Sur les épaules des géants, Stephen Hawking, Livre I du De Revolutionibus et le Traité de trigonométrie, Dunod
The book nobody read. Le livre que personne n’avait lu, Dunod, 2007
[AI : audience internationale, AN : audience nationale, RA(S)CL Revue avec (sans) comité de lecture].
« Histoire des sciences et révolutions scientifiques » », in Revue Historique de l’océan indien, n° 13, Les ruptures dans l’histoire de La Réunion, Elites dans les pays de l’Indianocéanie (XVIIe-XXe siècle), pp. 13-23 [à paraître]
« Le Copernic de Koyré et celui des astronomes et des philosophes », Vérité scientifique et vérité historique dans l’œuvre d’Alexandre Koyré (suivi d’un inédit sur Galilée sous la direction de Jean Seidengart), Les Belles Lettres, Paris, 2015, pp. 149-169
« Réflexions sur Riemann, philosophe mathématicien », Les mathématiques et l’expérience, Ce qu’en ont dit les philosophes et les mathématiciens, Herrmann, Paris, 2015, pp. 195-221-* Spinoza et la démonstration en philosophie, 1977, n° spécial de la Nouvelle critique Spinoza [AN].
Présentation d’ouvrage de philosophie des sciences et d’épistémologie polonaises. 1980 [AN].
L’implication philosophique Liberté de l’esprit, Esprit, 1986 [AN RACL].
« Actuality, individuality and truth in modal logic », Riddel, 1986 [AI RACL intégré à la thèse nouveau régime].
« Doyle et les Reasoning Assumptions », intégrée à la thèse critique de l’IA comme élément de l’IA, 1987 [RACL], (preprint du laboratoire CRIM).
« Philosophy against IA », Rapport interne au laboratoire du CRIM (Montpellier), intégré à la thèse, 1988 [RACL].
« L’apprentissage », Traverse, 1986 [ANRACL].
« Ptolémée et le style épicyclique », revue philosophique pour la France et pour l’étranger, 1988 [AIRACL].
« Cassirer et les mathématiques » in Seidengart Actes Colloque Cassirer, ed. Cerf, 1989 [RACL].
Rapport interne au CRIM (Montpellier), Epistémologie et IA, 1987.
Entrée « Copernic », Dictionnaire des PUF, 1986 [AI].
- « La rhétorique de Copernic », Césure, 1991 [ANSCL].
Entrée dans le Dictionnaire Histoire et Philosophie des Sciences, PUF, dir. Lecourt, 1999
- « Lukasiewicz »
- « Kotarbinski »
- « Herbrand »,
- « Archimède »
- « Ptolémée »
- « Phénoménisme »
- « Abstraction »
- « Feyerabend »
- « Merleau-Ponty »
« Desargues, l’infini à distance finie », F. Monnoyeur ed., In ini des philosophes, in ini des mathématiciens, Belin, 1992 [AI].
« Spinoza et Koyré », in O. Bloch ed., Spinoza au XXe siècle, PUF, 1993 [AI].
« Théories semi-empiriques » (Sur l’argumentation artificielle). Ensemble d’articles parus dans la Revue française d’Intelligence Artificielle, Hermès, 1991.
« La raison comme conquête spatiale », in L’Aventure , 1996 [AN CL]
« Sur la denrée mentale de V. Descombes », in L’Aventure Humaine, 1996 [AN CL]
« Logique et philosophie analytique en Pologne sur le cercle Lvovo-varsovien », L’Aventure Humaine, 1999 [AN CL].
« Entre géométrie et philosophie », publications internes à la MSH, D. Flament Histoires de géométrie, 1996.
« Descartes et le concept de dimension. Aperçus contemporains. » Publications internes à la MSH, Histoires de géométries, 1998.
« Descartes et Euclide, le cogito comme ultime preuve » in ed. Sallantin, Szczeciniarz, Le concept de preuve à la lumière de l’IA.
« De une à plusieurs variables complexes », preprint des Actes du colloque’Géométrie Complexe’ Norguet Ofman, 1996, version courte parue in Hermann.
« Sur le passage de une à plusieurs variables, le phénomène Hartogs », dir. D. Flament, publications de la MSH, Nombres et vecteurs, 1996.
« Le risque de philosopher : les mathématiques » in L’Aventure Humaine, 1997 [AN].
« Mathématiques et idéologie : le travail des mathématiques contemporaines », Le Banquet
« Alain Badiou, le nombre et les nombres », traduit en anglais, OUP in Ramond ed.,
Une philosophie forte, L’Harmattan, 2000.
« Descartes, la géométrie et la Géométrie », Actas do 4° Encontro de Evora, Historia et Filoso ia da Ciencia, 2000.
Edition Numéro spécial de la Revue Epistémologiques, Hommage à J. Merleau-Ponty, Cosmologie et Philosophie, « Sur la signification conceptuelle de l’intervention des nombres complexes en cosmologie », 2000.
Edition Numéro spécial de la Revue Epistémologiques, Hegel et la Philosophie de la Nature avec E Renault, « Mathématiques, physique, philosophie », 2002.
« Desanti, philosophe des mathématiques », Actes du colloque Desanti, paru aux éditions de l’ENS Lyon, 1997. Traduit en portugais, Studia Sciencias, Sao Paulo, 2000.
« Espaces mathématiques, espaces philosophiques » in Marc Lachièze-Rey ed., L’espace physique entre mathématiques et philosophie, EDP Sciences, 2006 [AICL].
« Sur l’immanence de la preuve et la logique du conflit », ed. Jean Sallantin, République de San Marino, Crises conflits transactions, 2004.
« Sur la transformation intégrale », in Géométrie au XXe siècle, Hermann, 2005.
« Les modalités et l’argumentation machine » avec Jean Sallantin in Revue Philologique de Louvain, 2005
« La cosmologie comme science spéculative et expérimentale », in Kouneiher ed., Philosophie de la nature, Hermann, 2010.
in L’énergie, ed. Gesquier, Paty, Hermann, à paraître, 2010.
- « Duhem et le phénoménisme »
- « Sur l’énergétisme »
in Parrochia D., Barrau A. ed., « La cosmologie comme science spéciale »
Préfaces aux ouvrages parus EDP sciences avec M. Paty
J. Merleau-Ponty, Philosophie et cosmologie, 2003
G. G Granger, Philosophie, langage, science, 2003
Source et évolution de la physique, Escoubès EDP Science 2005
« La philosophie de la cosmologie de Jacques Merleau-Ponty », in Bachta ed., Hommage à Merleau–Ponty, Presses Universitaires de l’Université de Tunis, 2005.
« Les concepts géométriques à l’œuvre dans a théorie de la relativité d’Einstein » in Bachta ed., La science einsteinienne, ses origines et son contenu, Presses Universitaires de l’Université de Tunis, 2007.
« Jean Cavaillès l’axiomatisation de la production mathématique », Jean Cavaillès, L’Archicubier, 2007
« Quelle réalité physique l’élaboration mathématique permet-elle de distinguer ? A partir de l’article d’Hadamard Comment je n’ai pas découvert la relativité ? », in Smadja Ed., Réalismes et théories physiques, Presses universitaires de Caen.
Article "Cosmologie de Penrose" in Philosophie de la cosmologie
On the Ménélaus theorem (Actes du colloque "La démonstration à l’âge classique")
Proceedings of the Galois Conference (Campinas), en cours
Plenary international conference, november 2011 : "Campinas On the Strength of the Galois Theory".
Conference, colloque Koyré (Nanterre) février 2012 : On Copernic according to Koyré
Conférence, MSH, avril 2012 : Séminaire Flament On the abstract Galois theory by Marc Krasner
Internationale conferences, avril 2012, Ubatuba, Brésil : "On the descent theory according Grothendieck"
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