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Workshops, Conferences & Talks

Archives of previous years here. The activities in the framework of seminars are here. All types of research activities are here.


Symposium in honor to Dominique Lecourt Philosophy of science at the risk of freedom

1st February 2024
Buffon Auditorium
Centre Georges Canguilhem/UMR Sphère/UFR Institut Humanités Sciences et Sociétés (Université Paris Cité)

Symposium: Hand in the Middle Ages

June 15th-16th, 2023 - Université Paris Cité and Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne

Closing symposium of IRP program “Rigor and the Growth of Knowledge”

18th to 29th February 2024
Room Luc Valentin 454A Condorcet building Université Paris Cité 4 Rue Elsa Morante Paris 75013

Voula TSOUNA’s lectures on books VIII and IX of Plato’s Republic

from 13th May to 23rd May 2024 - Ecole Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris

Call for papers - La médecine du tri II. L’extension d’un paradigme ?

Paper proposals are due by July 5, 2024 at the latest, to the following address:
Conference date: December 5 and 6, 2024 in Paris.

Workshop - Readings from... L’excellence menacée, Sur la philosophie politique d’Aristote by Pierre Pellegrin (Classiques Garnier, 2017)

Monday June 17th 2024 at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 12, place du Panthéon 75005 Paris

Two days of history and epistemology of the foundations of Quantum Mechanics

April 14–15, 2023, Université Paris Cité. Organisation: J.-J. Szczeciniarz (Université Paris Cité), O. Freire (Universidade Federal da Bahia), J. Kouneiher (Université Côte d’Azur), M. Paty (SPHere)

ED 623: Study day, April 4, 2023

April 4, 2023, Université Paris Cité. Organisation: N. Beaubert (CEPED), T. Berthod (SPHERE), N. Binard (LDAR), L. Genet (CERLIS), S. Gentil (SPHERE), N. Lemarchand (CERMES3), L. Pezzenati (CERLIS),
J. Sion (CEPED)

Pierre Varignon, a “professional” geometer at the dawn of the Enlightenment

January 17–19, 2023, Paris. Organisation: S. Bella (CNRS, ERC Philiumm, SPHère), J. Peiffer (CNRS, Centre Alexandre Koyré)

Leibniz in Paris: 1672-2022

International Conference, December 5–7, IEA Paris. Organisation: A. Costa (Centre Jean Pépin), D. Rabouin (CNRS, SPHere), P. Rateau (Université Paris I Sorbonne, Centre d’histoire des philosophies modernes de la Sorbonne), in collaboration with the Société d’études leibniziennes de langue française (SELLF) and Sodalitas Leibnitiana, with support of IEA in Paris

Conference in honor of Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz

November 24 et 25, 2022, Université Paris Cité. Organisation: Brice Halimi (Université Paris Cité, HPS, & SPHERE) et David Rabouin (CNRS, SPHERE, ERC Philiumm)

John of Jandun and his time

New research perspectives

November 17 et 18 2022, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris. Organisation : J.-B. Brenet (Université Paris 1, GRAMATA), I. Costa (CNRS-UMR LEM 85-84), V. Decaix (Université Paris 1, GRAMATA, IUF)

Optics in the 17th Century

October 7, 2022, Université Paris Cité. Organisation : V. de Risi (CNRS, SPHere & Max Planck Institute for the History of Science), in the framework of the seminar "Mathematics from Ancient to Modern Age"

Conditions of possibility of knowledge in ancient philosophy

September 15-16, 2022, Maison de la Philosophie Marin Mersenne, 75005. Organisation: Stéphane Marchand, in the framework of the Program Prolepsis


Study Day of the ED 623 : Transfer of knowledge

June 13 juin 2022, Université Paris Cité. Organisation: Clément Bonvoisin (ED 623, SPHere)

“Gaits, Dis-continuities, Scans. Forms of life in a situation of chronic illness/disability”

International conference

June 3, 2022, Université Paris Cité. Organisation : M. Gaille (INSHS, CNRS), A. Camus (SPHere), Estelle Ferrarese (Université de Picardie Jules Vernes), in the framewrok of the ANR Project Epiphinore

Science, Epistemology and Ethics

Science and Philosophical Debates: A New Approach towards Ancient Epicureanism.

May 30 - June 1st 2022, University of Venise. Organisation : F. Masi (P.I.) (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia), S. Maso (Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia), P.-M. Morel (Université Paris 1, Gramata, UMR 7219), F. Verde (Sapienza Università di Roma), in the framework of the Spin-Spider Project

Workshop on Kurt Goldstein

May 13, 2022, Université de Dijon. Co-organisation : Agathe Camus (SPHERE, Université Paris Cité) & Marco Dal Pozzolo (LIR3S, Université de Dijon),in the framework for SPHere of the ANR project Epiphinore

Healthcare, social sciences, and "philosophy in practice"

March 14, 2022, Université Paris Cité. Organisation: Marta Spranzi (Université de Saclay, UMR 8085, CNRS-Université de Saint Quentin en Yvelines), Catherine Dekeuwer (Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin, et SPHERE)

Variations in History and Didactics of Mathematics


October 13, 2021, Université Paris Cité. Organisation: N. Decamp (LDAR) & C. de Varent (CREAD & SPHere)

Raoul le Breton, les artiens et les théologiens : formes de savoir à Paris à la fin
du 13e siècle

November 18-19 2021, Université Paris Cité. Organisation: L. Cesalli (Université de Genève), I. Costa (CNRS, LEM, UMR 8584), A. M. Mora Marquez (University of Gothenburg), S. Rommevaux (CNRS, SPHere), in the framework of ‘Brito Project’

Identity, Individuality, and Indistinguishability

6-8 octobre 2021, Paris. Organisation : G. Catren (SPHERE - Sciences, Philosophie, Histoire, Université Paris Diderot-CNRS, Paris, France), F. Holik (Instituto de Física La Plata-CONICET, Argentina)
