Organisation : Sabine Rommevaux-Tani (SPHERE) and Odile Kouteynikoff (SPHERE)
This seminar, which is scheduled to extend over several years, is devoted to Mathematics in Renaissance Europe and consists of three main topics, which are Humanism and Mathematics, Algebra related to Arithmetic and Geometry, Mathematics and their area of efficiency.
PROGRAMME 2012-2013 : Fridays, 9:30–12:00. Room Gris (734A), building Condorcet, University Paris Diderot, 4 rue Elsa Morante, 75013 Paris – access map.
Oct. 26, 2012 {{}}
Sabine Rommevaux (SPHERE)
Le De proportionibus libri duo de Jean Fernel (1528). Première partie : les rapports
Nov. 16
{{}}Sabine Rommevaux (SPHERE)
Le De proportionibus libri duode Jean Fernel (1528). Deuxième partie : les rapports de rapports
Jan. 18, 2013
{{}}Angela Axworthy (Univ. de Tours)
Le statut des objets géométriques dans le commentaire des Eléments d’Euclide de Jacques Peletier du Mans (1557)
Feb. 15
{{}}Odile Kouteynikoff (SPHERE)
"Arithmétique subtile" et algèbre dans l’œuvre de Guillaume Gosselin (2e moitié du XVIe siècle)
March 29
{{}}Veronica Gavagna (Univ. de Salerne)
Renaissance geometry meets arithmetics : the case of F. Maurolico’s Elementorum compendia
12 April
{{}}Session together with the seminar “"Arabic" Mathematics”
Pascal Crozet
L’algèbre d’Abū Kāmil
May 31 !! session cancelled !!
{{}}Jackie Stedall (Mathematical Institute, Oxford)
Harriot’s interpretations of the writings of Viète