The seminar has been created in 2009. It is organized by SPHERE ; Centre Georges Canguilhem (Humanities Institute of Paris - Université Paris Diderot) (C. Lefève) ; CIRPHLES - Ecole Normale Supérieure (F. Worms, Cl. Marin Cl) ; ETHOS (Plateforme éthique - University of Lausanne (L. Benaroyo)) ; Institute of Sociology - Université Libre de Bruxelles (N. Zaccai-Reyners) and National Resource Centre for Palliative Care (J.-C. Mino).
The seminar is founded on the hypothesis that care is the aim and the essence of medicine. Scientific objectivity and subjective experience of the patient often seem in opposition. Nevertheless, treatment and care require the scientific medicine and its techniques. The seminar tries to understand how medical specialization and technologies, patients/physicians relationship, health system and public health policy can hide and deny the subjective experience of the patient. The seminar studies individual and collective significations of illness and various ways to approach them in medical care.
PROGRAM 2012-2013 :
International Conference : « Thinking care »,
Institut de sociologie, Université Libre de Bruxelles. Organized by International Seminar on Care Studies (Séminaire International d’Etudes sur le Soin (SIES)) ; Doctoral seminar « Thinking care » (EDTSS et ESP) and Research group on Public Action (GRAP).
Wednesday March 13 2013, 17 h, Salle de vision, bâtiment NB, local NB 2. 223 : Film projection : A separation (Ashgar Farhadi, Iran, 2011).
Thursday March 14 2013, Institut de Sociologie, 15ème niveau, salle Henri Jeanne :
9 h : Introduction
10:00–12:00 : Sabine Chalvon-Demersey : Imaginations and medias : sociological perspectives.
Discussion introduced by Florence Degrave, Nathalie Rigaux et Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners.
14:00–17:00 :
Round-table discussion on the movie A separation (Ashgar Farhadi, Iran, 2011), with Catherine Bert (UNamur), Fabrizio Cantelli (LUSS and GRAP, ULB), Jean-Michel Chaumont (Hoover chair, UCL), Florence Degrave (CIRTES, UCL), Raphaël Gély (ULB), Marta Roca Escoda (Liège UNIL and GRAP, ULB), Jean-Louis Genard (GRAP, ULB), Blanche Leider (FNRS, UCL), Martin Wagener (UCL), Frédéric Worms (ENS-Lille III).
Friday March 15 2013, Institut de Sociologie, 15e niveau, salle Henri Jeanne :
9:30–12:30 :
Round-table discussion on the text by D. W. Winnicott, "Cure" (Home is where we start from) : with Aurélie Dammame (Paris 8) ; Lazare Benaroyo (ETHOS - Université de Lausanne) ; Sylvie Fortin (Université de Montréal) ; Céline Lefève (Centre Georges Canguilhem - Université Paris Diderot and SPHERE) ; Nicolas Marquis (CES, FUSL) ; J. –C. Mino (Centre De Ressources National Soins palliatifs) ; Thomas Périlleux (UCL) ; Nathalie Rigaux (UNamur) ; F. Worms et Cl. Marin (CIRPHLES – Ecole Normale Supérieure) ; Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners (Institut de sociologie – Université Libre de Bruxelles).
14:00–17:00 :
Claire Marin : Illness as inner disaster.
Lazare Benaroyo : Care paradox : contribution of the practical ethics.
Organisers : Florence Degrave, Nathalie Rigaux, Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners.
Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Institut de Sociologie (CP 124)
44, av. Jeanne,
1050 Bruxelles
Information and registration : Stéphanie :
Conference :
François Ansermet, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Geneva and psychoanalyst, Visiting Professor at the Centre Georges Canguilhem : Dizziness biotechnology. Subjective effects of medically assisted reproduction, Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 18:00–20:00, University Paris Diderot, 10-16 rue Françoise Dolto, 75013 Paris – Halle aux Farines - Access C Hall - Room 237 C.
Half-day seminar :
"Care and Chronic Disease"
with Fabrice Gzil, philosopher, Director of Social Studies, Foundation Méderic Alzheimer : The time disease and Philippe Barrier, Professor of Philosophy (CNED), Paris : Chronic disease and self-normativity, Monday, January 28, 2013, 15:00–19:00, University Paris Diderot, Halle aux Farines, salle Pierre Albouy.
PROGRAMME 2011-2012
International Conference
Wednesday March 7 2012
17:00 : Film projection Poetry (Lee Changdong, South Corea, 2010)
Thursday March 8 2012
9:00 Introduction
9:30–12:00 About Poetry : figures of complaint
Round-table dicussion with Sylvie Carbonnelle (Metices, ULB), Jean- Michel Chaumont (Hoover chair, UCL), Damien De Blic (Paris 8 and GRAP, ULB), Florence Degavre (CERISIS, UCL), Jean-Louis Genard (GRAP, ULB), Patricia Paperman (Paris 8 and GSPM), Patrick Pharo (Cerses, CNRS), Natalie Rigaux (FUNDP)
14h00 – 16h30
Various approachs on complaint
Conference speakers : Fabrizio Cantelli (GRAP, ULB), Dr Cathy Blanc (Université de Montpellier), Nicolas Marquis (CES, FUSL).
17:00 : Film projection : Red Beard (Akahige) (Akira Kurosawa, Japan, 1965)
Friday March 9 2012
9:30 –12:00 About Paul Ricoeur, Suffering is not pain
Round-table dicussion with Lazare Benaroyo (Ethos, UNIL), Céline Lefève (Centre Georges Canguilhem, Paris 7), Claire Marin (ENS), Jean-Christophe Mino (CNRSP, Paris), Frédéric Worms (CIEPFC, ENS), Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners (GRAP, Fnrs ULB)
14:00–16:30 Red Beard and medical training
Conférence de Céline Lefève (Centre Canguilhem, SPHERE, Paris 7)
Discussion introduced by Dr Cathy Blanc
Organizer : Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners (
Friday, November 18, 2011, Care and technologies : Justice and autonomy in reproductive techniques. 15:00–18:00, Anthropos Hall Café, Amphipôle, Quartier UNIL-Sorge, University of Lausanne - Switzerland
Gaia Barazzetti, Dr. Phil., Assistante Ethos
L’autonomie personnelle face aux nouvelles techniques de dépistage génétique prénatal
Nadja Eggert, Doctorante, Assistante Ethos,
La justice à l’épreuve des pratiques de procréation médicalement assistée
Répondant : F. Worms, Université Lille 3, CIEPFC (ENS)
PROGRAMME 2010-2011
Organisé par :
SPHERE et le Centre Georges Canguilhem - Université Paris Diderot (C. Lefève)
le CIEPFC – Ecole Normale Supérieure (F. Worms, Cl. Marin)
ETHOS - Université de Lausanne (L. Benaroyo)
METICES – Université Libre de Bruxelles (N. Zaccaï-Reyners)
la Fondation Croix-Saint-Simon (J. –C. Mino)
Informations également sur le site :
Contact :
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