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Home > Archives > Past sponsored research projects > ERC Project Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity > Events > New Spaces for Mathematics and Physics. Formal and Philosophical Reflections


New Spaces for Mathematics and Physics. Formal and Philosophical Reflections

International Workshop


September 28 to October 2, 2015,
Amphitheater Hermite, Institute Henri Poincaré, Paris

To the site of the Workshop:
publication project, schedule, ...

Since the development of differential and algebraic varieties, the notion of space has traversed very radical transformations, both in pure mathematics and in mathematical physics. The objective of this project is to propose a formal, conceptual and historical vision of these evolutions by addressing recent notions of space in mathematics and/or physics (auch as diffeologies, schemes, topoi, stacks, spin networks, homotopy types, noncommutative spaces, supermanifolds, etc.)

This conference is part of the wider project of editing a collective book on these subjects (see here for its table of contents). The workshop is conceived as an opportunity to collectively discuss and enrich the different contributions to the book.

Free access to the Workshop with former registration.

Scientific Committee:
Gabriel Catren and Mathieu Anel
Mathieu Anel, Christine Cachot, Gabriel Catren, Julien Page and Federico Zalamea

Derived geometry. Mathieu Anel
(CNRS, SPHERE, ERC Philosophie de la Gravitation Quantique Canonique)
Schemes. Pierre Cartier
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques
Homological decomposition
and motives.
Denis-Charles Cisinski
Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)
Diffeologies. Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour
(Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, CNRS)
Geometric aspects of topos theory in relation with logical doctrines. André Joyal
Université du Québec à Montréal)
Super-geometry. Mikhail Kapranov
(Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Tokyo)
Synthetic differential geometry - new methods for old spaces. Anders Kock
(Aarhus University)
Geometry in triangulated categories. Maxim Kontsevich
(Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques)
Quantum differential geometry. Shahn Majid
(Queen Mary University of London, School of Mathematical Sciences)
Stringy geometry and emergent space. Marcos Mariño
(Université de Genève)
Twistor theory. Roger Penrose
(University of Oxford)
Spaces as infinity-groupoids. Timothy Porter
(University of Wales, Bangor)
Lie (or differentiable) groupoids. Jean Pradines
(Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)
Spin networks and spinfoams. Hanno Sahlmann
(University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Higher pre-quantized geometry. Urs Schreiber
(Eduard Čech Institute for Algebra, Geometry and Physics, Prague)
Stacks and the Artin Property. Carlos Simpson
(Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Université de Nice)
Sheaves and funtors of points. Michel Vaquié
(Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse)

Research Axes
Practical Information
Members Other events
Seminar "Philosophy
& mathematical physics"
"(Id)entity :: (Id)entification"

This workshop has received funding from
the European Research Council
under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013 Grant Agreement N° 263523, ERC Project PhiloQuantumGravity).