Organisers : Sébastien Maronne (Univ. Paul Sabatier, IMT, SPHERE) & David Rabouin (SPHERE)
Presentation : The monthly workshop seminar “Early Modern Mathematics” invites researchers to present their work that deal with mathematics and philosophy of mathematics in the early modern period (1500-1750).
The texts studied and the claims displayed by the authors are discussed in three-hours meetings. Questions occur during the talk in order to support discussion. Attention is paid to read and comment primary sources. Meetings of “bibliographical seminar” will be devoted to the discussion of a book with its author.
The texts studied and the claims displayed by the authors are discussed in three-hours meetings. Questions occur during the talk in order to support discussion. Attention is paid to read and comment primary sources. Meetings of “bibliographical seminar” will be devoted to the discussion of a book with its author.
The seminar is held in French and in English.
Audience : the seminar is particularly intended for young scholars : Ph.D. and master students.
To current year.
Archives : 2010 – 2011, 2011 – 2012, 2012 – 2013, 2013 – 2014, 2014 – 2015, 2016–2017
2014-2015 : the groupe will work to the publication of the project about cartesian geometric style.
Dans la même rubrique :
- Recapitulatif : événements passés 2014–2015
- Séminaire SAW 2013-2015 : Mathematical practices in the context of the astral sciences
- Sciences et philosophie de l’Antiquité à l’Age classique 2014–2015
- Pouvoirs de l’imagination. Approches historiques. 2014–2015
- Entretiens HPS de Paris Diderot 2014–2015
- Histoire et philosophie des mathématiques 2014–2015
- Lecture de textes mathématiques 2014–2015
- Mathématiques "arabes" 2014–2015
- Mathématiques à la Renaissance 2014–2015
- Mathématiques à l’Âge classique 2014–2015
- Mathématiques et Philosophie, 19e et 20e siècles 2014–2015
- Séminaire PhilMath Intersem 6. 2015
- Histoire et philosophie de la physique 2014–2015
- Groupe de travail des doctorants en histoire et philosophie de la physique 2014–2015
- La cosmologie d’Averroès : le Commentaire moyen au De caelo d’Aristote 2014–2015
- Histoire de la lumière 2014–2015
- Physique et Logique. Philosophie naturelle et théorie de la science chez Aristote 2014–2015
- Striving for Coherence : Readings in Averroes’ Incoherence of the Incoherence 2014–2015