PhilMath Intersem is jointly sponsored by the University of Notre Dame, the history and philosophy of science department (HPS) of the University of Paris Diderot, the research unit SPHERE (UMR 7219) and the Archives Henri Poincaré of the University of Lorraine.
The sixth annual PhilMath Intersem (PhilMath Intersem 6) will take place this coming June 2015. the axiomatic method and its uses in the history of mathematics . We will consider the historical , philosophical and logical.
To current year and archives 2010– |
Abstracts, advices of reading are available on this website :
Contact : Emmylou Haffner (University Paris Diderot, SPHERE),
All meetings will take place on the Rive Gauche campus of the University of Paris 7-Diderot, room Klimt (room 366A) of the Condorcet Building.
June 2nd, 4th, 9th, 11th, 16th, 18th, 23rd and 25th
- Göran Sundholm (University of Leiden)
Constructions in Constructive Mathematics and Logic
Thursday June 4, 16:00
- David Rowe (Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz)
Reflections on the Role of Construction in Hilbert’s Grundlagen der Geometrie
Tuesday June 9, 16:00
- Gilles Dowek (INRIA, Deducteam)
A radical view of proofs as algorithms : certifying vs. certified algorithms
Thursday June 11. Session double.
- John Bell (University of Western Ontario)
Hermann Weyl and Constructivism
- Carl Posy (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Intuition and Construction in the Foundations of Mathematics : Three Case Studies
Tuesday June 16. Session double.
- Frédéric Brechenmacher (Université d’Artois ; CNRS)
Naturalness and effectiveness in Kronecker’s arithmetical theory of algebraic magnitudes
- Marco Panza (Université Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne, IHPST ; CNRS)
What makes Descartes’ Geometrical Curves Geometrical and his Mechanical Curves Mechanical ?
Thursday June 18. Session double.
- Mark van Atten (Université Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne, IHPST ; CNRS)
Kripke’s Schema, transfinite proofs, and Troelstra’s Paradox
- David McCarty (Indiana University-Bloomington)
Why is Intuitionism Constructive Mathematics ?
Tuesday June 23, 16:00
- Nathan Sidoli (Waseda University)
Constructions and Problems in Euclid’s Elements
Thursday June 25, 16:00
Orna Harari (Tel Aviv University)
Geometrical Construction : Greek Philosophical Perspectives
Directors : Pr. Michael Detlefsen (University of Notre Dame) and Pr. Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz (Université de Paris 7-Diderot)