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Powers of Imagination. Historical Approach. 2021–2022

Seminar EHESS/CNRS organised by Elizabeth Claire (CNRS), Béatrice Delaurenti (EHESS, CRH-AHLoMA), Roberto Poma (University Paris Est-Créteil) and Koen Vermeir (CNRS)

Contacts :
elizabeth.claire (at) ; beatrice.delaurenti (at) ; poma (at) ; koen.vermeir (at)

The notion of imagination is today considered as an object of study in its own right, after having long been discredited by scientific research. Nevertheless, in modern and contemporary literature, the imagination is generally presented in a negative way, as a mental faculty capable of causing error, illusion or sin. We would like to go against this conception by studying an alternative and little-known intellectual and practical tradition : from the 12th-13th centuries to the beginning of the 19th century, thinkers and practitioners belonging to various disciplines, expressing themselves from various institutional positions, have supported the idea that the imagination possesses great powers.
As in previous years, the seminar will work from and around the texts in the manner of a workshop, by endeavoring to implement a collective work of discussion, analysis and confrontation of sources over the long term.

PROGRAM 2021-2022

The seminar will be held face-to-face and by videoconference. To receive the connection link and allow us to contact you, thanks to register on
Friday March 18, 2022 Friday April 15 Friday May 20

Friday March 18 : download the poster of the session with QR code

  • 11am - 12:30am
    Roberto Poma (Paris, UPEC, Lis)
    Mélancolie et pouvoirs de l’imagination
  • 1:45pm - 3:15pm
    Luca Crisma (Paris, EPHE)
    Primus motus animae extrinsecus pulsatae - Imaginatio et imaginarii chez Jean de Salisbury
  • 3:30pm - 5pm
    Thibaut Julian (Lyon 2, IHRIM)
    Comment parler des spectacles qu’on (n’) a (pas) vus ? Imagination et témoignage (France, XVIIIe siècle)

April 15

  • 9:15am - 10:45am
    Thibault Miguet (Paris, UPEC, Lis)
    Quelques pouvoirs de l’imagination dans la médecine arabe médiévale et sa réception en grec : le Viatique du voyageur d’Ibn al-Ǧazzār et le Kitāb al-malakī d’Al-Maǧūsī
  • 11pm - 12:30pm
    Sonia Gentili (Sapienza Università di Roma / IEA, Paris)
    Force et limites de l’image poétique : une idée de longue durée
  • 1:45pm - 3:15pm
    Clément Duyck (Paris, UPEC, Lis)
    L’imagination mystique (France, XVIIe)
  • 3:30pm - 5pm
    Flavia Buzzetta (Hambourg, Maimonides Center for Advanced Studies)
    Imagination et kabbale chez Pierleone da Spoleto

May 20, Room B4-01, 4th floor, 54 bd Raspail [with registration], hybrid

  • 1:45pm - 3:15pm
    Violaine Giocomotto-Charra (Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, Centre Montaigne)
    L’imagination vulgarisée : traités de l’âme et textes médicaux en français à la fin du XVIe siècle
  • 3:30pm - 5pm
    Dominique Brancher (Université de Bâle)
    Quand l’imagination vous prend au mot. Les risques de la contrefaçon