To download the programmes (in french): June 2014–December 2013 2014, November 2013, d’October 2013.
To the events of May, April, March, February, January,December 2013, November, October. To the events of the 1rst Semester 2014
JUNE 2014
Dates: 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27-28, 30. Download the programme and the map of the campus of Paris Diderot University.
Tuesdays and Thursdays 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 20, 24, 26, Room Klimt, 366A
Philmaths Intersem 5. 2014: Definitions in Mathematics
Seminar of Philosophy of Mathematics (year 5), organised by universities Notre Dame, Paris Diderot and several american and french institutions.
Consult the program online (click on title) with abstracts and bibliography.
, 9:30 – 13:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
:: Autour d’Heinrich Weber
Session organised by Emmylou Haffner.
- Katrin Scheel (TU Braunschweig)
Heinrich Weber and Richard Dedekind - The story of a great and long-lasting friendship..
- Cédric Vergnerie(Univ. Paris Diderot, SPHERE)
Le Lehrbuch der Algebra de Weber et les Vorlesungen über die Theorie der algebraischen Gleichungen de Kronecker : ressemblances et dissemblances..
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
Reading Mathematical Texts
Gautami Bhowmik (SPHERE)
Magic Squares in Sanskrit texts.
Wednesday 4
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Kandinsky, 631BMathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
10:00 –11:30 Ethan Galebach (U.C. Irvine)
Visualization and O-minimality.
11:30 –13:00 Sundar Sarukkai (Manipal University)
The Writing of Mathematics.
, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Malevitch, 483A
Models of physical transmission in the Aristotelian tradition
Charles Ehret (Université Paris I)
La causalité instrumentale chez Thomas d’Aquin.
, 15:00 – 17:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
Averroes’s Cosmology: The Middle Commentary on the De Caelo of Aristotle
Cristina Cerami(CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE)
Révision de la traduction de CMDC I, 2-4.
, 14:00 – 16:00, EHESS, Room 681, Le France, 190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris
History of Science, Technology and Medecine in East Asia
Annick Horiuchi (Université Paris Diderot & CRCAO)
Savoir géographique au Japon (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles).
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Gris, 734A
:: Varia
Suzanne Debarbat (Observatoire de Paris)
L’optique à l’Observatoire de Paris.
Arnaud Mayrargue (CNRS, SPHERE, Paris) et Danielle Fauque (GHDSO-EST, Univ. Paris-Sud, Orsay)
Bilan et perspectives.
Wednesday 11
, 15:00, salle Malevitch, 483AConférence de Roberto Angeloni (b. M.C.)
For a neo-Kantian interpretation of Niels Bohr’s philosophy of physics.
Dans le cadre du projet ERC Philosophie de la gravitation canonique
!! Wednesday !! 11
, 15:00 – 18:00, Room Kupka, 512AScience and knowledge of Earth and Heaven from Antiquity to Newton
Vincent Jullien(Université de Nantes)
La théorie des marées de Galilée en hommage à Pierre Souffrin.
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Mondrian, 646A
History of Science, History of Text
:: Orality and the historian of science’s written sources. Discussing the issue in preparation.
9:30 – 10:50 Daniel Morgan (SAW project & SPHERE)
What Good’s a Text? Textuality, Orality, and Mathematical Astronomy in Early Imperial China.
10:50 – 11:05 Pause
11:05 – 12:15 Antonio Garcia(University of Alicante)
Learning by writing. Chemistry student notebooks and lecture demonstrations in early 19th century France (en collaboration avec José Ramón Bertomeu Sánchez University of Valencia.
12:15 – 13:00 Agathe Keller (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW)
Le chapitre mathématique de l’Āryabhaṭīya (499) comme une compilation de règles orales.
14:15 Agathe Keller (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW)
Le chapitre mathématique de l’Āryabhaṭīya (499) comme une compilation de règles orales (suite).
14:40 Christine Proust (CNRS, SPHERE et projet ERC SAW)
Oralité et mémorisation : quelques exemples parmi les textes mathématiques d’époque paléo-babylonienne.
16:00 Pause
16:15 – 17:25 Martha Cecilia Bustamante (SPHERE et SAW)
Le carnet de notes d’Emile Borel sur le rayonnement thermique : entre émission et réception.
Thursday 12
, 10:00 – 17:00, Room Malevitch, 483AScience and Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age
Workshop organised by Gad freudenthal (CNRS, SPHERE, Paris)
09:30 Gathering
10:00 Gad Freudenthal (CNRS, CHSPAM–SPHERE, Paris) : Welcome
Chair: Ahmad Hasnaoui (CNRS, CHSPAM–SPHERE, Paris)
10:03 Tamas Visi (Palacky University, Olomouc)
Ibn Ezra’s Cryptic Comments on Genesis 1:1.
10:45 Cristina Ciucu (IRHT, Paris)
An Improbable Encounter: Aristotle’s Meteorology in Kabbalistic Garb.
11:30 – 12:00 Pause
12:00 – 12:45 Silvia di Donato (CNRS, CHSPAM–SPHERE et IRHT, Paris)
Aristotle’s Meteorology and junemonides’s Account of Creation through the Prism of Autographs of the Guide of the Perplexed.
Chair: Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM–SPHERE, Paris)
14:15 David Lemler (ÉPHÉ, Paris)
Creation of and in the World According to Moses Narboni.
Jean – Marc Mandosio (Paris)
From the Book of Genesis to Aristotle and Back: The Discussion of Aristotle’s Meteorologica in Alonso Tostado’s (c. 1400 – 1455) Commentaria in Genesim.
15:45-16:30 Resianne Fontaine (University of Amsterdam)
Comments, Perspectives and Concluding Discussion.
, Paris I, Centre Antique et médiéval
Seminar of Translation of the Elements of Theology, Proclus
!! Friday!! 13
, 9:30 – 17:00, Room Klimt, 366AMathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
:: Concepts of genericity in mathematics
Séance exceptionnelle organisée par Brice Halimi(Univ. Paris Ouest-Nanterre)et Chris Porter
Chris Porter (LIAFA, Univ. Paris Diderot)
Effective notions of typicality.
Graham Leach-Krouse (Kansas State University)
Conceptualizing Generic Sets.
Michel Vaquié (IMT, Univ. Toulouse)
Genericity in algebraic geometry.
Friday 13
, 13:00 – 17:00, Room 4, EHESS, 105 bd RaspailPowers of Imagination. Historical Approach.
13:00 – 15:00Denis Sepper (Univ. of Dallas)
The integrative machine of Descartes’s imagination.
15:00 – 17:00Meryem Sebti (CNRS)
La fonction médiatrice de l’imagination dans l’anthropologie d’Avicenne.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
Reading Mathematical Texts
Kim Plofker(Union College)
The Sūryagrahana of Muhammad Shah.
Glen van Brummelen (Quest Univ., Canada)
Precision and Approximation in Trigonometric Tables : Ancient Greece and Medieval Islam.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 18-20
, ParisColloque international : Le livre et les techniques avant le XXe siècle. A l’échelle du monde
With the support of:
Bibliothèque centrale du Cnam, Bibliothèque de l’École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC), BULAC,
Centre Alexandre Koyré (CNRS/EHESS/MNHN), CRHST Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie,
École nationale supérieure d’Architecture Paris La Villette, Identités-Cultures-Territoires ICT (Univ. P7), Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises du Collège de France, Institut des Humanités et des Sciences de Paris (IHSP), Laboratoire de Recherches sur les Cultures Anglophones UMR LARCA (CNRS/Univ. P7), Laboratoire Techniques, Territoires et Sociétés LATTS (CNRS/ENPC/UPEM),
UMR AUSser (CNRS/Univ. Paris-Est), UMR SPHERE (CNRS/Univ. P7),
Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (UPEM).
, Marseille
The Aristotle Metaphysics of Alexander of Aphrodisias
:: La traduction manuscrite du commentaire d’Alexandre à la Métaphysique
9:30 – 12:30 : La tradition manuscrite de la Métaphysique d’Aristote et du Commentaire à la Métaphysique d’Alexandre (Thomas Auffret et Laurent Calvié)
13:30 – 15:30 : La tradition manuscrite.
15:30 – 16:30 : Discussion sur la modélisation de la base de données avec Gérard Journée (Centre Léon Robin, Paris IV-ENS).
, 9:30 – 13:00, Room Kandinsky, 631B
"Arabic" Mathematics
Nacera Bensaou (Univ. Paris Diderot, SPHERE)
De l’extraction de la racine d’un nombre et de la racine d’une équation: histoire
d’un algorithme dans les mathématiques arabes (9e-19e siècle).
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Mondrian, 646A
Seminar SAW: Mathematical practices in the context of the astral science
:: General mathematical practices in the astral sciences and their relation to/contrast with mathematical sources 1: “Adjustment, correction, approximation, and precision“.
Jim Ritter (Université Paris 8)
Procedural texts in mathematics and mathematical astronomy.
Kim Plofker (Union College Mathematics Department)
The Suryagrahana of Muhammad Shah: Foreign mathematical tools in a study of solar eclipses.
Glenn Van Brummelen (Quest University Canada)
Precision and Approximation in Ancient Greek and Medieval Islamic Mathematical Astronomy..
, 14:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
Conference of Mieke Boon (Univ. Twente), in the framework of invited Professor.
Scientific Concepts as Epistemic Tools.
, 9:30 – 17:00, morning: salle Mondrian, 646A, aafternoon: salle Kandinsky, 631B
Working Group QUALENV
PEPS Project QUALENV coordinated byMarie Gaille.
Question 3 : The issue of warning in relation to the idea of quality of life
Marie Gaille (philosopher, CNRS, SPHERE)
Valérie Chansigaud (Historian of Science, SPHERE)
Humbolt et Carson – science, mesure, sensation.
Nathalie Blanc (Geographer, LADYSS)
Esthétique environnementale.
Laura Centemeri (Sociologist, LAMES)
La question de la « commensurabilité » et de ses limites.
:: Question 1 : The question of measuring “differentiated” environmental health risk
:: Question 2 : The question of causality: what explanatory model eco-epidemiology?
Philippe Bizouarn (médecin-réanimateur, CHU Nantes et philosophe des sciences, CNRS, SPHERE)
Environnement et génétique.
Joel Coste (épidémiologiste, Hopital Cochin et historien de la médecine, EPHE)
Evaluation et attribution de la causalité des effets secondaires des thérapeutiques médicales en pharmacologie et épidémiologie : des approches antinomiques.
Marie Gaille (philosphe, CNRS, SPHERE)
Synthèse de lecture – Toxicité, évaluation du risque, action publique chez K. Schrader-Frechette.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Klein, 612B
Reading Mathematical Texts
Willis Monroe (Brown University)
Micro-Zodiac Schemes in Late-Babylonian Astrology and Astronomy.
, Institute Henri Poincaré, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris
Circulations/interactions between domains of mathematics in the 19th and early 20th century: Sino-French meeting between younger generations
This event is organised under the auspices of the Seminar History of Mathematics
of the Institut Henri Poincaré, with the support of INTERSEM (Mic Detlefsen, Notre Dame University),
of SPHERE (CNRS & Univ. Paris 7 Diderot) and of Ecole Normale of Hebei.
Friday 27 : amphitheater Perrin
10:00 Introduction
10:15 – 11:15
François Lê (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu)
Equation theory, substitution theory and geometry: meetings around special geometrical configurations, ca. 1870
11:30 – 12:30
Shuhong WANG (Hebei Normal University)
The History of commutative ring in the 19th and early 20th century.
14:00 – 15:00
Emmylou Haffner (SPHERE)
Dedekind’s algebra, an arithmetical road to more general and rigorous definitions?
15:00 – 16:00
Tao WANG (Hebei Normal University)
Felix Klein’s view on manifold and its influence on Hermann Weyl.
16:00 – 16:30
Table ronde :Frédéric Brechenmacher, Christophe Eckes, Anne-Sandrine Paumier, Cédric Vergnerie, Wang Shuhong, Yan Chenguang.
Saturday 28 , Room 314
9:30 – 10:30
Christophe Eckes (Archives Henri Poincaré)
An overview of Hermann Weyl’s lectures at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton): Theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, Invariant theory, algebraic theory of numbers (1934-1938).
10:30 – 11:30
Chenguang YAN (Hebei University of Science and Technology)
C. Chevalley’s Works on the Class Field Theory – What and How.
11:45 – 12:45
Renaud Chorlay (ESPE Paris, Paris IV, & SPHERE)
Universal coverings: from uniformization theory to group theory and differential topology.
14:15 – 15:15
Caroline Ehrhardt (Université Paris 8)
Tactics and group theory from T. P Kirkman to Eliakim H. Moore.
15:15 – 16:30
Genral Discussion with Caroline Ehrhardt, François Lê, Wang Tao.
* Accès :
, 9:30 – 13:15, Room Mondrian, 646A
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
:: Mathematics, History of mathematics, Philology and Linguistics, 18th-20th century
Session prepared by Marteen Bullynck(Univ. Paris 8, SPHERE), Pierre Chaigneau(Univ. Paris Diderot, SPHERE),Marie-José Durand-Richard(Univ. Paris 8, SPHERE),Agathe Keller(CNRS, SPHERE & ERC SAW), Pascale Rabault (ENS, CNRS), Ivahn Smadja(Univ. Paris Diderot, SPHERE), with support of ERC Project SAW"Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World"
9:30 – 10:40
Maarten Bullynck (Univ. Paris 8, SPHERE)
Transfers and transformations of numerals. The brothers Humboldt at the crossroads of disciplines (1819-1835).
10:40 – 11:50
Ivahn Smadja (Univ. Paris Diderot, SPHERE)
More on Brahmagupta in Germany : Which Quadrilaterals? Which Proofs?
11:50 – 12:05 Break
12:05 – 13:15
Pierre Chaigneau (Univ. Paris Diderot, SPHERE)
Some links between Otto Neugebauer’s work and the history of ancient sciences as made before him in Germany.
Dates : 6, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 30. Download the programme &nd the map of the campus of Paris Diderot University.
Tuesday 6, 14:00 – 16:00, EHESS, Room 681, Le France, 190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris
History of Science, Technology and Medecine in East Asia
Françoise Sabban (EHESS, Paris)
Innovation technique, évolution des goûts et commerce du sucre (Chine XVIe –XVIIe siècles).
, 9:45 – 18:30, Room Klimt, 366A
Machines and Imagination
:: La machine et les cinq sens
9 :45 Introduction
10 :00 Michael Wheeler (Stirling)
Minds without Frontiers: Extended Senses and the Senses of Extension.
11 :00 James Williams (Dundee)
Duchamp transformations and the refinement of feedback by continental philosophy (with some examples from David Foster Wallace).
14 :00 Kirian Murphy (university of Colorado)
Le Sens de l’électromagnétisme dans la littérature du 19e siècle.
15 :00 Nicolas Wade (Dundee)
Machines and motion in the third dimension.
16 :30 Margarete Vöhringer (Berlin)
Sight disorders - Visual instruments and their effects in Arts and Sciences.
17 :30 Andreas Mayer (Paris)
Walking Machines in the 19th Century.
, 9:00 – 17:30, Room Malevitch, 483A
Science and Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age
:: Les transmissions du corpus hippocratique et les pratiques médicales
Journée organisée par Mehrnaz Katouzian-Safadi (CNRS, SPHERE)
9:30–10:30 : Véronique Boudon-Millot (CNRS, UMR 8167)
Transmission de la médecine grecque au monde arabe.
10:45–12:00 : Peter E. Pormann(University of Manchester)
Les commentaires arabes aux Aphorismes Hippocratiques : rapport sur les recherches en cours.
14:00–15:00 : Taro Mimura (University of Manchester)
The textual history of the Greek text of Galen’s Commentary on Hippocrates’Aphorisms in the Arabic tradition.
15:15–16:15 : Ros Batten (University of Manchester)
The Hippocratic Aphorisms in Arabic Literary Texts.
16:15–17:15 : Emily Selove (University of Manchester)
Gynaecology in the Arabic tradition of the Hippocratic Aphorisms.
Thursday 15
, 17:00 – 19:30, Room 388C, hall C, Grands MoulinsRace and médecine
:: De la race en Amérique.
Thomas Grillot (CNRS/CENA-EHESS)
Contrôle de la consommation d’alcool des Amérindiens et création du système des réserves aux États-Unis : le concept de ‘race’ comme instrument de contrôle spatial pour l’État colonial..
Nicolas Martin (CNRS/CENA-EHESS)
Corps, race et perfectionnisme. Sur la morale corporelle des luttes politiques africaines-américaines contre l’oppression raciale (fin XIXe–fin XIXe siècle).
Friday 16
, Paris I, Centre Antique et médiévalSeminar of Translation of the Elements of Theology, Proclus
Friday 16
, 15:00 – 19:00, Room Mondrian, 646AThinking / classifying technical collections
Thierry Bonnot (CNRS-IRIS)
Biographies d’objet : de l’usine au musée ou à la collection personnelle. Patrimonialisation d’objets du quotidien.
Alban Bensa (EHESS-IRIS)
Du particulier au général : montrer l’échange et l’invention dans le Musée des Confluences de Lyon à partir d’une collection d’objets ethnographiques.
, 9:30 – 17:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
:: Morning: Le Zīj al-Sindhind d’al-Khwārizmī
Session organised by Matthieu Husson (SPHERE), linked to ERC Project SAW « Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World ».
José Chabás (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Equations and velocities of the Sun and the Moon in the Zīj al-Sindhind by al-Khwārizmī.
Yano Michio (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Indian elements of al-Khwārizmī’s astronomy.
:: Afternoon:
– presentation of Sabine Rommevaux’s Works (CNRS, SPHERE).
– 16:00 – 18:00
Sho HIROSE (SAW ERC doctoral student) will present his Research Work in the presence of his Codirector YANO Michio:
The dual illumination of the sphere: Comparing the two versions of the Goladīpikā by Parameśvara.
Monday 19
, 9:30 – 17:00, Room Kandinsky, 631BWorking Group QUALENV
:: Question 1 : La question de la mesure « différenciée » du risque environnemental pour la santé
:: Question 2 : La question de la causalité : quel modèle explicatif en éco-épidémiologie ?
PEPS Project QUALENV coordonnated by Marie Gaille (CNRS, SPHERE).
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
Reading Mathematical Texts
Yano Michio (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Extracts of the Siddhāntaśiromaṇi of Bhāskara II.
Li Liang (IHNS, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing)
Huihui lifa (Muslim cadendrical astronomy in China).
, 10:00 – 18:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
Science and Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age
:: Structures génériques et structures théoriques
Workshop organised by Annick Jaulin
Karine Tordo-Rombaut (Centre de recherches PLC (Philosophie, Langages et Cognition), EA 3699, Univ. Grenoble 2)
Platon : les articulations naturelles.
Michel Crubellier (UMR 8163 (STL), Lille 3
Platon sur le pont aux ânes (Ana. Pr., I, 31).
Pierre-Marie Morel (Gramata, Paris 1)
Observations sur le genre en Métaphysique H.
Annick Jaulin (Gramata, Paris 1)
Le genre et l’un.
Jean-Baptiste Gourinat (Centre Léon Robin, Paris 4)
Catégories aristotéliciennes, catégories stoïciennes.
Thursday 22
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Mondrian, 646AHistory of Science, History of Text
:: Mathematical Commentaries
Karine Chemla (SPHERE & ERC Project SAW)
Commentaries on mathematical texts. Results and new questions.
Agathe Keller (CNRS, SPHERE & ERC Project SAW)
Mathematical and textual practices in Sanskrit mathematical commentaries, 7th-10th century.
Micheline Decorps-Foulquier (CHSPAM, SPHERE, Université Blaise Pascal)
Un exemple de commentaire mathématique à la fin de l’Antiquité : le commentaire d’Eutocius d’Ascalon aux Coniques d’Apollonius de Perge..
Glenn Most (The University of Chicago and Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa)
How to Edit Heraclitus.
Thursday 22
, 15:00 – 18:00, Room Kupka, 512AScience and knowledge of Earth and Heaven from Antiquity to Newton
Bernard Besnier (SPHERE)
Les exhalaisons sèches et humides chez les Stoïciens.
Thursday 22
, 17:00 – 19:30, Room 388C, hall C, Grands MoulinsRace and médecine
:: Race et médicament
Guillaume Lachenal (Univ. Paris Diderot/SPHERE)
Race et médicament en contexte colonial : l’exemple de la pentamidine.
Thursday and Friday 22 and 23
, Room 888c, Grands Moulins, aile CMathematics at Modern Age
Thursday, 14:30 – 16:30
Siegmund Probst (Leibniz Archiv, Hanovre) will read with the audience texts of Leibniz focused on the method of undetermined coefficients.
Friday , 10:00 – 13:00
Siegmund Probst
Leibniz as reader and second inventor.
Friday 23
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Mondrian, 646ASeminar SAW: Mathematical practices in the context of the astral science
:: Astral sciences in context, 1: Relations between various types of sources, variety of milieus:
Theoretical texts and ephemerides.
Hermann Hunger (University of Vienna)
Who produced cuneiform astronomical tables and related texts?
Isahaya Yoichi (Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo)
Reconsidering Spheres in the Celestial and Terrestrial Dimensions. The Qiyao rangzai jue, Fu tian li, and their application.
Yano Michio (Kyoto Sangyo University)
Theory and Practice of traditional Indian calendar.
Li Liang (Institute for History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing )
How the ephemeris of the sun was compiled in the Ming period? On the Wei du Taiyang Tongjing and the calculation of the sun with Chinese-Islamic System..
Friday 23
, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Kandinsky, 631BMathematics in the Renaissance
Sara Confalonieri (SPHERE and Bergisches Universität, Wuppertal)
The telling of the unattainable attempt to avoid the casus irreducibilis for cubic equations : Cardano’s De Regula Aliza.
Friday 23
, 15:00 – 17:00, Room Malevitch, 483AAverroes’s Cosmology: The Middle Commentary on the De Caelo of Aristotle
Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE)
Révision de la traduction de CMDC I, 2-4.
, 12:30– 17:00, Paris I, Centre Antique et médiéval
The Aristotle Metaphysics of Alexander of Aphrodisias
:: Commentary of Book Γ
Translation : Annick Jaulin (UMR 7219), proofreaders : Claire Louguet (Université Lille 3, UMR 8163 STL) and Gweltaz Guyomarc’h (TDMAM-UMR 7297).
Dates : 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 24, 28, 30. Download the programme and the map of the campus of the University Paris Diderot.
Wednesday2, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Klein, 612B
Reading Mathematical Texts
Marc Kalinowski (EPHE)
The preface to the Yisizhan.
Wednesday 2
, 13:00 – 18:00, EHESS, Room 015Ethnomathematics 2014
:: (Ethno)géométries et symétries
Worshop organised by Sophie Desrosiers and Éric Vandendriessche
Gilles Rivière (EHESS, CERMA)
Symétrie(s) dans l’espace social et politique andin.
Sophie Desrosiers (EHESS)
Tissus double-face dans les Andes : un cas de symétrie traversante ou construite ‘à travers’ un objet.
Brigitte Roussel (Univ. de la Réunion)
Ethnogéométrie et sculptures Zafimaniry de Madagascar.
Caroline Bulf (Univ. de Bordeaux, LACES, E3D)
La symétrie dans les pratiques de tailleurs de pierre et d’ébénistes, étude de cas.
, 9:30 – 13:00, Room Kandinsky, 631B
"Arabic" Mathematics
Hussein Masoumi (Univ. of Teheran)
De l’astronomie aux mathématiques : le problème du mouvement du centre de l’épicycle de la lune et de Mercure.
Thursday 3
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412BMathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
Kenneth Manders (Pittsburgh University State)
Expressive Means and Mathematical Conceptualization.
Thursday 3
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Gris, 734APHD Students: Working group in History and philosophy of physics
Sabine Rommevaux (CNRS, SPHERE)
Discussions médiévales sur le vide, en particulier dans les Questions sur la physique de Blaise de Parme (XIVe s.).
Thursday 3
, 17:00 – 19:00, Centre Alexandre Koyré, 27 rue Damesme, 75013 ParisPenser/classer les collections techniques
Vincent Bontems (CEA)
Les collections techniques et les typologies.
, 12:30– 17:00, Paris I, Centre Antique et médiéval
The Aristotle Metaphysics of Alexander of Aphrodisias
Commentary to book α ; translation : Laurent Lavaud (UMR 7219), proofreaders : Anne Balansard (Université Aix-Marseille) and Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE).
, 9:30 – 17:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
:: Arabic and graeco-latin Algebras from IX to XVI centuries
Session organised by Sabine Rommevaux (CNRS, SPHERE), linked to the ERC SAW Project « Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World ».
Eleonora Sammarchi (SPHERE)
Le développement du calcul algébrique chez al-Zanhani (XIIIe siècle). Notions et exemples qui demeurent problématiques au XVIe siècle.
Sabine Rommevaux (CNRS, SPHERE)
Démonstrations géométriques des algorithmes de résolution des équations du second degré par Pedro Nuñes et Christophe Clavius.
Odile Kouteynikoff (SPHERE)
La réception des Arithmétiques de Diophante par Guillaume Gosselin.
, 15:00 – 17:00, Room Kandinsky, 631B, exceptionnally !
Averroes’s Cosmology: The Middle Commentary on the De Caelo of Aristotle
Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE)
Révision de la traduction de CMDC I, 2-4.
, 10:00 – 18:00, EHESS, Room "du conseil B"
Ethnomathematics 2014
:: Grains and maths
Worshop organised by Marc Chemillier, Éric Vandendriessche and Sophie Desrosiers
Marc Chemillier (EHESS)
Jeux de graines pour la divination.
Luc Tiennot (Univ. de la Réunion)
Les jeux de semailles de Madagascar.
Jean Retschitzki (Univ. de Fribourg)
Aspects cognitifs chez les experts des jeux de semailles.
, 10:00 – 17:00, Room Mondrian, 646 AReading Mathematical Texts
Zhu Yiwen (Sun Yat-sen University)
Qin Jiushao on the Chinese remainder theorem.
Krishnamurthi Ramasubramanian (IIT Mumbai)
Extracts of the Karaṇapaddhati.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
Science and Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age
:: Réception de Ptolémée, du XIIe au XIIIe siècle
Workshop organised by Barbara Obrist (CNRS, SPHERE)
David Juste (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich)
Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus.
Cecilia Panti (Università di Roma «Tor Vergata»)
The Ptolemaic system in early thirteenth century Latin astronomy, and the case of Robert Grosseteste.
Jean-Patrice Boudet (University of Orléans)
Naissance et conception : autour de la proposition 51 du Centiloquium attribué à Ptolémée.
Thusrday 10
, !! 11:00 – 16:30 !!, exceptionnally Room 888c, building Grands Moulins, hall CMathematics at Modern Age
11:00–13:00 : Jean Dhombres (Centre Koyré, CNRS) Tschirnhaus : un éléphant dans un magasin de porcelaine.
14:30–16:30 : Jean Dhombres will read with us texts focused on the method of undetermined coefficients from Descartes to D’Alembert.
Thursday 10
, 15:00 – 18:00, Room Kupka, 512AScience and knowledge of Earth and Heaven from Antiquity to Newton
Bernard Besnier (SPHERE)
Les exhalaisons sèches et humides chez Aristote.
Thursday 10
, 17:00 – 19:30, Room 388C, hall C, Building of Grands MoulinsRace and médecine
:: Races et populations. Médecine et génétique des populations humaines (XXe s.)
Luc Berlivet (CR, CNRS/CERMES 3)
Per rigenerare la stirpe : Le jeu de l’hérédité et du milieu dans la science des populations italienne (1890-1980).
Claude-Olivier Doron (Univ. Aix-Marseille/ Telemme)
Le concept de «race» et son évolution dans l’hémotypologie et la géographie médicale française : Valois, Ruffié et Bernard.
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Mondrian, 646A
Seminar SAW: Mathematical practices in the context of the astral science
:: Exploring mathematical practices around an astronomical question 3: Origins, Radices and management of cycles.
Lis Brack-Bernsen (Universität Regensburg)
Numerical functions describing periodic astronomical phenomena in Mesopotamia.
Lisa Raphals (University of California at Riverside)
Which Cycles? Early Chinese Representations of Cycles in the Astral sciences.
Krishna Ramasubramanian (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay)
Glimpses of Karanapaddhati: A unique astronomical treatise.
Zhu Yiwen (Sun Yat-sen University)
The Use of a traditional method (Fangcheng) in Calendric Calculations in ancient China.
Friday 11
, Paris I, Centre Antique et médiévalSeminar of Translation of the Elements of Theology, Proclus
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412B
Mathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
:: 5. Focus on the theory of equations of Kronecker (session 3)
Cédric Vergnerie (SPHERE)
Sur la théorie des caractéristiques de Kronecker.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Gris, 734A
PHD Students: Working group in History and philosophy of physics
Jean-Philippe Martinez (SPHERE)
La mécanique quantique chez Vladimir Fock : une tentative de conciliation de l’est et de l’ouest.
Thursday 24
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412BMathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
Mathieu Anel (ETH Zurich)
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Kandinsky, 631B
Workshop QUALENV
:: Quelles mesures, quelle causalité, quelles alertes pour évaluer la qualité de vie dans un environnement à risque ? (session 1)
Coordination : Marie Gaille.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Klein, 612B
Reading Mathematical Texts
Sho Hirose (SAW)
Extracts from Parameśvara’s Goladīpika.
!! Wednesday !! 30
, !! exceptionnally 14:00 – 17:00, Room Klein, 612B !!Mathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
Jean-Philippe Narboux (University Michel Montaigne Bordeaux 3)
Les nombres naturels de Wittgenstein à Kripke.
Dates : 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27
Tuesday 4, 17:00 – 19:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
History and Philosophy of Physics
Jean-Jacques Szczeciniarz (University Paris Diderot)
Sur l’ontologie de la théorie des twisteurs. Développements récents.
, 9:30 – 17:15, amphitheater Pierre Gilles Gennes
Workshop 2014 of ED 400 : L’étude des pratiques : diversité et enjeux
Programme online ici.
Wednesday 5
, 13:00 – 15:00, EHESS, Room 5, av. de France, 75013Ethnomathematics 2014
Laurence Charlier (EHESS, CERMA)
L’absence est un « moins » et non un « zéro ».
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Gris, 734A
PHD Students: Working group in History and Philosophy of Physics
Julie Jebeile (IHPST)
La compréhension scientifique au moyen de la modélisation.
Thursday 6
, 17:00 – 19:00, Centre Alexandre Koyré, 27 rue Damesme, 75013 ParisThinking / classifying technical collections
Marie-Sophie Corcy (Musée des arts et métiers)
Méthodologie et sources pour une histoire de la constitution des collections du Conservatoire des arts et métiers.
, 9:30 – 13:00, Room Kandinsky, 631B
"Arabic" Mathematics
Philippe Abgrall (CEPERC)
La trigonométrie sphérique dans l’étude de l’astrolabe par al-Ṣāghānī.
Friday !! 7
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Gris, 734AMathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
:: 5. Sur la théorie des équations de Kronecker (séance 1)
Session organised by Cédric Vergnerie
Cédric Vergnerie (Sphere) will introduce, first to the talk of Norbert Schappacher (IRMA, University of Strasburg), a prerequisite to this theory of characteristics that Kronecker designed by Fortgangsprincip.
, , 9:30 – 17:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
:: Mathématiques anciennes et médiévales – Moyens de paiement
Session organised by Karine Chemla (CNRS, SPHERE & ERC SAW), in the context of the project ERC SAW « Mathematical Sciences in the Ancient World ».
Cao Jin 曹晉 (Tübingen University)
Weighing, Counting, and Calculating Coins in Ancient China.
Matthieu Husson (SPHERE et SAW)
Remarks on John of Murs’s De monetis.
Marc Bompaire (EPHE)
Calculs sur les monnaies. Approches de mathématiciens, approches de praticiens : le cas de livres de changeurs français des XIVe-XVe siècles.
, 14:00 – 16:00, EHESS, Room 681, Le France, 190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris
History of Science, Technology and Medecine in East Asia
Wu Huiyi (Needham Research Institute, Cambridge
La circulation des savoirs dans une Eurasie polycentrique: le cas de la variolisation au début du XVIIIe siècle.
Alexander Statman (Stanford University)
L’explication mesmérienne du Yin-Yang : le magnétisme animal et la cosmologie chinoise à la fin du XVIIIe siècle.
Tuesday 11
, 17:00 – 19:00, !! Room Mondrian, 646A !!History and Philosophy of Physics
Jean Eisenstaedt (Observatoire de Paris)
La théorie newtonienne de la propagation de la lumière.
, 10:00 – 17:00, Room Rothko, 412B
Reading Mathematical Texts
Qu Anjing (Northwest University, Xi’an)
The shape of earth and algorithm of lunar eclipse.
Lis Brack-Bernsen (Univ. Regensburg)
Texts testifying of numerical functions describing periodic astronomical phenomena in Mesopotamia.
Wednesday 12
, 14:30 – 17:00, Room Gris, 734AHistory of Light
:: Approche théorique de l’optique au tournant XIXe-XXe siècles
Olivier Darrigol (Laboratoire SPHERE, CNRS)
Fizeau, Gouy, Poincaré et la nature de la lumière blanche.
Michel Paty (SPHERE, CNRS)
Sur le cheminement d’Einstein vers une théorie quantique de la lumière et du rayonnement.
Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13
, amphi Buffon, 15, rue Hélène Brion, 75013 ParisVivre la maladie. Expériences et identités contemporaines.
International Workshop in the context of the interdisciplinary Program Sorbonne Paris Cité
« La personne en médecine », directed by Céline Lefève (Centre G. Canguilhem (Institut des Humanités de Paris)/SPHERE Paris Diderot) and François Villa (CRPMS/Paris Diderot).
Details and programme to download.
, 11:00 – 19:00, Room Rothko, 412B
Machines and Imagination
:: La machine et le temps
11 :00–13 :00
Paul Harris (Loyola Marymount University)
Probing the Depths of Time : Science, Philosophy, Poetics.
Elie During (University Paris 10)
La machine simultanéiste : introduction au temps vertical.
14 :30–16 :30
Jimena Canales (Harvard University)
Time Travel : Machines, Theories and Desires.
Arnaud Regnauld (Paris 8)
’There are emptinesses to be filled with nothing but seeing — and in seeing, being nothing but that which fills our eyes with the ghosts of digital thoughtography’ - /Filmtext 2.0/de Mark Amerika.
17 :00 : Darian Mecham (UWE, Bristol)
Thursday 13
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Gris, 734AMathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
Michael Detlefsen (University of Notre Dame)
Axiomatic Method and Consistency.
Thursday 13
, 17:00 – 19:30, Room 388C, Hall C, Grands MoulinsRace and Medecine
:: La race et le regard médical (fin XVIIIe-XIXe s.)
Claude-Olivier Doron (MCF, Histoire et philosophie des sciences, University Paris Diderot)
Race and Medecine : une vieille histoire ? Les modèles médicaux pour penser la formation des races (fin XVIIIe–déb. XIXe siècles).
Delphine Peiretti-Courtis (ATER, Univ. Aix-Marseille/ Telemme)
Regards sur la chevelure et la pilosité des Africain(e)s dans la littérature médicale française (fin XVIIIe siècle–milieu XXe siècles.
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Mondrian, 646A
Seminar SAW: Mathematical practices in the context of the astral science
:: Exploring mathematical practices around an astronomical question 1: Syzygies/eclipses, parallax.
Lis Brack-Bernsen (Universität Regensburg)
Babylonian Astronomy: prediction and calculation of the Lunar Six and eclipses.
Clemency Montelle (University of Canterbury)
The mathematics underlying parallax in Sanskrit sources.
Qu Anjing (Northwest University, Xi’an)
Numerical Algorithm System in Ancient China.
Friday 14
, 12:30– 17:00, Paris I, Centre AntiqueTranslation Seminar: The Aristotle Metaphysics of Alexander of Aphrodisias
Commentaire au livre B ; traduction : Gweltaz Guyomarc’h (TDMAM-UMR 7297), relecteurs : Claire Louguet et Michel Crubellier, (University Lille 3, UMR 8163 STL).
Friday 14
, 13:00 – 17:00, Room 4, EHESS, 105 bd RaspailPowers of Imagination. Historical Approach
13:00 – 15:00 Roberto Poma (UPEC) et Elizabeth Claire (CNRS)
L’imagination et le vertige.
15:00 – 17:00 Sophie Vasset (University Paris Diderot)
Stérilités et imagination au XVIIIe siècle.
Friday 14
, 14:00 – 17:00, Room Luc Valentin, 454APhilosophy and Physics
Takuya Nagano (Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japon)
La contingence du devenir matériel selon Bergson : thermodynamique, physique statistique, déterminisme géométrique.
Friday 14
, 15:00 – 17:00, !! Room Rothko, 412B !!Averroes’s Cosmology: The Middle Commentary on the De Caelo of Aristotle
Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE)
Révision de la traduction de CMDC I, 2-4.
, 17:00 – 19:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
History and Philosophy of Physics
Guido Bacciagaluppi (University d’Aberdeen)
Grete Hermann and the foundations of quantum mechanics.
, 10:00 – 17:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
Reading Mathematical Texts
Steve Schnider (Bar Ilan Univ., Israel)
The Saros Text and the secret of Column Φ.
Clemence Montelle (Univ. of Canterbury)
Āmarāja’s commentary on the Khaṇḍakhākdyaka of Brahmagupta.
, !! 9:30 – 18:00 !!, Room Mondrian, 646A
History of Science, History of Text
:: Parts of texts, Preparing the completion of the book on parts
Danielle Jacquart (EPHE)
Les miscellanées scientifiques dans les manuscrits médiévaux.
Florence Bretelle-Establet et Stéphane Schmitt (CNRS, SPHERE & ERC Project SAW)
Preparing the completion of the book on parts of text.
Clemency Montelle (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
Referencing and reckoning: The transformation of text into titles and tables in Sanskrit Sources.
Karin Preisendanz (University of Vienna)
On quotations, citations, etc. in Sanskrit science texts.
Thursday 20
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412BMathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
:: 5. Sur la théorie des équations de Kronecker (séance 2)
Session organised by Cédric Vergnerie
David Rowe (Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz)
Kummer on ray systems and quartic surfaces.
Thursday 20
, 15:00 – 18:00, Room Kupka, 512AScience and knowledge of Earth and Heaven from Antiquity to Newton
Michel Bourdeau (CNRS-IHPST)
Auguste Comte et les institutions du Moyen-Âge.
Thursday 20
, 17:00 – 19:30, Room 388C, Hall C, Grands MoulinsRace and Medecine
:: La race et le sang : maladies du sang et transfusion (XXe s.)
Jean-Paul Lallemand (ATER, Univ. Paris Diderot/ CENA)
Du préjugé au laboratoire : Racialiser la transfusion sanguine aux Etats-Unis (1937-1972).
Agnès Lainé (Chercheure consultante, CEMAf)
La parangon hémoglobine.
9:30 – 13:00, Room Kandinsky, 631B
Mathématiques « arabes » et Mathematics in the Renaissance
Marc Moyon (University de Limoges) et Maryvonne Spiesser (University de Toulouse)
L’arithmétique des fractions dans l’œuvre de Fibonacci (XIIIe siècle) : principes & usages.
Friday 21
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Mondrian, 646ASeminar SAW: Mathematical practices in the context of the astral science
:: Exploring mathematical practices around an astronomical question 1: Planetary motion.
Steve Shnider (Bar Ilan University, Israel)
Mathematical modeling in Babylonian lunar theory according to John Britton.
Clemency Montelle (University of Canterbury)
How to compute planetary latitudes: an unusual mathematical approach in a Sanskrit commentary.
Qu Anjing (Northwest University, Xi’an)
Planetary Theory in ancient China.
Grodecz Alfredo Ramirez Ogando (Wuppertal Universitaet)
Where are the leap days in the Mesoamerican calendar?
Friday 21
, Paris I , Centre antiqueSeminar of Translation of the Elements of Theology, Proclus
, 17:00 – 19:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
History and Philosophy of Physics
Pierre Uzan (SPHERE)
Applications de la théorie quantique au-delà du domaine matériel.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Gris, 734A
PHD Students: Working group in History and Philosophy of Physics
Roberto Cruz (Univ. Sao Paulo & Univ. Paris Diderot)
Analogies et physique quantique en didactique : une approche selon Cassirer.
Friday 28
, 14:00 – 17:00, Room Luc Valentin, 454APhilosophy and Physics
Dennis Dieks (University of Utrecht)
Identity and distinguishability, classical and quantum.
Dates : 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21.
, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Mondrian, 646AHistory of Logic
Paul Thom (University of Sydney)
The logic of categorical propositions – II.
Wednesday 5
, 13:00 – 17:00, Room Klein, 612BReading Mathematical Texts
Charles Burnett (Warburg Institute)
Computing with the Gerbertian Abacus.
Wednesday 5
, 13:00 – 15:00, EHESS, av. de France, Room 15Ethnomathematics 2014
Danièle Dehouve (CNRS, EPHE)
La fractale en anthropologie.
Thursday 6
, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Malevitch, 483AScience and Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age
:: La providence divine dans la tradition péripatéticienne grecque, arabe et latine
Workshop organised by Valérie Cordonier
Giovanna Giardina (University de Catania)
La providence dans le commentaire de Jean Philopon
à Physique II, 8.
Cristina Cerami (CNRS, SPHERE)
Averroès et la providence. Pour une théorie aristotélicienne du taqdīr.
Mikko Posti (University d’Helsinki)
Chance, fortune and divine providence in 13th Century Commentaries
on Physics II and Metaphysics VI.
Valérie Cordonier (CNRS, SPHERE)
Dieu, la nature et les astres : lectures du Liber de bona fortuna
au 13e siècle.
Thursday 6
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412BMathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
Jeremy Gray(The Open University) will talk on Poincaré’s work : Poincaré’s idea of a transformation group, Poincaré’s philosophy of mathematics, Poincaré’s philosophy of science.
Thursday 6
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Gris, 734APHD Students: Working group in History and Philosophy of Physics
Franck Varenne (University de Lille 3, Archives Henri Poincaré)
L’équivalence empirique des interprétations.
, 12:30– 17:00, Paris I
Translation Seminar: The Aristotle Metaphysics of Alexander of Aphrodisias
Friday 7
, 17:00 – 19:00, Room Mondrian, 646AThinking / classifying technical collections
Sophie A. de Beaune (University Lyon III-UMR 7041 ArScAn)
Muséographie de la préhistoire au xixe siècle :
le cas d’Édouard Piette, géologue préhistorien.
Friday 7
, 14:00 – 17:00, Room Luc Valentin, 454APhilosophy and Physics
Pierre Vanhove (University de Rouen)
La question du réalisme en physique face à l’essor et la diversification des modèles.
Friday 7
, 12:30– 17:00, Paris I, Centre AntiqueTranslation Seminar: The Aristotle Metaphysics of Alexander of Aphrodisias
Friday 7
, 15:00 – 17:00, Room Malevitch, 483AAverroes’s Cosmology: The Middle Commentary on the De Caelo of Aristotle
Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE)
Révision de la traduction de CMDC I, 2-4.
, 9:30 – 13:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
:: Quels sont les liens entre les notions de construction et d’intuition en mathématiques ?
La discussion finale sera modérée par Ramzi Kebaili (SPHERE & SAW)
Guillaume Loizelet (SPHERE)
L’intuition mathématique au 11e siècle : le Traité pour aplanir les voies
en vue de déterminer les propositions géométriques d’al-Sijzi.
Sébastien Maronne (SPHERE)
Intutitions et constructions chez Descartes.
Jeremy Gray (Open University, London)
Hermann Weyl on mathematical intuition and constructions.
, 14:00 – 16:00, EHESS, Room 681, Le France, 190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris.
History of Science, Technology and Medecine in East Asia
Florence Bretelle-Establet (CNRS, SPHERE)
Les épidémies en Chine à la croisée des imaginaires et des pratiques.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
Reading Mathematical Texts
Matthieu Ossendrijver (Humboldt University)
Two challenging Late Babylonian procedure texts for constructing a gnomon.
Wednesday 12
, 10:00 – 15:00, EHESS, av. de France, Room 2Ethnomathematics 2014
Corine Castella ( University de Rouen, LDAR)
Praxéologie et institution, deux concepts centraux
de la théorie anthropologique du didactique comme outils d’analyse des savoirs
mathématiques en situation professionnelle. Le cas des couturières sur mesure en Argentine.
Wednesday 12 au Friday 14
, amphitheater Pierre Gilles de GennesWorkshop Philosophy of Mechanics: Mathematical Foundations
in the context of the project ERC ERC Philosophy and and mathematical physics.
Programme en ligne sur le site du colloque.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412B
Mathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
Jeremy Gray (The Open University) will talk on Weyl’s work : Weyl’s Das Kontinuum and the Philosophie, Weyl’s Raum—Zeit—Materie and the Philosophie, Weyl’s popular essays.
Thursday 13
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Gris, 734APHD Students: Working group in History and Philosophy of Physics
Michel Blay (CNRS)
Mécanique et infini.
Thursday 13
, 14:00 – 17:00, Room Rothko, 412BModèles de transmission physique dans la tradition péripatéticienne
Aurélien Robert (CESR)
La divisibilité des qualités sensibles (Jean de Jandun sur De sensu 6).
, 9:30 – 13:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
Seminar SAW 2013-2014: Mathematical practices in the context of the astral sciences
:: The mathematics related to the design and use of instruments: "Astronomical instruments, gnomon, shadow square, quadrant, armillary sphere"
Matthieu Ossendrijver (Humboldt Universität)
The Mesopotamian Gnomon as a Mathematical Device.
Karine Chemla (SPHERE, SAW ERC Project)
Mathematical approaches to the gnomon in ancient China.
Hiroshe Sho (SAW ERC Project, SPHERE)
A beginner’s guide for using the gnomon with Examples, by Paramesvara in his Goladipika.
Commentator: Agathe Keller (SPHERE, SAW ERC Project)
Matthieu Husson (SPHERE, SAW ERC Project)
The uses and design of Diurnal motion observation instruments’ according to John of Lignières (Paris 14th c.).
Friday 14
, 10:00 – 12:00, Room Kandinsky, 631BMathematics in the Renaissance
Sabine Rommevaux (SPHERE)
L’usage de la théorie des rapports dans la construction des logarithmes
par Johannes Kepler dans le Chilias logarithmorum (1624).
Friday 14
, Paris 1, Centre antiqueSéminaire de traduction du Projet Socrates
Dimitri El Murr (University Paris 1)
Socrate chez Philodème de Gadara (II).
Friday 14
, Paris 1, Centre antiqueSeminar of Translation of the Elements of Theology, Proclus
Friday 14 !!! séance reportée !!!
, 14:00 – 17:00Philosophy and Physics
Pierre Uzan (SPHERE)
L’intrication comme principe explicatif.
, 10:00 – 16:00, Room Rothko, 412B
La réception de la biologie d’Aristote dans l’antiquité grecque : l’embryologie.
Journée d’étude in the context of the project ERC Physika. La physique d’Aristote dans les traditions grecque, arabe, hébraïque et latine.
Organisation : Cristina Cerami & Andrei Falcon
Andrei Falcon (University Concordia, Montréal)
La réception de la biologie d’Aristote dans l’antiquité : remarques préliminaires.
Jean-Baptiste Gourinat (CNRS : Centre Léon Robin)
La place de la biologie dans la physique stoïcienne.
James Wilberding (Ruhr Universität Bochum)
Embryology in Neoplatonism.
Jan Opsomer (KU Leuven)
Réponse à A. Falcon et J. Wilberding.
Monday 17 au Friday 21
, 10:30 – 13:00, Room Klimt, 366APhilosophy and and mathematical physics
John Alexander Cruz Morales ( IMPA - Instituto Nacional de Matematica Pura e Aplicada, Rio de Janeiro)
Introduction to Noncommutative Geometry.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
Reading Mathematical Texts
Hermann Hunger (University of Vienna)
Mesopotamian astronomical diary.
Wednesday 19
, 13:00 – 15:00, EHESS, av. de France, Room 2Ethnomathematics 2014
Jaime Alcamí Ayerbe (EHESS)
Intuition et mathématiques : émergence de nouveaux chemins.
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Malevitch, 483A
History of Science, History of Text
:: Quotations, compilations, parts of texts
Julie Lefebvre (University de Lorraine, CREM, EA3476)
Une approche linguistique des parts de texte : les parts de texte comme observatoire de l’activité métatextuelle des scripteurs.
Florence Bretelle-Establet (CNRS, SPHERE & SAW)
La citation étudiée depuis plusieurs points de vue : revue bibliographique.
Rita Watson (ISAW-NYU)
Writing, Theory, and Conceptual Change.
Thursday 20
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412BMathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
Jeremy Gray (The Open University) will talk on Weyl’s work : Weyl’s philosophy of science, Weyl’s philosophy of mathematics, Weyl’s philosophy of mathematics and natural science (1949) and its cultural contexts.
, 9:30 – 13:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
Seminar SAW 2013-2014: Mathematical practices in the context of the astral sciences
:: Exploring mathematical practices around an astronomical question 1: "Mathematical approaches to the Diurnal motions of the Sun, the Stars, and the Moon".
Matthieu Ossendrijver (Humboldt Universität)
The Mesopotamian Gnomon as a Mathematical Device.
Hermann Hunger (University of Vienna)
Arithmetical methods applied to the daily motions of celestial bodies in Babylonian astronomy.
Rita Watson (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Research Associate, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, ISAW, NYU)
A Cognitive Perspective on a Babylonian Astronomical Text.
Mimura Taro (University of Manchester)
Summary of the Almagest: Another Astronomical Tradition in the Days of Naṣīr Dīn Ṭūsī and its Significance in the History of Solving Problems Concerning the Diurnal Motions.
Marc Kalinowski (EPHE)
L’expression de la norme lunisolaire du calendrier civil dans l’hémérologie populaire des Qin et des Han.
Dates : 7, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30. Télécharger le programme et le plan du campus de l’University Paris Diderot.
Tuesday 7, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Mondrian, 646A
History of Logic
Paul Thom (University of Sydney)
The logic of categorical propositions – I.
Tuesday 7
, 19:00, amphi Buffon, 5 rue Hélène Brion, 75013Misha Gromov dialogs with Etienne Ghys and David Ruelle and the audience
Is there any meaning in the concept « Meaning of mathematics »?
Misha Gromov (IHES et NYU), Etienne Ghys (CNRS et ENS Lyon) et David Ruelle (IHES and Rutgers University)
Dialog moderated by Karine Chemla ( CNRS, SPHERE et UPD)
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412B
Mathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
:: 3. Wittgenstein
! session postponed ! Exposé de Jean-Philippe Narbous (University Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux 3)
L’enjeu du jeu.
, 14:00 – 17:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
Philosophy and Physics
Exposé de Michael Esfeld (University de Lausanne)
Comment expliquer la non-localité quantique.
Friday 10
, 15:00 – 17:00, ! Room Rothko, 412B !Averroes’s Cosmology: The Middle Commentary on the De Caelo of Aristotle
Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE)
Révision de la traduction de CMDC I, 2-4.
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Mondrian, 646A
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
Session organised by Nadine de Courtenay (Univ. Paris Diderot) and Christine Proust (CNRS, SPHERE et ERC
SAW), in the context of the project ERC ERC Mathematical sciences in the ancient world (SAW).
:: Approximations et erreurs dans divers contextes
Giora Hon (University de Haïfa)
Accuracy and Precision : Two Aspects of Approximation.
Robert Middeke-Conlin (SPHERE & ERC SAW)
Error and Uncertainty in Ancient Texts.
Fabien Grégis (SPHERE)
Error and uncertainty in contemporary metrology.
Jonathan Régier (Univ. Paris Diderot, SPHERE)
Le statut de la mesure chez Képler.
Monday 13
, 15:00, Room Klimt, 366AConference of Alan Garbarz (University de Buenos Aires –UBA)
in the context of the project ERC Philosophy and and mathematical physics.
A review on the relation between GR in three dimensions and Virasoro coadjoint orbits.
, 9:00 – 13:00, Centre antique Panthéon-Sorbonne, 75005 Paris.
Travaux en cours sur le scepticisme antique
Organisation : Pierre-Marie Morel (Univ. Paris 1), le Centre Gramata (SPHERE) et l’IUF.
Lorenzo Corti (University de Lorraine)
Sextus, le nombre deux et le Phédon.
Stéphane Marchand (ENS de Lyon)
Scepticisme, empirisme et vie quotidienne.
Alfonso Correa (Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Bogotá)
Les choix des pyrrhoniens .
, 14:00 – 16:00, EHESS, Room 681, Le France, 190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris.
History of Science, Technology and Medecine in East Asia
Christopher Cullen (Needham Research Institute, Cambridge, et CRCAO-UMR8155)
Etoiles et saisons : peut-on reconstituer l’observation du ciel dans la Chine ancienne ?
Tuesday 14, 17:00 – 19:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
History and Philosophy of Physics
Harvey Brown (University d’Oxford)
The role of geometry in general relativity.
Wednesday 15, 10:30 – 12:00, Room Gris, 734A
Philosophy and and mathematical physics
! session postponed !
Wednesday 15
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Malevitch, 483AReading Mathematical Texts
Agathe Keller (SPHERE, CNRS et SAW)
Bhāskara I (629) ’s table of solutions of linear indeterminate
equations with astral parameters.
Wednesday 15
, 14:30 – 17:00, Room Gris, 734AHistory of Light
Paolo Brenni (CNR, Fondazione Scienza e Tecnica, Museo Galileo, Florence)
Robert Hooke and practical optics: the case of the telescope.
Jim Bennett (Museum of History of Science, Oxford University)
Le verre optique : histoire, fabrication, utilisation.
, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Malevitch, 483A
Science and Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age
Workshop organised by Ahmad Hasnaoui et Paul Thom (The University of Sydney).
:: Deduction and syllogistic form in Aristotle and his medieval commentators
Marko Malink (University of Chicago)
Deduction in Aristotle’s Topics and Prior Analytics.
Respondent: Paul Thom
Julie Brumberg (LEM/CNRS, Paris)
Syllogistic form in the late Medieval context.
Respondent: Paul Thom
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Mondrian, 646A
Seminar SAW: Mathematical practices in the context of the astral science
:: The shaping of time and space: Measuring units in astronomy, systems of coordinates, measurement of time and space.
Teije de Jong (Astronomical Institute ‘Anton Pannekoek’, University of Amsterdam)
The Babylonian zodiac: a mathematician’s view of the sky.
Rita Gautschy (Departement Altertumswissenschaften Universitaet Basel)
Angles of obscuration in Late Babylonian eclipse reports.
Daniel Morgan (SAW ERC Project, SPHERE)
Lodging Complaints: the Perplexities of the 28 Zodiacal xiu
in Early Chinese Sources.
Danièle Dehouve (EPHE et Laboratoire d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative, CNRS-Univ. Paris X Nanterre)
Cycles du calendrier et usages sociaux des nombres calendaires chez les anciens Mexicains.
Friday 17
, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Kandinsky, 631BMathematics in the Renaissance
Michela Malpangotto (SYRTE - Observatoire de Paris)
Techniques de démonstration et représentation
graphique dans les réflexions de certitudine mathematicarum.
Friday 17
, Paris I, Room du Centre antique et médiévalSéminaire de traduction du The Aristotle Metaphysics of Alexander of Aphrodisias
, 17:00 – 19:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
History and Philosophy of Physics
Michael Eckert (University de Munich)
Fluid mechanics in Sommerfeld’s school.
Wednesday 22, 10:30 – 12:00, Room Gris, 734A
Philosophy and and mathematical physics
Julien Page (CNRS, ERC Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity)
Introduction à l’équivalence de Morita.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412B
Mathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
Exposé de Sébastien Gandon (PHIER, University Blaise Pascal)
Y a-t-il de l’indexicalité en mathématique ?
Thursday 23
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Malevitch, 483AHistory of Science, History of Text
:: Parts of Text
Enno Giele (Heidelberg Universität)
Bamboo, Wood, Silk, and Paper : The Writing Materials of Early China.
Mark McClish (Birmingham-Southern College)
The Composition of the Arthaśāstra : On Kauṭilya’s Use of Sources and the Evolution of the Text.
Isabelle Lémonon (EHESS, Centre Alexandre Koyré)
La Table alphabétique et analytique de chimie de Me Dupiery : quels enjeux de savoir ?
, 9:30 – 13:00, Room Kandinsky, 631B
"Arabic" Mathematics
Anas Ghrab(Institut Supérieur de Musique, University de Sousse)
La musique comme science dans les textes arabes médiévaux.
Friday 24
, 13:00 – 17:00, Room 4, EHESS, 105 bd RaspailPowers of Imagination. Historical Approach
13:00 – 15:00 Koen Vermeir (CNRS)
L’imagination démoniaque.
15:00 – 17:00 Béatrice Delaurenti (EHESS)
Voir du rouge fait-il saigner ? Un débat médical sur le pouvoir de l’imagination (XIVe-XVe siècles).
Friday 24
, 14:00 – 17:00, Room Malevitch, 483APhilosophy and Physics
Gilles Cohen-Tannoudji (Laboratoire de recherche sur les sciences de la matière (LARSIM, CEA-Saclay))
Après les premiers résultats du LHC et du satellite Planck, quelles perspectives pour la philosophie de la physique ?
Friday 24
, 15:00 – 19:00, Institut du Monde anglophone de Paris 3 (5 rue de l’École de Médecine, 75005)Thinking / classifying technical collections
:: Les cabinets de curiosité : Penser / classer les collections ethnologiques
Susanne Mersmann (University Johannes Gutenberg-Mayence)
Le statut et la définition de l’objet au Palais du Trocadéro à la fin du XIXe siècle.
Dominik Collet (University de Heidelberg)
Staging Separation – Distant worlds in early museums.
Jeanna Tchistiakowa (Musée ethnographique de la Russie)
Le musée ethnographique de la Russie et son système d’inventaire de sa fondation (1895) à nos jours.
Friday 24
, Paris ISeminar of Translation of the Elements of Theology, Proclus
, 17:00 – 19:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
History and Philosophy of Physics
Gabriel Catren (CNRS, SPHERE & ERC Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity)
Ontoloqie quantique et théorie de groupes.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Mondrian, 646A
Reading Mathematical Texts
Daniel P. Morgan (ERC SAW)
Li Yexing 李業興 : the Portrait of an Astronomer as Scholar, General,
Statesman, Hector, and Prisoner at the Northern Wei Court.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Gris, 734A
PHD Students: Working group in History and Philosophy of Physics
Federico Zalamea (CNRS, SPHERE & ERC Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity)
Sur la structure interne de l’objet physique quelconque en mécanique.
Dates : 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20.
Télécharger le programme.
Tuesday 3, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Rothko, 412B
History of Logic
Paul Thom (University of Sydney)
The syllogism.
Tuesday 3
, 13:00 – 17:00, Room Gris, 734AReading Mathematical Texts
Krishnamurthi Ramasubramanian (IIT Mumbai)
Extracts of the Karaṇapaddhati.
Wednesday 4, 10:30 – 12:00, Room Gris, 734A
Philosophy and and mathematical physics
Dimitri Vey (CNRS, ERC Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity)
Gravity and topological theories, V
Séances des 11 et 18 décembre : précisions en ligne le 4 décembre sur le site.
, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Malevitch, 483A
Science and Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age
:: La notion de nature au moyen-âge
Workshop organised by Sabine Rommevaux.
Nicolas Weill-Parot (University Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne - CRHEC)
L’explication de la nature par la nature est-elle tautologique ?
Sabine Rommevaux ( SPHERE)
Le terme natura dans quelques textes de Blaise de Parme.
Thursday 5
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412BMathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
:: 2. Sur quelques problématiques apparaissant chez Hausdorff
Exposé de Patrick Dehornoy (University de Caen Basse-Normandie)
La théorie des ensembles cinquante ans après Cohen.
, universités Paris Diderot (vendredi) et Paris 1 (samedi)
Gouverner selon la nature ? Gouverner la cité, l’âme et le monde (Platon, Aristote, les stoïciens)
International Workshop organised by Pierre-Marie Morel (University Paris 1)
Télécharger le programme.
Thursday 6
, 15:00 – 19:00, INHA, 2 rue Vivienne, 75002 ParisThinking / classifying technical collections
:: Demi-journée sur les cabinets de curiosité
Séance commune avec le séminaire de Patricia Falguières.
Patricia Falguières (EHESS)
L’instrument / l’image, les deux voies de la mimesis dans le cabinet des arts au XVIe siècle.
Sven Dupré (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
Technology and Collecting in Early Modern Antwerp : The Artful Worlds and Material Possessions of the Portuguese Merchant-Banker Emmanuel Ximenez.
Alex Marr (University de Cambridge)
Ingenuity in the Gallery.
Friday 6
, 15:00 – 17:00, Room Malevitch, 483AAverroes’s Cosmology: The Middle Commentary on the De Caelo of Aristotle
Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE)
Révision de la traduction de CMDC I, 2-4.
, 14:00 – 16:00, EHESS, Room 681, Le France, 190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris.
History of Science, Technology and Medecine in East Asia
Frédéric Obringer (CNRS, UMR 8173)
Le pays qui sentait le musc. Pour une histoire des parfums en Chine.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
Reading Mathematical Texts
Pascal Crozet ( SPHERE)
Les opérations arithmétiques chez Abū Kamil.
, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Kandinsky, 631B
Mathematics in the Renaissance
Odile Kouteynikoff (SPHERE)
Au fondement de la Mirifici Logarithmorum Canonis Constructio de Napier, une approche du continu à plusieurs facettes.
Friday 13
, !! EPHE (immeuble France), Room 121 !!Seminar of Translation of the Elements of Theology, Proclus
, !!! 9:30 – 13:00, Room Mondrian, 646A !!!
History and Philosophy of Mathematics
:: Formel-Formalisme
Session organised by Ramzi Kebaili (SPHERE)
Frédéric Jaëck (SPHERE)
Le développement de l’Algèbre Symbolique chez Duncan Gregory.
Pascal Bertin (SPHERE)
F. Hausdorff comme acteur et spectateur du développement ensembliste.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412 B
Reading Mathematical Texts
Matthieu Husson ( SPHERE)
Division of algebraic expressions in the Quadripartitum numerorum of John of Murs (14th c. France).
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412B
Mathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
Tbc, see the programme online.
, 12:30– 17:00, Paris I
Translation Seminar: The Aristotle Metaphysics of Alexander of Aphrodisias
Dates : 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29. Download the Programme
(French version).Wed. 6, 10:30 – 12:00, Room Gris, 734A
Philosophy and and mathematical physics
Dimitri Vey (CNRS, ERC Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity)
Gravity and topological theories, I
, 14:00 – 17:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
Models of physical transmission in the Aristotelian tradition
Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE)
Génération et altération chez Averroès.
Thu. 7
, 17:00 – 19:00, Centre Alexandre Koyre, 27 rue Damesme, 75013 ParisThinking / classifying technical collections
Christiane Demeulenaere-Douyere(Centre Alexandre Koyre, Paris)
De l’origine commune de trois collections aujourd’hui dispersées :
l’introuvable « musée chinois » de M. Hedde.
, Paris I
Seminar of Translation of the Elements of Theology, Proclus
, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Rothko, 412B
History of Logic
Paul Thom(University of Sydney)
The science and art of logic.
Tues. 12
, 14:00 – 16:00, EHESS, Room 681, Le France, 190 avenue de France, 75013 Paris.History of Science, Techniques and Medecine in East Asia.
Caroline Bodolec (CNRS, CECMC) and Adrien Bossard (CECMC)
Les manuels d’architecture chinoise (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles) et l’architecture vernaculaire contemporaine.
Tues. 12
, 17:00 – 19:00, Room Malevitch, 483AHistory and Philosophy of Physics
Flavia Padovani(University de Drexel)
A logical space for measurement.
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
PHD Students: Working group in History and Philosophy of Physics
Thomas Boyer(University de Lille 3, Archives Henri Poincaré)
L’équivalence empirique des interprétations quantiques.
Wed. 13
, 10:30 – 12:00, Room Gris, 734APhilosophy and and mathematical physics
Dimitri Vey (CNRS, ERC Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity)
Gravity and topological theories, I
, 10:00 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412B
Mathematics and Philosophy, 19th and 20eth Centuries
:: 2. Focus on some problems occurring in Hausdorff
Pascal Bertin(SPHERE)
Le "Spielraum" de Hausdorff/Mongré.
, 15:00 – 17:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
Averroes’s Cosmology: The Middle Commentary on the De Caelo of Aristotle
Edmond Mazet (UMR STL, CNRS/University de Lille 3)
Révision de la traduction de CMDC I, 5-7 , suite.
Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE)
Révision de la traduction de CMDC I, 2-4.
, 10:00 – 12:30, Room Gris, 734A
Mathematics in the Renaissance
Martin Frank(Centre Alexandre Koyré)
La mécanique de Guidobaldo dal Monte et son environnement scientifique.
Tues. 19
, 17:00 – 19:00, Room Malevitch, 483AHistory and Philosophy of Physics
Alexandre Moatti (SPHERE)
Essai sur la notion d’alterscience : analyse de divers invariants et mise en relation épistémologique.
, 10:30 – 12:00, Room Gris, 734A
Philosophy and and mathematical physics
Dimitri Vey (CNRS, ERC Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity)
Gravity and topological theories, I
, 9:30 – 17:30, Room Malevitch, 483A
History of Science, History of Text
:: How written sources betray ways of working
Rich Kremer(Darmouth College)
Exploring the social worlds of the medieval Latin astronomical codex.
Isabelle Chamentier(Carl Linnaeus’s Paper Slips)
Carl Linnaeus’s Paper Slips.
Marta Hanson(John Hopkins Univ. and Templeton « Science and Religion in East Asia » Project hosted by Science Culture Research Center, Seoul National Univ.)
Understanding is Within One’s Grasp (liaoran zai wo) : Hand Mnemonic and Chinese Arts of Memory.
, Room Malevitch, 483A
Workshop on the treatises of the Book of Sui
Organised by Damien Chaussende (CNRS & SAW), Karine Chemla (CNRS & SAW) and Zhu Yiwen (SAW), in the context of the ERC Project SAW and SPHERE (UMR 7219) and CRCAO.
, 13:00 – 15:00, EHESS, 75006 Paris
Powers of Imagination. Historical Approach.
Roberta Agnese (University Paris Est)
« Robusti sensi e vigorosissime fantasie » : Vico et la vigueur corporelle de l’imagination.
Fri. 22
, 14:00 – 17:00, Room Luc Valentin, 454APhilosophy and Physics
Daniele Oriti(Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Albert Einstein Institute)
Microscopic Quantum Structure & Dynamics of Spacetime.
Fri. 22
, Paris I, Centre AntiqueSeminar of the Project Socrates
:: Le Socrate de Cicéron, II
, 17:00 – 19:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
History and Philosophy of Physics
James McAllister(University de Leyde)
The veracity of empirical data : A causal account of observational error.
, 10:30 – 12:00, Room Gris, 734A
Philosophy and and mathematical physics
Dimitri Vey (CNRS, ERC Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity)
Gravity and topological theories, I
Wed. 27
, 14:30 – 17:00, Room Gris, 734AHistory of Light
:: Introduction du séminaire
Arnaud Mayrargue(UPEC) et Danielle Fauque(GHDSO-EST)
Présentation générale : objectifs, contenus et perspectives.
Michel Blay(CNRS, CAPHES)
Conférence introductive : historique des théories de la lumière et des couleurs. Questions sur le sens de cette histoire et de ses contenus théoriques.
, 10:00 – 16:00, Room Malevitch, 483A
Science and Philosophy from Ancient to Modern Age
:: Substance, Puissance et Acte dans le Grand Commentaire à la Métaphysique d’Averroès
Organisation: C. Cerami.
Matteo di Giovanni(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Averroes’s Defence of Metaphysics.
Yehuda Halper (Tulane University)
Meaning and Analogy in the Great Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics Gamma and Delta.
Cristina Cerami (CNRS, CHSPAM-SPHERE) et Ziad Bou Akl (ENS, Paris)
L’acte sans la puissance : mégariques et ash’arites dans le Grand Commentaire à Met. Théta.
, 9:30 – 13:00, Room Rothko, 412B
“Arabic” Mathematics
Stela Segev(Hebraic Univ. of Jerusalem)
Le Livre du nombre (Sefer ha-mispar / ספר המספר), d’Elie Mizrahi (1450-1526) de Constantinople.
Fri. 29
, 12:30– 17:00, Paris ISeminar of transation: The Aristotle Metaphysics of Alexander of Aphrodisias