Marta Spranzi, Lecturer HDR at « Printemps » (University of Saclay, UMR 8085, CNRS-Université UVSQ, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), Catherine Dekeuwer, Lecturer at University Jean Moulin Lyon 3), Agathe Camus (project Epiphinore, CNRS, & SPHere) and Marie Gaille, Research Director at SPHERE (UMR 7219, CNRS-Université Paris Cité)
Concerned Doctoral Schools
ED 623 “Savoirs scientifiques” (Université Paris Cité) and ED 578, “Sciences de l’homme et de la société” (Université UVSQ, Saint-Quentin en Yvelines).
The seminar will consist of three Study Days. Each of these three days will include presentations of students’ work in progress followed by a collective discussion, presentations of works relevant to the field, either on a methodological level or on a theme of collective interest, points of bibliographic monitoring, a reflection by the organizing teachers and / or an external speaker, and information points on calls for publications, projects, symposia and academic life (open sciences, HAL, etc.).
The transition between the empirical level and the normative level will be the subject of particular attention.
One of the three days of seminar will be co-organized with colleagues from the Université de Lyon 3 and ENS Lyon who work from the same ethical and epistemological perspective.
- 1. Allow students to broaden their knowledge of empirical approaches in the humanities and social sciences and to develop a critical and reflexive attitude towards empirical research in humanities and social sciences with a normative dimension
- 2. Refine their theoretical knowledge in research in epistemology and ethics of health and medicine
- 3. To benefit from regular thesis monitoring within a research group in their area of specialization.
- 4. To be accompanied in the proposal of articles or communication in English
Students must be engaged in thesis work, possibly M2 or post-doctorate. Their work must relate to ethical, epistemological or methodological questions relating to the field of health or medical practice in contemporary society and use in a privileged but not exclusive way an empirical approach to answer the normative and conceptual questions posed. Students must have a background in philosophy (ethics, epistemology, etc.). However, students with prior training in other humanities and social sciences or in medicine, and who would be engaged in a thesis project that falls within the identified field, may be authorized to follow the seminar after an interview with the organizers.
PROGRAM 2022-2023
2022/10/7 | 2023/01/20 | 2023/03/17 |
October 7, 2pm - 5pm, webconference
- 2pm Sara Martouzet (EA7505 Education Ethique Santé, Université de Tours)
Une approche critique de la décision en bioéthique : le protocole Maastricht 3 à l’épreuve de la philosophie de terrain
- 3pm Julia Tinland (Post-doctorante en philosophie, Chaire Démocratie en santé et engagement des personnes concernées par le cancer Équipe CanBIOS, UMR SESSTIM, Aix-Marseille Université)
Repenser l’entrée dans les parcours de soins liés à la Leucémie Lymphoïde Chronique (LLC) par une démarche participative
- 4pm Morgane Romero (Doctorante, Faculté de Lettres, Section Philosophie, Université de Lausanne et Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Ethique (CIRE) de l’Université de Lausanne)
Enjeux éthiques de la médecine narrative dans la prise en charge des maladies chroniques : entre reconstruction du "je" et nouveaux "jeux" de pouvoir"
January 20 2023, 2pm - 4:30pm, webconference
:: Analysis of experience and field philosophy
- 2pm - 2:15pm news in the group, talks, events to come.
- 2:15pm - 3pm Giulia Lelli (PhD Student in philosophy, Université Lyon 3 (IRPhiL), A.T.E.R. at Université de Bourgogne (LIR3S)
Le Journal d’affliction de Mary Shelley, entre description de vécus, oeuvre littéraire et pratique réparative
- 3pm - 3:45pm Agathe Camus (Post-doc SPHERE-UMR 7219, Université Paris Cité) & Jeanne de Bussac (Architect, photographer)
Maladie chronique, vie ordinaire et environnements de vie : explorations en vue d’une ‘recherche sensible’
- 3:45pm - 4:30pm Marie Boeno (Post-doc SPHERE-UMR 7219, Université Paris Cité)
Faire de la recherche dans le domaine du handicap : se situer entre paradigme émancipatoire, usages des expériences personnelles et validité épistémique
March 17, 2023, 2:30pm - 5pm, webconference
:: The story as a field
- 2:30pm - 2:45pm Discussions and introduction
- 2:45pm - 3:30pm Giulia Lelli (Université Lyon 3, IRPhiL, A.T.E.R., Université de Bourgogne, LIR3S),
Une analyse de La vie des hommes infâmes de Michel Foucault : une rencontre avec des vies dans des archives de l’enfermement du XVIIIe siècle
- 3:30pm - 4:15pm Myriam Winance (Sociologue, CR INSERM, CERMES3, Villejuif)
Une sociologue face aux récits de parents d’enfants polyhandicapés. Questionnements méthodologiques et théoriques
- 4:15pm - 5pm Benjamin Guérin (Laboratoire « Logiques de l’Agir » (UR 2274), UFR SLHS - Département de Philosophie, Université de Franche Comté – Besançon)
La détresse existentielle dans l’environnement des soins palliatifs
For the connexion via Zoom, thanks to write with keyword "17-03-2023" as subject of your mail to the organizers Marta Spranzi, Catherine Dekeuwer |