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Since 2021, the Workshop Mathesis takes part in the framework of the Project Erc PHILIUMM
PROGRAM 2023-2024
Wednesday, 13th September 2023, at 2 pm in room 870 Olympe de Gouges building Université Paris Cité 8 Rue Albert Einstein.
D. Rabouin (SPHERE, ERC Philiumm)
« Is it possible to be a modal structuralist and a Platonist at the same time? ? »
Monday, 16th October 2023, from 9 am to 5.30 pm room 628 Olympe Gouges building Université Paris Cité 8 Rue Albert Einstein.
Conference : Intensive magnitudes in Leibniz and before
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Wednesday, 25th October 2023, at 2 pm in room Mondrian 646A Condorcet building Université Paris-Cité 4 rue Elsa Morante Paris 75013
Florian Vermeiren (KU Leuven)
“Leibnizian Relations: Individual, Perspectival and Real”
Filippo Constantini (Marie Curie Fellowship, Venise/Mc Master)
« The Continuum: from Hellman & Shapiro to Leibniz »
from 6th to 7th November 2023
Colloquium in honor of Eberhard Knobloch’s 80th birthday. (in collaboration with the History and Philosophy of Mathematics seminar)
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Wednesday, 8th November 2023, at 10 am in room Mondrian 646A Condorcet building Université Paris-Cité 4 rue Elsa Morante Paris 75013
Arilès Remaki (SPHERE, ERC Philiumm), joint work with Maria Rosa Massa Esteve
« Euler’s Beta function in Leibniz: what consequences and origins? »
Respondent : SIegmund Probst (Leibniz Archiv, Hannovre)
Wednesday, 15th November 2023 at 2 pm in room 569 (5th floor) Olympes de Gouges building Université Paris Cité 8 Rue Albert Einstein Paris 7501.
Joao Cortese
Blaise Pascal
Saturday, 16th December 2023 at 2 pm room 234C Halle Aux Farines building Université Paris Cité 9, 15 esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet 75013 Paris
Accreditation to direct research of Claire Schwartz
Friday, 26th January 2024 room 646A Mondrian Condorcet building Université Paris Cité 4 Rue Elsa Morante Paris 75013.
Workshop on Malebranche
Organized by Sandra Bella (Université de Lorraine, Archives Poincaré), Claire Schwartz (Université Paris-Nanterre, IREPH) and David Rabouin (CNRS, SPHère)
Workshop funded by ERC Philiumm project
The day will be held in a hybrid format. Those unable to attend in person will be able to connect via this Zoom link
In 1970, A. Robinet published Malebranche de l’Académie des sciences, following on from his editorship of the Œuvres complètes de l’Oratorien (20 volumes, Vrin), which ran from 1959 to 1970. Through unpublished manuscripts on mathematics and mechanics, as yet little-known scholarly correspondence and reconstructions of collaborations between academics and professors of natural philosophy and mathematics, all of whom were in more or less close contact with the author of Recherche de la vérité, a whole aspect of Malebranche’s somewhat forgotten activity was brought back to life through these publications: Malebranche the scholar and man of science.
After the demise of A. Robinet and P. Costabel, however, this figure they had helped to rediscover tended to disappear once again from philosophy and science history studies. Costabel, this figure they had helped to rediscover tended to disappear again from studies of philosophy and the history of science, until recent years, when a number of works have finally made it possible to evaluate certain hypotheses, such as that of a "Malebranchist group" at the origin of the spread of Leibnizian calculus in France, This has led to a partial rethinking of the terms of the supposed confrontation between Cartesian, Leibnizian and Newtonian science that would have structured the French intellectual field in the 18th century.
The question of Malebranche’s relationship with the sciences also raises the question of how this scientific knowledge was integrated into his philosophy: how did it affect his theory of ideas, his metaphysics and even his morality? These are the questions we propose to explore during the course of the day.
- 9.30 am
Introduction - 9.45 am -12.30 pm
Catherine Goldstein (Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Université Paris Cité) :
« Numbers and combinations in Malebranchist circles »
Christophe Schmit (CNRS / SYRTE / Observatoire de Paris) :
« Malebranche’s natural philosophy in France in the early 18th century: inertia, causality, system of small eddies »
- Lunch buffet
- 2.00 pm - 5.30 pm
Philippe Hamou (Sorbonne Université, Centre d’études cartésiennes et d’Histoire de la philosophie moderne - UR 3552)
« The Malebranchian theory of vision and its metaphysical basis »
Angela Ferraro (Université de Laval)
« "We could push this thought even further". On the epistemic status of Malebranchist reflection on the living world »
Claire Schwartz (Université Paris-Nanterre, IREPH)
« Malebranche and mathematical intuitionism »
page in Leibniz-Handschriften LH XXXV 1, 7
(initia rerum mathematicarum metaphysica),
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek (CC0 1.0)
April 22, 2021
Principal Investigator:
David Rabouin (CNRS, SPHere, UMR 7219)
Projet ERC adg 101020985