Séance HTN du séminaire "Histoire des sciences, histoire du texte", mardi 2 novembre 2010, université Paris-Diderot, bâtiment Condorcet, salle Klein 612B. Séance préparée par Karine Chemla et Agathe Keller.
Introduction autour des listes versifiées et des tableaux éphémères / Introduction on versified lists and ephemerical tables
Agathe Keller (SPHERE/REHSEIS)
Lining it Up ! Spatial liaisons in Sanskrit computational sources
Clemency Montelle (University of Canterbury)
Abstract. The tabular genre arrived late in the Indian scientific tradition but was quickly embraced by many authors of mathematical and astronomical texts. Drawing from one particular pertinent source, the Karanakesari – a seventeenth century set of tables relating to eclipse phenomena – we will consider the distinctive features of tables in Sanskrit sources and the differences and similarities they share with those produced by other cultures. More broadly, we will explore the emergence and flourishing of the tabular format in an intellectual culture which was predominantly oral and consider the impact on scholars of this innovation in practice.
Répondant : Mathias Hayek (université Paris-Diderot)
A table is not a text ? Interrogating the textual nature of the Sanskrit table
Kim Plofker (Union College, New York State ; Professeur invitée, université Paris–Diderot)
Abstract. The inclusion of tabular data in the category of "text" is somewhat problematic in the case of the Sanskrit exact sciences, where so-called "tables" operate both as a technical textual genre and as a form of data supplementary to or in lieu of text. This talk explores the tension between the concepts of text and table in Sanskrit jyotisa and suggests some more distinct interpretations of different tabular forms.
Répondante : Christine Proust (IMéRA, Marseille et SPHERE/REHSEIS)
Discussion plus générale / General Discussion.